Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)


I do like the idea of Riftblades being a thing… But I’m good with that either through warrior, a void paladin class skin or a void death knight class skin.

Like for real just a few void glyphs for our warrior abilities would do that for me.

If they do that though I don’t want it specifically for void elves. I want many races (if not all applicable) to have access to it. It’s also why I don’t have a mention of that in the main post.

That’s a topic I think goes more into class lore options for many races. Specifically Velves, Forsaken and Mag’har.

If that… Makes any sense.

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i am perfectly willing to have pretty pink sparkles for velf paladin spell fx.

not that i’m begging or anything. :grin:

this would look awesome in pinks and purples

Reason I don’t see this working is cause Void elves are a bit short on healing classes I think. They can only heal as monks, and priests. That’s it. If the Paladin class were to be made available to them but locked to a Void-themed skin for example, I think would work better. At least then we gain access to a really fun healing class/spec.

Don’t see why that would make it not work? We aren’t really hurting for classes when compared to most races. Most of those don’t really have a huge spread of healers either.

Edit: In fact quite a few races have only 8 classes like Velves. Most of which only have 2 healers themselves. Some have three though.

Tauren actually have the most healers out of that bunch at 5.


Like I said though, the reason I don’t have it in the Main Post is.

However and if Blizzard does add a class to us along those lines.


Also if I were to pick a class purely for the sake of adding a healing class to void elves (this is a thought experiment not me saying no or yes to anything.) I think I’d try to figure druid in. Be less messy lore wise (though still potentially a hard sell.) and be neat to see Nightmare druids able to resist the corruption there while tending to it. keeping it from growing and hurting anyone else.

But purely by numbers druids are just good healers across the board for most things in game. So I’d pick that one if it were solely about the healing class.

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By personal appeal I think I’d prefer shaman; lorewise I think it’s more interesting to focus on Elementalists/Void Shaman than Nightmare Druids.

And TBH I don’t think I have a reason beyond personal appeal; It’s just that I think it would be neat to have an elven shaman, plus I just really like the Void Shaman potential, “Elementalism” is an study we haven’t seen represented in game fully and I think the scholarly approach fits VE’s, and IDK, I think anything “nature focused” doesn’t vibe with VE’s, even if it’s nightmare druids.


You both make good points. But I’d rather have more classes capable of using the void-themed pala skin than none at all, it’s just a really good concept. I hope there are new class/race combos for everyone in 10.0 and especially class skins too. Imagine:

Dark Ranger for Hunter
Void Knight for Paladin
Nightmare Druid for Druids
Necromancer for Warlock
Warden for DHs :open_mouth:

They can always choose to make the skins available to only certain races if they wish. So void elves would either get void knight paladin, or nightmare druid maybe.

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love those ideas!
and shapeshifts - dryads/keepers of the grove for druids, banshees/liches for lock necros, etc

eh too many good things to list.
i presume fen would like gruesome old god stuff and those could be shapeshifts as well. druids have all the fun.

My issue with Shaman is that the elements already have issues with the void. It enslaved them on Azeroth for a long time during the Black Empire and hasn’t been kind since.

It would be hard for the Elements to trust a void elf on that alone.

Though there is still a story beat of the Void Elves showing the elements that they are not like the void they’ve experienced thus far and gaining their trust. Like druid it just seems like a hard sell.

Paladin meanwhile without the void skin would be an almost impossible sell since light and void are opposed.

Which honestly just explains why we didn’t get those classes to begin with. lol

I do like the idea of a void skin for paladin, just it has to be available to more than just void elves for me to buy it. Its a massive difference from the regular paladin concepts. Like before we’ve had the paladin be given to Blood Elves while they were “draining” the light from a Naaru but its still the Light. We have the Sunwalkers who worship An’she but its still the Light they’re using. Then theres the Prelates of the Zandalari. They get their powers through Rezan but its still the Light.

So while changes to how the power is given isn’t odd, its still the Light.

Even an Elune based one would still be the Light because of what Blizzard has said in the past.

A void skin directly contends that notion, so there needs to be more than just one races lore to explain it. Thus my interest and insistence that if they go that route it should be for several races that fit the bill.

Easily the Void Elves could, but also the Forsaken and their church of the forgotten shadow, and the Mag’har with their shadowcasters of the Shadowmoon clan. All three could easily use the void in a martial sense if they just took the concept of a paladin to heart.

It wouldn’t be a paladin in lore but it would effectively make sense to use the same power set to represent it.

So like. I have no issues with it myself. But I also realize that Blizzard might not do that, so I offer up the option Somand came up with of using the Death Knights and getting a skin there. Or just getting a skin for warriors. (both of which we and Forsaken and Mag’har already have.)

Necromancer and Warden are full classes that need their own specs. They cannot be wrapped into some other class.

Same for Bards and Tinkers/Mechanics.

I will die on that hill.

I personally hope any skins for classes can be used for the most part on any race. Though if Dark Ranger is a skin I could see that being limited.

Dark Ranger should be customization for Blood Elves I think. (though I’d bet Night Elves would get it too. Though I’m not super into that myself.)

I wouldn’t hold your breath there though. lol

I think the chance of that is soooo very low.


necros could be a lock spec. they would summon undead instead of demons, share some dots and aoes with locks, some drain soul/life with locks, and replace some incidentals, such as soulstones with necro stuff like phylacteries. in everquest, necros could heal others by using something like lock health funnel, and could savage their own mana pool by giving chunks of it to someone else. those would all be cool things for a lock necro spec

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Full stop.

