Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Basically. I personally don’t call them “unique” uptions because I don’t care if they are unique or not -for example, I’d be happy if draenei and LFD shared customization options, and that applies for all AR’s and their CR’s for me.

But besides that, the fact remains that, unlike LFD, NB and HMT, VE’s haven’t gotten any new customization geometry assets developed for them on the first place, regardless if those same assets end up being reused elsewhere. They have only gotten 3 eye colors, and such texture work is just not on the same level of development than new hairstyles, jewelry and facial decorations/hair, horn style and eye shape.

Like, no one is saying Mechagnomes got a full customization pass because they share gnome skins too.


Think they’ll ever finish that tentacle toggle for the hairstyles that don’t have em?

Bothers me so much. I want tentacles for my unleashed hair style.

Actually a few of our blue eyes differ from blood elves if I remember right.

I prefer some differentiation myself. Personally that is.


Do any of the newer additions, though?

…I have to admit, my blood elves are gold or green and my void elves are purple. Anything else does not spark joy. I’ll check next time I’m on a void elf. I’m leveling my belf paladin right now because NEW STUFF IS COMING.

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We haven’t gotten any new eyes since we got eyes different from faces.

The blues without sclera are unique to Void elves.

Though we do share one purple and some blues with sclera.

Most of my Belves are gold now. One has green and another blue. My main belf is purple.

My velves are mostly using the no sclera purple. One is using the blue no sclera.

I hope they consider it, but nothing on how VE’s are designed so far suggests they are going for it rn.

Personally, I’d like to see the tentacles themselves revamped as new option like beards, separate from the present toggle on hairstyles.

Indeed, that’s entirely understandable, it’s just, subjective, and that’s fine.

Personally, I just don’t see a higher value on exclusivity over more player options; I rather have the most options that work for the aesthetic of a race be available, rather than limit them for a sense of uniqueness.


Other members of the High Elf Community dislike that too TBH.

I would like to but it’s honestly just done already.

It either falls into the “Works for Both” or the “Enhanced Subraces” category.

Blizzard has decided to do Subraces through Customizations, and while I feel there where better options it’s what we have to work with.

So I’m going to focus on new Subrace additions or just more Customizations in general, particularly “no brainer” ideas that should already be implemented.


I really don’t think a High Elf thread would work right now. Be as it may, we “got” High Elves through Void Elves, and any respectable request for any HE fantasy has to be made in consideration of how it impacts VE’s.

Pretty much. Unless Blizzard decides to completely revamp AR’s and customizations into a new “Subrace” system, customization is the most viable means for adding options.

And TBH, I think that VE focused options, with an alternative HE flavor as a secondary goal, is the most streamlined approach. For example, Hairstyles made for VE, where you can replace tentacles with braids, VE markings/warpaint, with some colors that can also fit HE fantasy.


I watched Princess Mononoke the other night and this just made me think of the main character again.

Yes, some of us do. But sadly there seems to be way to many toxic types out there that the bad impression of high elf fans spreads so easily. As a high elf fan, it’s depressing.

Yes. A better thread for the subject would be something like “Alleria-style options for void elves”.

In that regard, yes. But in terms of how well off we actually are, we’ll always be ahead of poor Nightborne.

Yeah, that’s why I tend to reference the winding pattern on Alleria’s arm when I talk about VE markings now.

This is pretty much where I’m at too. Like if there are options suggested that can work for them and they can be included, then great, but I agree that the focus really does need to be on the primary theme of the Void Elves, the Void first and foremost.

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There’s almost nothing that can’t be incorporated in with creative mogging.

Speaking for me, personally, what I love about void elves and wish their options focused on more was the “something’s not quite… right” aspect. I’ve mentioned void blotches and asymmetrical skin a few times, and I’ll continue to do so because that right there is the good stuff. The subtle horror. One extra eye. A mouth with sharp teeth where there shouldn’t be. Tentacles with spikes sprouting from a shoulder. Shifting tattoos.


I think Fiercelord/Lyraseth is working on some alternative tentacle styles.

One may be old god tentacle designed.

I’m interested to see what they come up with.

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My biggest complaint with void elves is that they’re pretty vanilla for eldritch abominations.

I hope when customization comes, they have some fun with it.

If the EoA leak turns out to be correct (and it’s looking more and more like it is, with 4 things so far potentially being confirmed), it claims that Void Elves will be receiving another pass with the rest of the ARs that haven’t had a pass.

Which means all the more reason to push hard for the desired new options right now!

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Hehe, after the NB revamp, I don’t know if I can agree tbh! They fixed my major issues with NB and I really love their options.

Maybe, but I also feel that “Alleria like” options are 100% a viable Void Elf aesthetic on itself, since she herself is the original Void Elf. I think it makes perfect sense for VE culture to at least, partially (in their Umbral Rangers for example) to homage Alleria and her Farstrider background. (TBH It’s weird there’s only Ethereal influence in VE aesthetics, with no Alleria)

Hence why I like the idea of “A Void Elf twist of Alleria’s Farstrider aesthetics” which would include things like void feathers -with the Dark Phoenix actually being the VE crest- and void themed warpaint, and braids.

Basically: This is VE stuff, but it can work for High Elven fantasy too if that’s what you want. VE stuff should be developed with them in mind, and if it also fits the High Elven fantasy, that’s just aces.


Oh, they get much better options now, for sure. But that’ll never fix the problem of their model just being straight up worse than the original NPC model.

While true, this is still a thread focusing on the Voidier side so I tend to avoid talking about Alleria-style stuff here.

Void feathers would look pretty sweet.

I always found the whole conception of void elves to be very strange. Back before you could change eye colour, I always found they looked like a Draenei wrapped around the blood elf skeleton.

I can see that. I am personally more of the opinion that the Alleria aesthetic itself should be more relevant to Void Elf culture since she is such a pivotal character to them, you know? It’s just weird that so far their whole aesthetic is Ethereal based when their connection to the Locus Walker is through her.

I just think at least an aspect of VE culture (Umbral Rangers and Ghostblades) would make sense as a Void version of Alleria’s aesthetics and background, it’s just a logical thematic continuation IMO.

I think there’s a whole venue where VE iconography could rely on the aesthetics of vouid wings and feathers, not unlike the SC “Raven Priests” There has always been something pretty avian about thalassians, and the “Dark Phoenix” look is just, such a vibe.

That’s one of my major issues with them aesthetically, their look is just, incongruous to their backstory. Their connection to Ethereals is very minimal in the grand scheme of things. “VE” existed for a while as a group of void enthused Blood Elves, that where, in a day, attacked and altered by an Ethereal. And then, the teacher of their teacher is also an Ethereal.

So why do VE aesthetics rely so heavily in Ethereal, and naaru iconography, but not thalassian? It’s weird.

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The Naaru aesthetic is probably inspired by Alleria eating that Void Naaru. That plotline being popular in house is the reason they gave as to why void elves exist.

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That’s the thing, the ethereal and naaru elements do make sense! it’s the absence of any thalassian and Alleria elements what just makes the whole thing off for me.

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