Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Void Elves need some new hairstyles at the very least. No, they don’t have to be Blood Elf ones. Just more of the goth cuts they already have. Plus more beards and jewelry. Glowing tattoos would be cool too.


In terms of effort, but certainly not in terms of results.

In my opinion, results are more important.


I think you made the comparison that shows the impact of those “minor” customizations we got.


How can we consider this minor?

We can look like two races.

Like I want more void options sure but let’s not pretend we didn’t get some very impactful, and what folk were supposedly campaigning for, options and some of us try to claim we got nothing?

Look at this…



Yes, I did. I often see people say they don’t understand what visual theme means, so I made that image as a clear example. The void elves get two completely unique sets of options, while you see how little of a difference gold eyes makes visually in comparison.

I also took the screenshot of the two void elf mages next to each other. The one that looks like Elsharin from the portal room is mine (and yes, I got the name Elsharin on her lol), and the voidy looking one is Lancelot’s.


Out of likes so I switched to Fezzy for a bit. (Fenelon)

I find it so disingenuous when people try to claim our two passes were either not real passes or that we’re still owed one because we didn’t get void options.

The majority of people loudly making requests were high elf folk. Often talking down people who wanted the void options or making us bow to compromises for both void and high elf.

And now some of them and our own are claiming we got nothing?

That it was low effort?

We got another race that was being requested. Literally what most of this side was asking for.

You can’t just ignore that because it wasn’t what you wanted exactly.

I wanted more void options. (at the time I also wanted high elf options both for myself and for others who were way more into it.) I have to wait for that. And I understand that we’ve gotten two passes from blizzard at this point and I’ll probably have to wait until after blizzard has finished some other races.

I’m not the focus right now and that’s fine.


Agreed. No one can in good faith look at my character here and tell me “void elves didn’t get a pass”.


Low cost, high impact most certainly.

And while I do agree that we cannot deny that impact, we can’t deny the simple fact that VE’s just had had minuscule dev time and effort dedicated to them. Both things are true, and I do think a nuanced conversation should take into account both.

Of course, beyond the self evident lack of new assets from a Void focused perspective, VE’s really haven’t gotten much at all. While I don’t agree the argument that Void Elves themselves didn’t get anything -because the shared options do not only serve to add a “HE” fantasy, but to also expand the aesthetic limitations of the Void Elves themselves especially when you do some mix and match- I think the argument can be made that nothing developed for Void Elves has been added since their introduction besides 2 eye colors. And in terms of balance and equality, that does not seem fair.


I dunno. In my opinion, it doesn’t matter what it’s made for, but how it’s used.

You could point out it’s unfair that Draenei are the only race that didn’t receive new eye colours (that I can recall), but that doesn’t mean they got a bad pass.


Don’t mind me.
Just ploppin’ in red and vampiric inspirations that show how the concept works with ren’dorei from various forms of other media, and plays with the overall aesthetic kit that people want, because oh boy, high elves.


Weeb mobe; Hellsing.


There a a ton of eldritch inspired vampires in Eldritch Moon.


Rifts has the Vampiric Intellegence, which would be an insane way to draw from the aesthetic in a unique way. Absolutely worth looking these ones up, especially if we’re ever getting new Old Gods, or we’re about to step into Void Lord territory.

I’d post more, but I’m not flooding the thread.
Not a focal point, but an inspiration draw and a minor ally amongst other potentials.
Blood/Shadow and Nightmare aesthetics, please. One colour accent with the more insane vibe, rather than just deadelf.

As an aside,
Void Elves are not the only race that has subraces, and using subrace introduction - especially one that was done in the manner it was after the playerbase was literally trolled on it for years (by both devs and players), isn’t really a way to tell people they can’t point out they felt the pass wasn’t good. It wasn’t.

Nothing can deny that the assets were copy pasted, nor the introduction of the race itself was a rushed train-wreck. (No foreshadowing, just plopped into the game, major lore attached to another race’s unlock scenario, nightborne vs void elf in general, minimal presence outside WoW (lolhearthstone), literally not what was asked for but melded 3 major aesthetic requests together (high elves, ethereals, and vampires) and not nailing any of them, ect ect.)

We’re also now trying to compare core races, which did get multiple new assets, unless you’re worgen, then rip you don’t even have hair colours.

It feels like they have no idea what they want to do with the race going forwards, and players are getting more frustrated about it all because requests are being worked around lore that’s… based on pretty much nothing. We have some quest text from the unlock, then the things we know about the void and Dar’khan.

It’s unfair that after literal years of advocating for a subrace, people - including people benefiting from people not advocating for what they personally wanted, seeing a slight towards a different group and helping them instead - are being told their wants are lesser, and don’t matter as much right now because they got what they wanted. Oofies.

And frankly, the high elf subrace being added means there’s less work that needs to go into the void stuff, but we can’t ignore it entirely once they do another round of customization for ARs. With cross-faction coming, this is actually the time to start asking for fixes and cool stuff for the Alliance ARs. From a business perspective, they’re going to want people to pay for transfers. Going hard on the gothic/void/cosmic/whatever aesthetics on them is a good way to entice some people to try the race out.

Stuff like tentacle colours (both the base of the tentacle and the glow), a few extra eye colours that are void theme, and corruption stuff of whatever route they go with is perfectly fine to ask for alongside other races that need a pass. Poor Dark Irons can’t even change their eye colour, but us asking for a few extra colours (red, black, black scelera? idk. tons of options.) slapped onto textures that already exist isn’t going to take away from the development time that race needs to have their eye colour selectable at all.

This “I can’t have something because somebody else is getting something” thing is getting old.


Yeah but that’s my point, Draenei got a lot more effort put in new 3D assets (hairstyles, horns, jewelry, tails); all updated races got new 3D assets even if only in the form of new hairstyles.

We can understand that VE got a lot of options while also understanding that no 3D assets -nor 2D beyond those eye colors- have been developed as part of their revamp.

That’s why I believe that on the least, VE should -and will- at least get some hairstyles.


Yes, this is true.

Yes, I’d eventually like to see that. And some new eye colours for Draenei. More stuff for everyone really. Even after all the stuff added in Shadowlands, the customization of WoW is still lacking compared to other games on the market.

Some races, like Night Elves, made out way better than others, but even they aren’t amazing in the grand scheme of gaming in general. I hope they make new customizations an ongoing feature into the next expansion and beyond until every race gets as even with each other as is possible, and the game in general catches up to other games.


I hope with the release of the Dark Iron weapons that Blizzard is planning to do the same with the Void Elf ones. They’re absolutely sick looking.

While not VE related I hope they also separate the chest of the Nightborne armor from the skirt so folks can wear pants

Let the options flow!!


That’s one think I hope we will see more; even if not a huge revamps, little updates here and there as part of an ongoing process.


What void elf weapons? I’ve never seen them. Is this something that was datamined somewhere?

It was only a sword, shield and offhand but…

At the bottom.


Thank you :blush:

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Seeing the DID weapons being added through quest makes me hopeful we will see the VE ones added soon, or well, at all at least.

We just need more VE content lol! I would be happy if they just added to a vendor, but seeing how the DID got a whole quest, it would be so good :cry: Imagine a quest where we finally train new VEs!


I have a picture for that…



I really hope they add these. They look so great.


Actually it’s pretty interesting there was so much development used on a shield when we have seen so little of VE warriors being developed beyond the guards.

The Riftblades would be so much cooler if they had these weapons in game.