Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I can clearly see that Cadazmir has not been nice and is very black and white about the whole situation.

But I fail to understand why it bothered you so much that I personally said that I understand their side (meaning generally, not just him). I don’t support coming into the thread and trying to pick up fights with everyone.

But there’s no reason why you should be so bothered with me for saying i understand why some pros are annoyed at the situation. Biggest offender being no access to some classes. And like I said our race is shared by both fanbases, we need to acknowledge that. I agree with it being void elves’ turn for customization, in contrast to that poster above. But I see high elf matters as being void elf matters too. Simply because we share the same race and these issues affect the void elf community directly.


The way I see it is that void elves are just that.
Void elves.
High elf fans can use them to RP as high elves and that’s all well and good.
But they’re not actually a non void high elf.

So to me its not sharing the race.
Its one side has the race, the other likes to pretend.

That might sound mean, but it’s true.
If it wasn’t true there wouldn’t be people annoyed thar void elves are called void elves, have void racials, void dialogue, and have classes based on being void elves.

So you have one side wanting their race to get more options in line with the race.
And another side trying to steal a race from underneath them.

By putting on more options that aren’t void related, it doesn’t make them more of a high elf, it just takes more of the fantasy of void elf away from its own race.

There is no middle ground on this one.
The only way for high elf fans to actually get what they want, is for blizzard to give them their own race.


It was not meant to suggest you specifically support him. I’ll trust that you don’t.

I used your post as a jumping off point for my comment because your words suggested he was just an example of a high elf pro.

He is not.

If you do not support him and his hostile tendencies and intent then that’s great.

Given your generally more middle ground viewpoints I didn’t think you did support him but making him seem like just another pro poster is not good.

It is shared, but this thread is not for high elf options.

I made it to keep the requests separated since high elf threads were drowning out void elf requests and all it did was cause fights.

I did for a time try mixing more but that just ended up with people mad at me in all three camps.

While intrinsically linked now high elf threads exist in many places. This one thread is meant to be a space for just void elves.


Nah I don’t support coming into an exclusive void elf thread, picking up fights and then expecting something good to come out of it. You do state in several parts of your main thread that this is for the void aspect. So he knew he’d be met with disapproval especially when he has an attitude.

I look past the attitude and the insults, and I can understand some of the frustration behind it, one that some people still share. For example Moritz just made a perfect example of the division and aggression between the 3 fanbases. I aim to ideally break that division and forge a unity.

Because people can’t be coming to any helf or velf related thread, no matter how civilized, and say Void elves have no Thalassian left within them at all. Then why can they be fair skinned and blonde? They are literal Blood elves who experimented with the Void. And all lore-educated wow fans know where Blood elves come from. These are the kind of statements I wish I could somehow make disappear from the face of this earth. Because they somehow try to establish the deletion of the High elf ancestry both parties share from one party in order to degrade and offend people.


why thank…wait. hey! :joy:

i have always liked you and your dedication to your topic. dont always agree but heck, who agrees 100% on any given subject. you’re doing an admirable job with a complicated issue. :+1:


it could still work with a bit more massaging on blizz’s part. i like the glyph idea. and i find it advantageous that both aspects can mix and match each other’s options. with just a bit more tweaking, such as fen’s old god suggestions on the far end of the void aspect and cad’s glyph ideas for the far end of the helf aspect, and generally shared features all around, both aspects become incredibly versatile.


technically, the helf aspect of velfs, are present and accounted for in the velf home turf, which is peppered with high elf wayfarers

Don’t get me wrong, I think having your voir elf be a high elf who chose to be a void elf is completely valid for their story.

So saying your void elf was never horde is lore friendly.

But because they studied the void to become void elves, the high elf stuff doesn’t really apply to them any more.

this is true. we gots a tiny bit of wiggle room, contingent on the mercy of the devs who make such decisions, for a sort of limbo helf, et. al, helfs who hang with velfs because alliance and kinship, but have as yet to drink the purple coolaid. diff topic tho.

(sorry fen)

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Good luck. I tried to be compromising. I tried to be understanding. I tried to get everyone their own spaces. It all led to the same fighting.

Now I just want my space for the elves I came back to the game for after seven years.

I appreciate that.

Folk definitely don’t have to agree with me, they often don’t.

