Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Happy birthday! :heart:

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Thank you!

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Well it is a strong visual option indicator, but some people simply do not like the big purple wash or wish it was a different color. Even if they like the void themes.

This one’s tricky because it all comes down to personal taste. But I genuinely agree with all your points.

I will work the wording to include something like “less glaring options” rather than disabling.

Something like that could work, I will toy with it. It does border on my “Don’t directly tell the artist how to do it” philosophy but I can adjust.

Depends how they want to do it. I liked the “Eternal Embrace” Glyph idea myself as it feels more like you are embracing the void in you rather then getting a tan and a haircut at a barber shop.

One thing I would like to add to this is the “Making it permanent” applies to any changes you do the appearance as well. So if you made it blue or darker you could then make it permanent.

Might be a bit too much to ask?

Like Professor Putricide but Void? I could see that maybe.

Another idea was Dark Naaru/Void Walker wings like the heritage armor.

The biggest complaint that I see is that they all look like they have WAY too much product in them or that they all have a slicked back look with people wanting more variety, including more shaved hairstyles and some braided ones.

Do Void Elves have a single braided hairstyle? I can’t remember any… or more then 1 tied back look for both genders…

I will work on the wording.

It’s actually not a High Elf request and more allowing people more control over the visuals of their character in general. (Which is something Blizzard needs to work towards)

EE is just a particularly strong visual and taste varry.

But I can see where people are getting the idea it’s a pure “High Elf” addition so I might steer away from that to consolidate the request for more “Void Stuff”.

Happy Birthday! I like the concept.


Had to double check the males because I never play male void elves. No, void elves don’t get any braids.


Seems like the easiest hairstyle to utilize the tentacles…what a missed opportunity.


Which is funny since their hair texture files have a braid section. I guess it was just included for possible future hair styles.

(Original Void Elf hair color texture files)


The theme of launch void elves kind of seemed to be the void leaking out of them, both via tentacles and messy hair, in an unrestrained way.

Give how their plot is about learning to control it though, tentacles tied into braids would play into that theme of controlling the void.


Huh, weird. I never knew that.


Yeah, they don’t seem to have many “managed” looking hairstyles which is something a lot people would like and why they tend do go with “Greasy” since it just looks like they apply a lot of product to their hair instead of stuff like braiding/styling in general.

That is absolutely crummy.

Now we have yet another unused option that is going to bug me…


I have to wonder, if we get hairstyles that don’t look like they were played havoc with by the Void, will we lose our joke about the Void being our hair stylist? I think blood elves lost their joke about not being able to change their hair colour.

Ah, Blizzard’s trademark.



How are these edits?

  • Entropic Embrace customizations. Including changing the effects/colors, making them less glaring visually, or making it permanent.
  • More hair styles, preferably some that are more managed/styled and less messy looking, and made with the Tentacle Toggle in mind.

(really hard not to mention the braid in an angry manner lol)




Happy Birthday! :partying_face: :cake: :tada:


Thank you!


I think as long as any new hairstyles have a tentacle option, they can be styled however and still be considered “void-styled.”

I think I have said it above, but while I do think AR’s in the same faction than their CR should share all hairstyles, I do think NE and BE should only share as much hairstyles NB and VE share back if so.

As long as there’s a faction divide, anything that is shared cross-faction has to feel somewhat equal, and while I don’t think VE skin tones would work on BE’s, I do think some hair colors would, and BE’s should also have their own counterpart to extra skin tones (be it so as unlocked DH or DK skins or dark ranger ones)


Which is rather odd given how most races have some latitude when it comes to hairstyles, but all VE hairstyles feel messy except for the short male one I would say?

We definitely can have a VE aesthetic that also feels sleek and regal and elaborate.


When did this thread turn into a stealth helf thread?


I’m a big fan of tendrils being incorporated into braids, I think Faeb’s concepts have been my favorites about that.

the tendrils feel so random on so many hairstyles, and I’d really like to see them styled into the hair, and I think the one that really succeeds is the first female hairstyle; it feels like part of the hairstyle’s design.


It would work look wonderfully with druid, paladin, and preist class. :cow: :sparkles:

Imagine it in tentacle hair. :heart_eyes: :octopus: :sparkles:

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