Necromancers are not warlocks.

They have different lore, they’ve been requested since vanilla and they have easy options for tank, dps and healing specs which you could never fit into one minor warlock skin.

They deserve their own class.

Again I’ll die on this hill. I’ve written out whole class explanations for this one.

But uh… Not the thread for it here.

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I really don’t see them making a Warden class. It’s always been a night elf only class. I can’t imagine any Horde race getting Warden and it not being ridiculous, and it has to go to both factions to be its own class.

They could maybe make an ok Necromancer class skin out of Frost Mage. Just skin the frost spells into the turquoise necrotic magic we see in game, and make it so that Mirror Image summons skeletons instead.

You can actually do the skeleton summoning thing right now by going Necrolords as a Frost Mage and casting Mirror Image while you’re in Deathborne. I saw someone using it out in the world, and the Mirror Images stayed as skeletons even after their Deathborne form wore off. Was pretty cool.

A Necromancer tank spec seems redundant with DKs to me. I thought the whole point was that they don’t melee.

This one I can see as a class skin, though it would have to be divided up across multiple classes to get its full toolkit.

Bot summoning like Pocket Factory could be replicated by Demonology Warlock’s mass summoned demons being reskinned into bots, and their spells being reskinned into a laser gun you pull out. And Cluster Rockets could be a skin for Shadowfury.

Robo-Goblin (the mech suit) could be a skin for DH’s Metamorphosis, since it’s a cooldown that makes you stronger and more survivable. DH’s double jump and glide could be skinned into a jetpack. Granted they’d have to give gnomes, mechagnomes, and goblins access for this to work.

Robo-Goblin could also be a skin for Druid’s Bear Form, though then it loses the fact that it’s a cooldown ability, and also you run into the problem of having to add races to the class.

They could also add a skin to Survival Hunters to make Mend Pet and Revive Pet into Repair Bot and Rebuilt Bot respectively, and the ability to skin their weapon into a big wrench. Survival already gets bombs as part of its rotation, so it would suit imo. The Goblin Tinker from WC3 was a melee unit after all.

So while it wouldn’t be the whole thing on one class, it’s still possible with skins if they try hard enough. That is, if that’s the direction they’d go with class skins anyway.

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yeah, squeezed it in. cause i can see them adding specs that can use mostly already active abilities, but considering they’re prolly running on a skeleton crew comparative to even a few years ago, i dont see them creating whole new classes.

a whole new class means new trainers, new tier/pvp/arena/dungeon sets, and so on.

Yeah, that’s why a reframing would be needed (Like ideas were NB or BE could play Druids, but more as “Botanists”)

So Void Elves coming from an angle of study to the elements, specially of elementals already corrupted by the void, and even helping them, would work so well for the VE fantasy.

Druids, on the other hand, are way too rooted on nature, and the Void aspect of them on the Nightmare just as much. Overall I don’t think it fits the VE fantasy from any angle as strongly.

But it is indeed personal appeal, I just think that being the first elves to be shaman would be pretty neat, and give them both a gamplay and cultural niche.
I just think that “Elementalists” in WoW could be further explored, there has already existed the overlap with Mage through the Frost and Fire schools exists. You can already summon water elementals as a mage. “Elementalist” is more a type of scholarly mage rather than a shaman, so through that angle I think there’s just so many possibilities.

Yeah, the only way that Paladin could work is if it comes with a class skin, otherwise it’s one of the class combos that just feel way too anathema.

Pretty much. At this point, most new class/race combos would require a whole paradigm shift about how those classes are seen and framed by the narrative. A huge leap, but given the restrictions of the class system and their fantasies, I really do think ideas like “Class Skins” are welcomed more than ever, and even needed.

It is forced on us. We don’t have any options to not have disgusting-looking hair. Everything is wicked-looking, greasy, or balding. I just want long, well-groomed, flowing hair. But we have 0 options for that, and all you people want are more of the gross options when right now the hair options all only work for void elves. We need some that work for us.

Even my character right now, with the best hair option available to us, still has weird balding issues, and odd wicked-weaving going on to make it look evil and edgy.

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Honestly don’t see why blood elves or Nightborne would need any reframing.

They’re not really anti nature by any means. If the industrial Kul’tirans are fine being druids either of those races shouldn’t have any issues.

Especially when one of em has had access to Tauren for ten or so years.

I’d actually think both shaman and druid have the same level of “hard sell” in void elves case.

Like both don’t fit for similar reasons.

Not sure I agree it would be a huge shift.

Some would some wouldn’t.

Not like Tauren paladins or Kul’tiran druids did much to change any paradigms.

Give me pink hair for my void elf :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:


Yeah, I think it’s one of those things that it’s subjective appreciation really. IMO, Nightborne and Blood Elves are just not nature oriented in the way a druid is, kinda like humans really.

KT druids work because they basically created a whole druidic society that has been part of their culture since for ever so it’s a non issue.

Also the sort of thing that really wouldn’t matter with an “all races all classes” approach, but it still about what class combos would be culturally significant, and under what framing (Hence, Botanist I thinl would work fine.)

Like I said, I just personally think that an elementalist angle as an scholarly pursue would really work, with any elf tbh. I just think there’s a whole angle the shaman class can be approached in a way that I don’t agree Druid can.

Thinks like Undead or VE Paladins would certainly require a reframing of the class, also druidism by any race that’s not nature oriented (which is how the Thornspeaker sect was introduced) and I do think Sunwalkers were indeed the biggest paradigm shift Paladins had.