Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Thank you.

I think all rewards are still here? Not entirely sure.

My brother just got run through and got it I think. Was there more than one?

i really want these hair colors pls blizz

is the void weapon illusion still possible?

I don’t know if they removed that. I remember them saying they were removing the 5 mask achievement. The void weapon illusion is still on Wowhead. Comments are saying it dropped for them after 9.0.

Yes. That one I looked up because I’m actually trying for it.

There won’t be any unity between us. It really is an us our them scenario. Void Elves were the mistake, and high elves were the requested race all along. Maybe they did get I and high elves did not, but that was blizzards error. They thought it would appease us, they thought it would be a cool idea. They were wrong in every aspect, and this has been proven by feedback time and time again. Truth of the matter is, Void Elves are not a respected race of the alliance, they are not a well liked race, nor were they ever even requested. They have few fans, and are simply wasting a slot and making people angry. Nothing about their implementation has ever been positive, nor has it ever been received well. It’s been clouded in negativity, and because of that the whole idea is a full blown failure. They do not deserve the race. High Elves should be the race and they should be getting a few scraps. Skin color is all they deserve, and only a few shades of slight grey. That’s it.

No. You are wrong. Why would it be there turn? Hello? High Elves are not finished yet. It can only be their turn when the other side of the race actually has a leg to stand on. I want the race title, I want the hair styles, I want the red blood, and I want the voice reverb removed. Most importantly, a toggle to remove Entropic Embrace. If all of these things are not present ASAP, and not given out before void elves get more to their finished race then there will never be any good faith between us. Just more toxicity, infighting and everything. Finish us and it’s over, it’s all we want. Until then, don’t no unity.

ok cool one these days i gotta try for it again

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High elves haven’t even been started.
Of course beyond the fact void elves are high elves
Blood elves are high elves

There are no playable alliance non void corrupted elves.

This is not a void elf
This will never ever be a void elf
You’re asking for it to be made a different race.
That will never happen

Ask for a new race if you want that type of stuff

Yeah we know you’ll keep throwing a tantrum


Yeah just remember it only drops on the Stormwind weeks.

With current gear levels though and only a few cloak ranks its fairly easy to solo a full clear (minus masks).

eeek i dont even remember what cloak rank mine is ill have to grab it from my bank n check lel

There is no need to ask for a new race. We have Thalassians right here. They can easily be repurposed into a subrace. That is what I want. Completion of the high elf subrace. There are cases of subraces already within the game. Bronzebeard dwarves and Wild Hammer Dwarves among them, each sharing options, and you can be whichever dwarf you choose. Here we see the same, whichever Alliance elf we choose. Only High Elves are not close enough to fit the bill yet. They need more options. Whereas Dwarves are easily integrated and interchangeable, this requires more options to be done. And it absolutely should be done. As we have been slighted long enough. Again, High Elves should have been the core race, to begin with. They will make it up to us and give us our subrace. I could be even worse about this. I could ask for the mount, the heritage armor and even completely new racials and have that take precedent further over void elves. But I’ve been lenient, I asked only for the bare minimum. We get what we want, and you will have your void elf options. But not a moment sooner.

You are too funny

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How so? You do understand there is no point in adding another Thalassian Elf to the alliance, right? We have a Thalassian Elf right here. One that already has Normal Skin tones, and normal Hair colors. They already have been given non void, High Elf options, with the clear intent on making them for the high elf players. Those options were not for people who like Void Elves. Take a look you will see none of these void elf lovers request anything like the options we’ve gotten. They want things further in the void so it clearly wasn’t for them. They knew their error, they attempted to correct it. But only halfway. There are no rules that say a race can’t have a conjoined theme. That there cannot be a subrace within the race that share things but ultimately are a different race altogether.

free comedy show and bumps

I wouldn’t say that the Void Elves are corrupted of Void, but infused.

Saying there corrupted of Void is like saying the Blood Elves are corrupted of Fel.

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There were several.

  • A chain of 5 achievements, you’d get one for every new number of masks you had up at once (1 achievement for 1 mask, 1 achievement for 2 masks up at once, etc.)
  • Two chains of 3 achievements, split for Org/SW. The third and final one was to do a full clear of each with all 5 masks up.
  • The removed Mad World, which was to do a full clear of both SW and Org solo with all 5 masks up before the end of BfA. It gave a title, “The Faceless one”.

I’m glad they didn’t remove visions, I was scared they were going to remove it entirely because blizzard loves to remove content.


These appear to still be there from what we saw last night.

Not 100% sure but one of my guildies was running members through and folk appeared to be getting these achievements.

This one I do not see anyplace. Pretty sure they did remove this one.

So clearly you acknowledge the fact that the last bit of customization provided to us in 9.1.5 was mainly directed towards satisfying the High elf fanbase. As well as the skin and eye colors provided before that, in 9.0. So all the additional customizations provided so far, were for the High elf fans. While I understand you might not think what we’ve already got is enough, room must be made for customization for the main theme of the race, which is the Void.

Whether you like it or not, Void elves have accumulated some fans since their release for various reasons. This is not something that can be ignored. And whether you are willing to admit it or not, void elf fans have not received any void-themed customization for their own race fantasy since release. It’s their turn now.

But if you can keep an open mind and actually pay attention to ALL of the suggestions, we have good news for you.

-All of our hairstyle suggestions include tentacle toggles, so you may choose to toggle the tendrils off on your hairstyles.

  • Several of the hairstyles we suggest can be used both for the void-theme fantasy and the high elf one.
  • Void elf fans wish for tattoos, scars and jewellery just as much as high elf fans.
  • There’re discussions for the inclusion of more classes for the Void elves, such as a void-inspired Paladin.

So if you choose to be open and peaceful about your expectations, you can clearly see that most of our suggestions benefit both themes in one way or another.

I can kind of understand the reasons Blizzard decided not to give out High elves straight away. Firstly, they’d be too similar to Blood elves, and it could waste a race slot. Secondly, they were afraid of the backlash from Horde players if they added the most popular Horde race to the Alliance. So they opted for something a bit different, a type of Thalassian elf that would be similar to ‘‘High’’ elves, but would be more dark, more goth. And then they added the skin and hair colors because the of the backlash from the Alliance in turn (which became much worse after Ion’s silly horde’s waiting for you comment).

We have High elves in the game now they’re playable through Void elves and you don’t need specific heritage armor for them the void elven one already looks amazing and if you want a high elven one you can always farm the hunter tier from Nighthold or PVP and buy legacy cosmetic armor.


Gimme VOID customizations next! Thanks :kissing:
Seriously, I hope they’re saving all of that stuff in 9.2.5 until they announce the next expansion. We got very small PTR builds that contained absolutely nothing so I hope there is a reason for this hold.