I appreciate the majority of people who come here with generally good intentions and respectful discourse.

And Scholars.

For better or worse high elves are attached to void elves. Its more just this specific thread is about the void options. (personally I’m much less into high elves these days myself, but I get others still having requests.)

This is not strictly off the topic of the thread.

The Wayfarers and Scholars are likely the explanation for how we get more void elves and I definitely love those story concepts.

I also very much want to see some npc interactions added to the Telogrus Rift showing those wayfarers and scholars going through a ritual to become full void elves. The result of which should have them come out ranging from Alleria looking to full on Umbric.

Ideally it would randomly assign new customizations to the npcs by the end so that all of those options were canon to void elves. (Note that I don’t think this should dissuade high elf folk from their own stories.)


i’d like to think we could share comraderie at telogrus, without all succombing to the call of the void. it seems a bit lore breaking to suggest the helfs avoided the whole fel episode. to the point of enduring the withdrawals, only to fall for void. they are, afterall, light and nature advocates. i can see it being an odd thing here and there, but…i dunno. seems wrong

The Silvermoon Scholars are blood elves. Basically like Umbric’s batch of void elves, but late to the party.


If you talk to the wayfarers (and the belf scholars) they all indicate they are there to learn. Its more likely those who’ve come are generally there to learn and don’t share their peoples aversion to the void.

Now someone wanting to have a story for their own character that is just taking a looksee or studying but not intending to be a void elf. Thats of course for them to decide.

The Wayfarers we’re shown though all appear to be on board.

Here is what the three I looked at today said to me when I interacted with them as an example.

Two said: "A path long denied to us is open at last.

One said: “We need no longer fear exile for the pursuit of knowledge.”

The Scholar’s appear to say similar things as the only Scholar there this morning (in my shard) said what the first two said.

I think its fairly safe to say they’re not the high elves and blood elves interested in the same concepts as their general groups usually are.

Sorry I didn’t mean to give the impression I thought they were high elves… though I suppose they are the same race either way…

I like to link the two together because of what they represent for void elves.


Those positions dont have to be mutual for all researchers, afterall, study does not suggest agreement, only curiosity, perhaps even surveillance. some helfs would no sooner follow a void alleria than a fel kael’thas. they’d be suspicious and protective of the rest of the alliance. thus, i can see some of them being helfs with ulterior motives in their study of the void.


We do, it’s a dark pink.

waiting for profile to update to show dark pink hair

I just got my hair dyed the barber said it should take a few minutes.

Just ignore and don’t interact with people who want helf options and put him on ignore. Helf people just come here to troll instead of going into the other threads who are like minded.

Besides Blizzard isn’t going to change our void introduction, void starting area, void heritage armor, void mount, void voice, void title, void racial, void starter pet and void jokes. Helf people are able to use their imaginations to depict who their character is by using the options that were given to them.

Ok thats fair.

In the absence of any real clarity from Blizzard we can’t say either way for sure. I do think they’re meant to represent the outcasts and those who’ve wanted to learn about the void but couldn’t. (Whether that makes an immense amount of sense or not is whatever, its probably really just Blizzard softly trying to suggest a way for more of us to exist than the initial batch.)

Also while I want void elves to follow their own stories for a time and not really be focused on the other thalassians, I don’t have any issues with them interacting. Especially since Alleria and Vereesa interact so often I’m sure there are going to be stories in the future showing Void and High Elves doing things alongside one another.

We just need more of our own stuff for awhile so we can grow into it. High Elves and Blood Elves have plenty of lore and stories and we’re so new its hard to even gauge where we sit.

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boy you arent kidding.


hey i’m willing to have pink sparkles for my pally instead of gold. :grin: a voidadin. but its gotta be pretty, like paladins.

(watch, we get corrupted void pallies with old god tentacles coming out of our consecration, and eyeball thingies. fen would be delighted. hehe)

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Assuming they do the void skin thing I’d want the Starcursed effect to be the thing they use. Maybe like in this hair.

By Ramavatarama

While I do like old god stuff, realistically void elves don’t show much of that.

They seem to be leaning less towards old gods and more towards the primary void forces, like we see in Bastion’s vision of the void attack or Dark Naaru.


so pretty. :+1:

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