Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

i would be so happy to have this as a hair color option too

https : / / imgur . com/a/dV4FGqI

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Hair options that are voidy-looking but aren’t tentacles, kind of leaning more into the shadow/cosmic thing than the old god one, would be cool in my book. I like the starry hair concept in the OP.

OML i want these right now
https :// cdn . discordapp . com/ attachments/906672592189022268/938639996720668682/20220202_193803 . jpg

https :// cdn. discordapp . com/attachments/ 906672592189022268/938640016475848744/20220202_193806. jpg

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Please for ease of me trying to repost images just put a ` on either side of the link instead of spaces.



Also I love this Starcursed effect.


Don’t fully remember who but someone suggested this and I had to see if Somand would mock it up for me…

By Somand


This is how I see void elves. Take a basic race like Thalassians; or in this case Tauren, and then just give them a bunch of stupid clown colors and call it a day. Just taking something that looks fine, and making it look incredibly stupid.

Notice how the Starcursed effect is only given to females? Because it doesn’t work on Males. They don’t have the hair for it. That’s why that idea would never work. It’s an option stripped right out of IMVU for their female toons.

Homie it’s a blue tauren how are you turning that into something to get mad about?


From what I can see I suspect he’s mad about something more or less constantly.

In other news.

I asked Ramavatarama if they’d show this hair color idea…

…with the blue skin tone and they were kind enough to do so.

I mostly just wanted to see it on the blue skin for curiosities sake but I really like these hair color additions for void elves.


that’s cool and all.

but who asked.


I never knew I needed a blue tauren until now


Its oddly… good isn’t it?

I mean we had one in form of tauren death knights


ive tried this and it still tells me im not allowed

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Noted. Carry on as before then. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re using the ` next to the 1 key right? Someone I tried to show that to a long time ago said they were trying their ’ instead.

oooo hmmm lemme do a test


hm it seems to let me now yay i havnt been here in quite some time so relearning everything lol

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Why not all of them? :stuck_out_tongue:
I’d like to see multiple classes have void spell themes.
Simaia and Lost Codex had a variety of them mocked up that looked great. There was a void rogue, paladin, demon hunter…priest and warlock are suggested as well but not mocked up.

If it’d look cool, let’s have it.

Warrior and death knight options could be neat as well.

I’d like to see it be default as void, but I don’t think any class should really have their options hard locked. I know we’d end up with some weird combos, but I prefer letting people make what they want.

Definitely. Maybe have a race have a certain one as default but then have the ability to switch unless they worked it into character customization.

There’s a lot of visual options that’d make great class skins, especially for paladins.

Still think it’s weird those aren’t balance options, they’d make a cool healing form option as well.
The regular addition of druid forms should be as common as tier sets and questing gear sets.

I definitely want the void option, but I’d say allow the light option as well since they rolled all the high elf options into void elf. Had they made the effort and done it right and kept them separate, I’d be all for keeping a light option separate from void elves, but I think I’d still make the void option available to high elves.

Same as how I’d allow either on draenei but not void on lightforged.

Really like to see a wide variety of visual options for paladin skins and most other classes.

Necromancers definitely need to be a full 3-4 spec class.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a proper Warden class, but would it be open to other races?
That’s part of why I’ve felt that maybe it’d be better handled as class skins for things like rogue, warrior, demon hunter…maybe even hunter. Give some heritage armor warden sets in different looks and weapons.

Yeah, although I’m not opposed to it being rolled into a Darkfallen allied race that also covers San’layn. Maybe even allow both blood elf and night elf body types. The only one we’ve not really seen out of those options is a san’layn using the female night elf shape.

Agreed. There’s plenty to make them unique and fun.

I’d like to see an Abomination tank, lich form centered frost and frost magic dps casting spec, a typical minion master dps spec, and a blood/fleshcrafting healing spec. 4 specs as a contrast to the life focused class, druid.

The suggestion I keep making is that you control an Abomination, there’s a bunch of customization options for them now, or other large undead…crypt lords. Your regular character becomes a spell casting minion that follows you and is the source of your ranged cast spells while you melee and tank using the abomination…simply put kinda like bear druid, but you have a minion that looks like your player character. Could even have one visual option that’s kinda like the Diablo 3 necro and it’s your character encased in a boney exoskeleton and then the caster minion is a regular bone mage or some such.

I think it’s too unique to be a skin.
Mech based tank, turret and ranged dps, and a healer spec.

I wouldn’t want the mech to be a cool down. It needs to be similar to the Island Expeditions teams and be the main tank form. I’d be fine if it was also used in the dps spec, but tank for sure.

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People think it looks stupid, and I drew comparisons to that stupid-looking Tauren to what they did with Thalassians. Funny how void elves get a pass when they are the exact same thing as that Tauren. An ugly recolor.

My brother in Christ, it’s a blue tauren.