Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Here’s the pinker version. I suspect you might like that one a bit more?

By Ramavatarama


I’m for hair sparkles for all races, pink, blue, silver, and gold sparkles.

We need more pink in WoW.



yeah the reason i suggested pink is, well been playing tbc classic and the flash of light spell shines beams of golden light on the person being healed, and golden sparkles gently rain down in the light beams. almost looks like motes of dust dancing in sun rays. if we went with the starcursed effect for the heals, itd just look like white sparkles, kinda boring for colorful velfs. thus pink. :grin:

That might be true, but then they’re not void elves and so not the playable race.
So it’s kind of a moot point really

yeah but they could be. hehe. it’d add nuance and intrigue, as helf researchers return surveillance on the goings on to veressa, who would both love and worry about alleria.

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What and add nuance to Vereesa’s character?


Seriously though I could see that.

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could really spice it up - so the helf researchers discover a way to counter all void effects and return the data to veressa…just in case. some silvermoon scholars overhear this and report to alleria…or even lor’themar (to redeem themselves). oh the possibilities

I don’t have a lot of interest in class skins…

Unless I can get rune masters and blade masters thrown onto monk or warrior in which case I CARE DEEPLY


While I like the idea of showing the distrust and concern of the other Thalassians, I’d rather not bring the ability for removing the void from the void elves.

I’d also like Silvermoon to continue its distinct dislike of the void elves.

Void elves have no call to be a part of Silvermoon since they threaten the Sunwell with just being in the room.

That to me feels more like pushing away the void elves than trying to compliment or expand their lore.

Not sure if I worded that sensibly…


oh are the scholars already void elves? i considered anything not labelled void elf, to be something else. like the ethereals in the rift, are not void elves. lor’themar could be surveilling the rift also via some well placed scholars. the discovery doesnt have to be that dramatic but it should be important enough that knowledge of it, causes all sorts of intrigue

While it looks good, it’s more of a purple to me. I’m looking for bubble gum pink!


I mean you’d think an Elune theme visual set would only make sense on Night Elves, but I’d like it to be available to many more.
Maybe a human priestess converts.
Worgen paladins and priests worshipping Elune is fitting. I think that’d be an awesome paladin combo.
Nightborne returning to the old ways. Maybe even Naga were they playable.

Lots of options and cool stuff can be combined with there aren’t restrictions.

Yep! Being able to retheme Shadow spec with light visuals on a LFD would be cool.
Same for the opposite on a void elf or undead or anything…being able to retheme holy/disc into void visuals or whatever they prefer.

I’ve got a Dark Iron Paladin that I’d really like to have fire themed abilities on.
My idea for him is as a zealot of Ragnaros who believes he will return…kinda inspired by the hearthstone Ragnaros as a paladin/Lord of Light card. I’d actually like to see that come true. Azeroth hatch and restore Ragnaros and others as her generals.

I really liked the class skins that Simaia and Lost Codex did for Death Knights. One was more fire based inspired by Bolvar and then there was one that was very Drust inspired. Pretty cool visually.

It’d be a good use of the class skin. I know in one of the older videos Taliesin did on class skins, that was the example they used. Retheming a shadow priest into some sort of light zealot.


Both of those were cool options. The Embersworn there would work nicely on that Dark Iron I’ve got too. Sea priest options for priest would be pretty cool as well.

I’ve kind of had a similar thought on if spellbreakers could be worked into it as a spec. That’d take it in the demon hunter route and work in Blood Elves as an option.

The bit on training more works in so many different areas too. It’s why I’ve thought void elves and maybe even San’layn as demon hunters would be cool additions. Not going fel infused, but much like we’ve been suggesting for Paladins, using their innate abilities in a similar way. There’s a number of options that could be done to expand it from solely elves. Existing members of the illdari, made playable, would be great options.

Yup, we have! :stuck_out_tongue:

Kinda goes for fans in general :stuck_out_tongue:

Definitely. NEed more hard void options. I’d really like to see a void knight class that makes use of a lot of the 8.3 spell effects. I’ve also thought having an abberation form would be a cool way to go, make it toggleable. always on,always off, on in combat. Lots of void themed customizations for the form, kind of a medieval fantasy void spell casting Venom.

More void stuff to focus on.

oooh both would be cool. Maybe a regular void, and a starcursed void, or cosmic void or some such.
I feel like the magic made for 9.2 would make a cool visual option as well.
I really liked a lot of the void stuff in 8.3

Simaia and Lost Codex had versions of both of those in the mock up they did.
Runemaster was suggested as a mage and monk skin.
While blademaster was warrior,paladin,hunter, but does seem like it could be fitting to monk as well.


This, it’s sad that I’m still waiting for my permanent glowy skintones and pink hair color for this character, I mean I am a Void Elf after all. :broken_heart: :broken_heart: :broken_heart:


I hope you get it
Unnatural hair colours on void elves look amazing


I have just gotten the mail muncher and I am so happy. lol


Congrats! I still need the one toy from Visions. But I haven’t been back there since Shadowlands started.


I thought all rewards were removed
Glad they weren’t

I think they only removed the 5 mask achievement. Which I never got done in time, but oh well.

I hated that patch.
The fact we had to grind out attempts
And our grinding was limited

It was good awful

I did what I needed to and never went back

Might do so now knowing it was only a title that left

Yeah the grinding keys thing sucked beyond anything.