Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Ah, good to know.

For humans you can’t mix and match.

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Yeah… Not sure why they went that route there either. Though its not something I expect them to do again as they’ve not really done that otherwise. (beyond differences between male and female).

Still the important part I was really trying to get at is that since this is a void elf thread focused on the void options its not really needed to mention the high elf option being attached. It should be assumed that those who favor high elves would use or not use whatever is requested here regardless as long as it fits the design they wanted to use.

The focus here should be void elves. Their lore, their customizations, their stories and anything else about them that might be of interest.

High Elves have their own lore their own stories and their own places to request things. (Quite literally a ton of threads.)

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until my race is listed as high elf, i will assume any requests in the void elf aspect thread are applicable to me also, since i am a void elf and can, at any time, mix n’ match void elf aspect features. for example: i am sporting the velf pony tail tentacle on this char, tho my skin is super pale and my hair nearly colorless.

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The only technically void elf options Fenelon even uses right now are black teal hair and the purple eyes without sclera.

That said the moment they add an onyx skin tone…

I expect some void elves based off of the wayfarers and scholars to have mixes or not once blizzard adds an npc scene of them becoming proper void elves.

Mixing and matching is entirely fine. No one is saying otherwise.

the part of the mix that is high elf like, is not fine tho. to talk about that part of the mix you want me to go to diferent thread. soon we’ll have velf-helf-pony tail tentacle-only thread. and i’ll only be able to talk about it in the velf-helf-pony tail tentacle-only thread. hehe

Only need a different thread for talking about new options that are made for the high elf theme, like braids and whatnot. This is a thread specifically about new Void themed options.

It’s sad that there isn’t a thread to talk about Alleria style options, but no one’s making one. I finally have TL3 back, but I don’t wanna make one since it’ll get flagged for having elf in the title. That and I’m just not a thread maker. I’ve only ever made one thread in my entirety of being here, and it died after like 3 responses.


sheesh. just title it alleria-related?

Alleria = elf = GD is triggered.

I forgot to mention in my previous post, I really like the way the tentacle goes with your hair colour.

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hmm well is there a helf thread or are they all 404’ed?

There was a really toxic one that I didn’t want to post in. It might be inactive now.

Other than that, not really.

It’s not that they’re being 404ed. I just don’t want to get flagged, even if it gets overturned lol.

there’s a solution to this. let me muse over it for a bit.

I’m actually not saying that at all.

Mostly I’ve been saying that I think saying things like it’ll be good for high elves in every post is unnecessary.

Whether it is or not isn’t a part of this thread.

We should be focused on the void here. What high elf folk want is best left to their own threads.

I absolutely love the wayfarers and scholars and what they mean for void elves. What I don’t enjoy is high elf folk trying to add the SC as a primary driving story element or that void elves should become a part of a larger SC, high elf, void elf conglomerate.

Or even weirder to be adding the San’layn or Dark Rangers to us. That just ends up diluting void elves further when what we really need is our own stories.

All of this…

I hope someone picks that up. Who’s willing to deal with the flak that comes with it.

Anyone considering it needs to understand that you’ll get flagged. As long as you’re genuine and not hostile the mods won’t do anything to you though. probably

They’re not 404’ed.

Folk are just afraid to post there again after so long.

The most recent one was made by a very extreme member of the community who wants void elves deleted… So that didn’t work out.

He’s called me a leech like 6 times now…


okay what features does alleria have that velfs dont already have:

  • braids
  • tats

anything else?

so a thread about braids and tats for races that dont have those yet. this would include both aspects of void elves. belfs need tats. gnomes need tats. draenei need tats. ya know, that kinda thing.

IIRC the main helf thing now is to just beg for classes, which ain’t gonna happen anytime soon anyways lol.

oh like velf paladins? /sniff
i dont want shiny pretty paladins anyway, with their beautiful glowy wings and sparkling heals. who would want such a thing

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hehe this " probably " made me giggle

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Its sometimes hard to tell. They have a fair bit of discretion. Though I’ve rarely seen them act on a “spam” flag if the other threads have been dead awhile or otherwise obviously hostile.

i dont like paladins. :grin:

i dont like paladins either. :blush:

I’m surrounded by a hive of scum and villainy :face_vomiting: