Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Actually, the VE skins would work pretty well for a Dark Ranger look. The only thing off is the way they bleed into a different colour on the limbs.

Here’s an example of VE skin being used to make basically a player version of Sylvanas’s Hearthstone hero portrait:

Yeah it is. Especially since I know that there are people who truly love their void elves who want some of those options more generally falling into high elf requests.

I wish high elf folk had their own active thread to continue to make their requests so that this thread could remain focused on the void aspects. I sometimes consider making it myself but I don’t feel I’m a good mouthpiece for that community. Heck pretty sure many of them don’t like me much. (Mostly because they’ve told me. lol)

Some void elf fans genuinely don’t want the effects of EE or want braids or even want void paladins. It just sucks that so often high elf options are pushed on top of those options in this Void aspect focused thread.

I digress.

I lean more towards barber shop options as I think it gives a wider range of options with less effort on Blizzards part… which I think is kinda their game.

EE skintones would be amazing to have as well as the void wings imo.

If there is a permanent option, it should conform to any other aesthetic changes one makes to it so I would hope so.

Would suck to get the option for say this…

By Somand

But because you’ve set it to be a permanent EE option you just get the basic EE look.

Hmmm I like that. I’ll add that when I get that part added to the main post.

I get wanting the more hairstyles and that the current looks aren’t what everyone likes. Its the wording and the way its often phrased (Often by higher strung high elf folk) to make it appear as some slight conducted against them particularly.

The use of greasy has just been tossed around as a major negative, as though its something forced on them rudely rather than just a look.

New hairstyles with different feels and concepts would be wonderful. (Though the tentacles need to be an option for every single new hairstyle. None of this half measure there again.)

No, though as Nico points out we have braids on our hair pallete. I imagine future hairstyles could easily incorporate them. Maybe with a tentacle weaved within the braid too.

I went into it a bit earlier in this post but yeah.

It would be nice if we didn’t have to tiptoe around high elf options, but this is where we’re at.

This thread at least is meant for void options. Not high elf ones. If high elf needs are met by happenstance with things that would normally be requested here, great.

But this isn’t the place for high elf requests. They have their own threads and the entire reason I made this one here was so I didn’t step on their toes as they made their own requests.

Your list seems to me to be broad to hit as many of the options as possible that void elf players have requested in the past. Its a good list and you don’t “need” to change any of it but there could be those who see some aspects of it as high elf options vs. void elf ones.

I suspect that it was generally put in before they had made the hairstyles and braids were on the table but never used.

Or maybe it was in case they needed it in the future.

There are many who say that the tentacle toggle is not a void option at all.

I’ve always disagreed with that. We started with 4 female and 6 male hairstyles that never had tentacles.

The tentacle toggle being a high elf option is only true because blizzard never finished the job. They need to give us the tentacle options for those 4 female and 6 male hairstyles, and every hairstyle we get going forward must have tentacles as an option.

By Fiercelord (Lyraseth)

Otherwise that option will be a high elf based option. (I am immensely annoyed at Blizzard for this one.)

Random was probably the idea…

Not gonna lie… I’d probably use that…

Glittering tentacle hair would be a wonderful thing.


Helfers are little like solicitors sometimes. They’ll come find you in your own space and throw their desires at you.


Or in some specific peoples case tell you you’re a leech.


Maybe, but I’m not particularly fond of it. Take into account Fiercelord’s concepts of adding tendrils to all the hairstyles, they work so much better for me because they are styled into the the hair.

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Yeah, kinda sucks there’s nowhere proper to talk about it. It doesn’t really feel urgent anymore though now that I can run around as like 98% of Alleria anyway.

Knocks on door.
"Excuse me, thread. Do you have a moment to talk about the high elves?
“…This is a thread about Mythic affixes…”
“Yes, but wouldn’t you enjoy Mythics so much more as a high elf? Please accept this informational pamphlet on how high elves will save the Alliance.”


Oh yeah, VE skin tones would work well for the DR fantasy I do agree with that, It’s just that undead skin tones would simply be better for that and you don’t have to work around the “BE’s fear the void” lore thing.

Which to be honest, I don’t like; I would be okay with BE’s literally having Void Elves, but if they want to keep pushing that reticence of BE’s against the Void, I don’t think reusing VE skin tones to represent DR’s would be the best idea, and I’d rather they just unlocked the DK skins.


Yes, this would be the better way to go for it. Still would be nice to have something blue like Sylvie though.

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I’ve seen several indicate this is why they don’t create such a thread actually.

This made me chuckle.

I know a lot of high elf folk in the community don’t do this sort of thing but the ones who do just have made things so rough for the others.


Indeed, I just feel Dark Rangers, Darfallen, kinda deserve unique skins rather than reusing VE ones that might work, but not completely fit, yanno?

In terms of reused assets I would prefer to unlock DK ones, but I wouldn’t hate if we got a couple VE ones to fulfill that fantasy. So if it was all done through reused assets, I think a mix of DK skins and VE ones could work.

It’s just one of those things were I think that DR’s are different enough to require unique assets, unlike the HE skins and hair that makes sense to be wholly reused, yanno? But I would nonetheless be okay with it were to happen.

(I did change my DR to VE in PTR to see how it would look, and I DID like it XD)


I’d love to see all the hairstyles that don’t have tentacles get the option for them but I won’t hold my breath on it.

That said, there is no excuse for Blizzard not to included tentacles in every new hairstyle Void Elves get going forward. The fact that the toggle now exists removes any objection to not including tentacles on all new Void Elf hairstyles.


It’s sort of weird how void elves have received two major customisation passes adding high elf options and the Alliance still hasn’t been saved.



I was about to say something to this but realized I’d just start an argument…

So I’m just going to say.

No race was ever going to change the faction imbalance. That’s not why it’s unbalanced.


Some people just want to be more subtle, or simply don’t want their character to change so visually.

Some are still just sour. Heck, I’m a little sour too because Wildhammer got caught in the same “Race Through Customizations” concept and it all could have been done better.

Though Wildhammer on Ironforge Dwarves (And Sand Trolls on Darkspear) is what eventually made me more okay with it, is it appears to be a clear direction Blizzard is going. So I’m more okay with it and am asking for similar options like Forest Trolls, Dark Rangers, and the like.

I have as well, but there’s really no point anymore with the way things have gone down.

And a lot of the more negative stuff is do to the Pro/Anti’s still wanting to argue even though it is finished. So there’s really no need to pander to that IMO.

Pluss I am of the complete opinion that the hardest parts are over and any new stuff doesn’t specifically fit a High Elf only direction.

Pretty sure a good chunk of them don’t like me either lol

Which is why I try to include them in some fashion. But I’m trying to be more centralized if you know what I mean.

Pretty unfortunate but don’t let it derail what you are after.

Pretty much why I’m leaving the how to do it vague so there’s wiggle room on how exactly to do it.

Yeah, that wasn’t the message I was trying to give off so I altered it. It was just the largest complaint in the case of hairstyles. But I can see how it could be taken in a negative light given how people have said it.


Here’s hoping. That seems to be the direction most fan art is going as well.

Also the braid texture already existing but not added in any way irks me to no end… They really did rush Nightborn and Void Elves in some shameful ways. (Nightborne got the worst of it though)

Probably the best way to put it.

I’m also trying to steer away from the more negative discussions it creates.

As I said earlier, a lot of those people are just looking to argue, so it’s best to say your peace and continue pushing for what you want.

Being broad is VERY on prepose as I’m trying to get as many of the request as possible without getting too specific as to the direction a specific option should go.

For example I say “Dark Void Based Hair/Eye Color” instead of going to Starcuresed Hair/Eyes in case Blizzard has something else in mind or they just don’t go for/get the Starcursed idea. It still gets the core of the point/request across.

I also tend to throw their own ideas/concepts at them so as to get them in the hands of the players.

I also try not to include anything that would take a large amount of work or is not very likely.

But yeah, I am moving away from/rewording anything that could be seen as a High Elf focused thing because -

  • I firmly believe the hardest parts are already done. (Aside from Racial Names/Lore snippets/Armor, but that’s for every “subrace” anyway)
  • All the current request that support High Elves works just as well if not better for Void Elves.
  • I don’t want to deal with those old arguments anymore or those who want to continue them.

I think they decided to go with tentacles instead? Those where added fairly late if I recall.

Or they just did not want to actually make more complex hairstyles.



And hopefully no large gaps like the current ones.

Those are exactly what should have been done already.

Pretty much.

I agree.

it would be nice.



There’s lots and lots of reasons and no one thing is going to make Alliance bounce back.

That was a lot to respond too.


“Major customization pass”

You mean copy-pasted skin colours and hair colours? Major would imply new textures, or 3D assets.

Also since people are talking about Darkfallen in here;
Blood Elves need the skins they were asking for that are already in the game files. Giving them access to void elf skins doesn’t give the full aesthetic they’ve been wanting. What they want is already there, just waiting to be used.

And that also extends into Darkfallen as potential allies to the ren’dorei, likely the San’layn group due to crossovers on aesthetics/shadow. We don’t need much of anything to make that work. The request originally stemmed from us looking like them already as of 9.1.5.
Don’t need anything but red eyes, which also comes from the void palate as well - and that’s if you’re not copying the actual blood prince models.

There’s a distinct split between the aesthetics of Horde and Alliance Thalassian elves, and that would translate into Darkfallen aesthetics as well.

If Dark Ranger becomes a class skin though, we’re likely getting that but for spell effects only, while most of the skin customization remains Horde. Not giving shadow/void theme elves access to dark magic theme spell effects doesn’t really make sense. It’d also give the Alliance a second race that the skin can be attached to, even if it gets less than Night Elves out of it.

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Well thank you for telling me what I mean when I say things.


You are stating they were major customization passes when they weren’t.

They were quite literally as minor as they could be.

Hell, even the one unique thing they did in those passes - letting us toggle tentacles, was the bare minimum effort. There’s holes in our hair if we disable tentacles. They didn’t even do a 5 minute patch job.


In your opinion.

I would say getting access to the majority of another race’s options is a major pass.

That would be what the Forsaken got.


The Forsaken Got:

All New Hair Colors
All New Hair Styles
All New Eye Colors
All New Skin Tones
All New Skin Option (No Bones)
All New Facial Options

But yea, totally minor compared to the major copy/pasted skin tones the void elves got. 1000% Minor. I get it.


I’m glad you get it now!