Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Why is this blue Tauren so funny to me?

This is perfection incarnate and we as a society just aren’t ready for it.


Stop derailing the thread and please go find a high elf thread.


To me the word corrupted doesn’t mean they are not infused.

Google gives me this definition for the word corrupted
“change or debase by making errors or unintentional alterations.”

I would say void elves were changed by making unintentional alterations to themselves.

What, you thought Blizzard would do content when they could like… not?


TBH At this point we should all be aware that not engaging is the correct option here.


My take at the start of SL when they said “no more customization options for now” is that AR’s would get theirs on 10.0 and I think it was the backlash to that what caused them to fast track the Legion AR’s during SL’s cycle. My tinfoil hat was, and still is, that we didn’t see new VE assets because whatever they had in mind is more related to VE’s role in 10.0, and either was still being developed at the time of 9.1.5, or purposefully held back to perhaps not spoil stuff.

VE’s are in dire need for an expansion of their concept and aesthetics unlike any other race, and I can totally see that coming on 10.0, so my hope is that we will be seeing more VE aesthetics soon after (or with) the expansion reveal.


You’ve mentioned this before I think.

I doubt it myself at this point, I just don’t think they plan ahead more than broad strokes anymore, but it’s not impossible.

I’d hope their recent realization that claiming an expansion feature is done before the expansion releases would have made it clear to them that the .5 patches should have customizations.

And while I don’t expect velves to be in the next cycle since we’ve hit two already I did expect the remaining ARs to get a pass.

I won’t presume when we will get them next but I do agree we’re missing options for our core theme. There are a ton of things shown here in my main post and that’s just a fraction of what I have in my notes. I can see them pushing such things back to 10.0 but I’d very much hope for ARs to be finished out in 9.2.5 at the very least and core races get a second pass to shore up inconsistencies and holes in 10.0.

To be honest I’m also a big blood elf fan and I hope to see some balance in the theme department for blood elves soon.

Effectively void elves have two races in one and blood elves don’t which seems unfair to me.

That Dark Ranger quest could be a good sign of that. (though I’d also not be surprised if night elves get Dark ranger options as well knowing how that quests development seems to be going.)

We’ll see in the end… Just another 8 days till we all get to see what’s next.

:octopus: :purple_heart:


It seems like it will be quite some time before we see 10.0 go live. I have a feeling any further customization options are going to be bundled with it rather than doled out piecemeal in 9.2.5.

With that said, we may get an answer from the 10.0 announcement next week. Assuming more customizations are coming in 10.0, when the beta begins the dataminers will inevitably uncover what specific options we’ll see for each race.

Fingers crossed that we see some/all of the following:

  • New hairstyles - All with tentacles and designed to look good even if tentacles are turned off.
  • New effects - Such as being able to toggle a star-cursed effect on hair, and maybe even hands like Nightborne’s arcane hand toggle.
  • Heritage void wings removed from the chest piece and made into a barber option.
  • New skin tones - Void-scarred (like the demon hunter Fel-scarred skin options), coal black, bone white, and more.
  • New facial hair and jewelry options.
  • Scars & tattoos.

I guess it’s just a matter of waiting and seeing what’s to come… if anything >_>


I do wish blizzard was more communicative.

We’re always waiting in the dark.




Well the next expansion announcement is on the 19th. That’s when they’re a bit chatty.


Usually they provide some kind of new information every week in the couple of weeks leading to each patch. This time they seem very quiet, which makes me think they’re saving it all for the 10.0 announcement.

Any idea how long the live announcement will last for?

Tbh they might have a full on indepth BlizzCon like chat about it. Who knows though, if they break things down I would guess 45m.

There’s no info.

Which honestly. Odd and bothersome.

If I recall correctly, wasn’t the first announcement for Shadowlands really vague and lacking?

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I think that’s the most succinct way to put it, really. VE’s were introduced without a defined identity, and there was a reason for that lorewise, yet it still resulted on a lack of definition about what they were in a way no other AR presented. It’s not just the more about them being a “new” race, but the more material reason is that -and perhaps related to it- all other AR’s had either at least a whole zone dedicated to introducing them, or were races that had existed on the lore and narrative for a while.

