Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

It’s got a pretty decent amount of posts in it for something that no one is really worried about. You have your own thread. Bump that one instead.


Just the same few people again, and again. Obsessed, just as I am with High Elves. That’s about the only common ground we share though. As is, void elves are fine. I just want to play the race I desire in full like all of you do every time you log in. I’m hardly asking for much here. The bare minimum. I just can’t stand seeing you asking for more when we aren’t even finished. It’s a huge slap in the face.

That’s the whole point. We need some void wielding paladins to combat the light.
It’s show us to be aggressive, so we best be prepared.

You can ask for it in your own thread.

And everyone take a drink for the “slap in the face.”


I don’t mind other power sets applied to current classes, so long as its not set to one specific races benefit alone.

I’d enjoy options for void based abilities for any of the void elf classes, but I’d also expect that to be applied to other races that would also have a lore reasoning for it. (If not just a broad allowance for any race with said class)

My top picks being Forsaken and Mag’har as they both have void related aspects to their societies.

An example on another path from void would be LFD “shadow” priests using the Light instead of the void to do damage. I’d probably apply that to a wide range of races actually… Draenei, humans, blood elves, dwarves, yada yada.

Warrior and Death Knight have the benefit of already being classes Void Elves have, as well as the Forsaken and Mag’har, so it wouldn’t require adding a class.

I think, regardless of how I feel, that blizzard is likely to do it that way IF they give us paladin as a class. Not my bag and not relevant to the void aspect so not interesting for me in this thread.

I’ll leave that for high elf threads.

LFD using shadow feels so off to me.

I definitely wouldn’t want them to have access to Void Paladins. lol

Though I would also want them to have access to “Light” Shadow Priests.

I do kinda like the Tidepriest paladin concept for Kul’tirans. I’d play that so fast…

Absolutely. Though I don’t want to get too into the weeds on necromancer here…

I have somewhat strong feelings on it.

In my rendition of Warden the classic Night Elf warden is but one spec. (Probably a DPS one? Maybe Tank?) It would also include a spec for “Spellblades or Spellbreakers” and a spec for whatever it is that Lillian Voss is.

I think those would be prime candidates to be built off of it and could easily be applied to several races.

I’d also though, have a bit of lore saying that the Night Elf Wardens and the Darkfallen Wardens have realized they need to train more than their few to defend the world…

I think you and I may have talked about this in another thread… Cause I remember exactly this from someone.

While I often find myself at odds with those who like the Tinkerer class… I do like them myself and think they deserve to be their own class.

Some Tinker fans though are way too extra and hostile.

Cadazamir abandoned their thread when they realized they didn’t have the constitution to deal with running an elf thread. Couldn’t take the heat so all they do now is run from thread to thread trying to light them up.

They’ll wander off on their own. Just don’t feed them.


How is it not though? How is it right for you to be asking for more when we aren’t completed? High Elves were the race people wanted to begin with. You Void Elves were literally just a compromise, which also was a huge slap in the face. No one asked for a compromise, and it obviously blew up on them. They should have just given us what we wanted to begin with so we wouldn’t have this split… as meager as the void elf camp is.

It’s pointless to run a high elf thread. It’s only met with negativity surrounding people who are so obsessed with ruining another person’s fun. I get High Elves seem to be demanding a lot, and it seems like it’s excessive. But understand we just want to be a real race in the game, not a half-baked measure that’s conjoined with literally the antithesis of what a high elf is, to the point you’ve forced away one of our most requested options which is Paladins.

Being the race that’s incomplete, I have every reason to make demands. You on the other hand do not. You just want more to feed your greedy belly. That is unacceptable…

I’m not a Void Elf.

I use it as a blanket term. For people who play them, and people who stick up for them. I know you’re all thinking I’m being a jerk, or that I am even possibly trolling. I admit I am being a jerk, but I am not trolling. I just want to play my race. That’s all I care about. And it seems like it’s just slow moving to get everything that’s required for it. I mean it took them two patches to bring in both the skin color, and then the hair color, when both could have been done at the same time. Literally just a toggle option. These options already exist on blood elves so it’s a copy and paste, and yet it took them ages just to do that. I can only imagine how long I will be forced to wait to get changes to the racial, their voice, and get real, actual hair that isn’t disgusting looking.

i want paladins too. you are optimistic if you think they’d give us normal pallies. i’d be happy to have a variant pally, since i dont think we’ll get one otherwise.

But don’t warriors stack a lot of parry?


That can be solved simply by giving them a glyph. If they do add void paladins, then add a glyph that makes them holy again. It’s very simple, and the only way it would be accepted.

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:pensive: I understand both sides here and it’s truly heart-breaking how badly Blizzard messed up with High elves and Void elves.

On one hand, we still have some High-elf pros who are not happy they need to roleplay under the Void elf umbrella, and will most likely be met with aggression when stating they believe themselves to be High elves.

On the other, we have this group of people who rose on the release of Void elves who became big fans of them and wish to see more of the Void-elf aesthetic. Since the two aesthetics clash with each other…so do the fans.

The only way this can be solved, is with the introduction of sub-races which I had suggested both on here but also mainly on the EU forums. That way, as far as Thalassians are concerned, the main race would be Thalassians, and would split into Void elves and High elves for Alliance, and Blood elves and Dark Rangers for Horde. We could also get sub-races like Wildhammer Dwarves, Forest Trolls, etc. It’d help with in-game immersion and roleplay being made more official and will actually boost game lore and acceptance.

It doesn’t have to even be an actual race, you could go and switch it up at the barber whatever time you wanted depending on how you wanted to roleplay as! We can even change our gender at the barber. Anything can be done there. But the difference would be that along with appearance, the race tooltip would change too to one of the sub-races.

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And then on the third hand, there’s weirdos like me who go “Oh, I don’t get a high elf race, but I can make a void elf that’s like Alleria? Ok, cool. That’s good enough.”

I get wanting more for the visual high elf theme. I do too. But throwing a fit about it like that one poster isn’t going to help.


The poster whose been picking a fight here this evening isn’t a side.

They’re an extremist high elf pro who wants to see void elves deleted for his high elves, among other bad traits.

He’s called people in this thread leeches and far worse despite having his own thread to peddle his requests on his own and has dragged several long dead threads back up to start fights.

He chooses to pick fights and tries to be hostile.

Anyone who supports him doesn’t support void elves in any capacity.


While studying history they called this the argumentum ad temperantiam. (yes I had to google the spelling)


I would like to see more eye options.
Something that really screams void.

Just as a side note, as much as void elves getting the non void blood elf options annoyed me, orange hair on a void skinned void elf looks amazing.

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And that is directed at who exactly? Feels kinda hostile when you are literally quoting me just above. I’m not referring only to Cadazmir here, but I understand why he’s not happy. That doesn’t mean I am actually picking his side. You do realize we’re all sharing the exact same race here right? Both High elf and Void elf pros and those in between. We can’t just act like this is not a reality.


At anyone who would support them.

I’m well aware.

If they were interested in actually looking for a compromise and not in deleting void elves I’d be less unkind to them.

If they were using words that didn’t constantly convey that they think my race is ugly I’d be less unkind to them.

If they didn’t continually claim no one likes void elves I’d be less unkind to them.

Had they not already shown themselves to be the worst example for a high elf pro I’d be less unkind to them.

If this were a thread at all for high elf options I’d be less unkind to them.