Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I think they are the first person I have put in ignore lol.

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BTW! The difference in lightning is due to using Blender to render the model, instead of using WoWHead’s Dressing Room and recoloring a screenshot.

I do try to go for a flatter lightning on my renders so there aren’t any harsh shadows, and so far haven’t managed a lightning that doesn’t wash out the colors heh!


And you people are rooting for blue Thalassian elves. What is the difference?

Void elf paladins make no sense. Void is literally the opposite of light.


I showed this ugly recolor to my housemate who can’t play anymore due to having myasthenia gravis.

I said, “here’s a mockup of a void Tauren.”

And he looked at it a moment before going, “Ooo. That looks awesome!”

So it’s not universally disliked.


More disliked than not disliked. And that’s what’s really important here.

So what? Just make them only available with the non void options for the high elf players. It isn’t exactly fair that by just being latched with void elves we are no longer allowed to have Paladins. Void themed elves were literally the worst and most restrictive theme they could have given them. Instead they should have just been lightforged elves. That would have gone over a million times better.

Clearly not, its got a fair few likes already and its been less than 24hrs.

Half of which are not common post likers for this thread.

I figured that was likely why the shades are a tad different. (Or that my eyes just saw it slightly differently to the original because of the difference in backgrounds.)

Not entirely unaccustomed to such things. I’ve “technically” had classes on this stuff… I just wasn’t any good at it. lol

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This is on a void elf forum with a bunch of people who like that weird tripe. of course it garners more positive attention than negative if you have a space filtered with people who enjoy that type of thing.

And yes they are. Even so, they came to this thread, clearly sharing a similar mindset to yourself, even if they are not common to this forum.

Realistically. To the common, normal masses… if that tauren appearance ever became a thing it would be laughed at and considered a joke. People would consider it so ugly and would berate blizzard for giving out awful options instead of working on options people actually wanted.

This remind you of a certain other thing?

That’s crazy, it’s almost like people are allowed to like stuff you don’t like and make their own threads to talk about it.


Look. It is not my fault that customization is given out like meager scraps to dogs. We have to scramble at blizzard’s feet to pick up whatever they give us. Customization options are rare. We don’t get many. We have to be selective about what comes. And I can’t accept Void Elves getting anything until High Elves get the things they require. That would only push us back for several more months to years before we can finally be finished.

What and you think you’re some kind of elf Lorax? People are allowed to like things you don’t like.


They can like them. But it doesn’t make them right. Void Elves have plenty of options as it is. Most of the options are void centric. All of their hair options are entirely void centric. There’s literally none that aren’t ruined in some way.

And it doesn’t make them wrong.


They are absolutely wrong. They are complete as is while high elves just have to rp and be happy they are latched on to the void elves boots. We can’t be pallies, we are forced into Entropic Embrace, purple blood, wicked hair, awful voidy voice reverbs. And what were high elves given? Just the skin tones and hair colors. That is less than half of the options we need to be complete.

Don’t make me tap the sign.


I will say it again. Void Elves are a complete race. They have everything they need to be a real race, no rp needed. But we don’t. We are the ones who need the customization options more.

Just going to leave this here:

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You can leave it there, and be forgotten. I will continue to work towards what I want. I am tired of having to share a slot with void elves while they have everything and limit us. From our racial, to our class selection. They’ve been nothing but a hindrance.

And when you are actioned against for breaking forum rules, don’t wonder why.


Sure, whatever you say. As if anyone is really worried about a Void Elf forum. The way I see it they’ve had this coming and more.