Void Elves have been coasting on a concept since their introduction since their introduction, and perhaps regardless if we get new customization options, their cultural identity has to be addressed and built upon with more haste than any other race already made playable.

BfA got a pass from me since they were just introduced on announcement, and SL because it takes place in the afterlife, but 10.0. kinda has to address VE identity in a way that settles their place within Azeroth IMO, which to me goes hand in hand with introducing assets such as buildings, doodads and the like, as well as, indeed, customization options.

While I do agree that in terms of player choice we just have more latitude with VE’s allowing for both a VE and HE fantasy, in terms of immersion and identity I think Blood Elves are faring far better than most races across the board, which is exciting for me as a BE fan.

Yes, I want DR SO bad, but with the Heritage Quest continuation and Kael’thas’ Revendreth Arc I do think BE have gotten a lot of narrative TLC in SL in a way few playable races have, and I have enjoyed playing that with my BE Paladin.

It’s interesting how contrasting the issues BE and VE have now IMO. BE have kept a steady narrative presence and evolution all the way up to SL, but I do agree their customization options haven’t been all that exciting compared to others. On the other hand, VE options allow for so much personal immersion, but in terms of content and presence within the narrative, they are undoubtedly the weakest race at present, and it’s pretty uncontested.

Exciting!! I’m naively confident that 9.2.5 will bring some important Pre-Purchase bonuses like BFA and SL had (AR’s and DK for AR’s) so I’m excited about seeing what it might be!


Yeah, I don’t think we will see any more AR customization options in 9.2.5. If we do get them (and I think there IS a high chance) will be in 10.0, much like we got the expanded customizations for SL on that alpha/beta.

My prediction is that the BfA AR’s + VE’s will get more options, and VE will receive a more defined aesthetic style not only through customization, but buildings and in world assets -I think we will finally see a VE aesthetic -perhaps, one that is derived for the updated Thalassian architecture? :eyes: -

In terms of the customizations themselves, I can only safely predict hairstyles and jewelry + colors. Beyond that I do not know, but I’d love for a “tattoo” option that basically could add localized void influence in any skin tone and perhaps hair color (I see the female starcursed getting shared more than the male, so I think I’ll add the magenta one and share them!)

“Tattoo-Like” Void Influence, that would be aplicable over every skin tone:


Starcursed Hair Option for Males, Blue and Magenta


I more or less agree with all of this, only quibble I have I think is that they need it with haste.

I’d say we need it with whatever does come for us and that should be a priority for Void Elves in the future. But I’d rather Blizzard do it well than fast… if that makes sense?

I also think we need stories and lore that are decidedly Void Elf rather than being a part of other high elf or thalassian stuff that may crop up. (Which I talk about relatively often nowadays.) It’ll help to fill that hole where we have no lore and give us a much better identity than what we have now… which mostly amounts to a general premise and some scraps from bfa.

We actually got a tiny bit here and there in BfA…scraps as I just called em a second ago.

Fair dat.

A rebuilt Telogrus Rift with buildings and npcs and something to explain how we get more would be swell and do wonders for us alone… like if its even just that it would be amazing.

More void options would be nice as well. (Again I’m not sure when those will be but I’ve waited this long… whats a little longer?)

I don’t really get this. I feel like Blood Elves got next to nothing to denote their identities all things considered.

I’ll leave getting too far into that for the belf thread though. >.< I shouldn’t have really brought it up honestly.

I actually kinda count this for both Void Elves and Blood Elves though. My void elves that I’ve brought to SLs have plenty of connection to Kael’thas.

Hmm… yeah I pretty well agree with this.

Void Elves have no story, Blood Elves have entirely useless options. (Not really useless but very much not what folk wanted really.)

Old Gods I hope so. Definitely exciting.

I’m a little nervous that it wont be anything regarding Customization (Or AR’s) and I’ll have wasted literally 3 years fighting for the things I want to see in the game.


I feel in the near future there will be a void expansion and we will get a lot then.

But I agree, jt would be nice even so to be included in the story.

For me though I don’t feel the rush since most races don’t get a lot of plot anyways

You kind of look at Nightborne and realize how lazy blizzard was when releasing void elves