Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

No one asked for your thread removed, so not sure where you decided that was a link. But the Forsaken also won’t be interested in your takes here either.

I realize that I shouldn’t put it past weirdly rabid people like you to joke about killing other players but no.


Oh yeah now that I know what I know about him I wont ever support his threads.

I’ll be honest I was more trying to poke his faulty logic more than suggest that I support anything about him.

Your thread died because you didn’t keep up with it and wasted time on bumping someone elses.

Your thread is dead.

You just necro’d a different persons back to life. lol

That you drew out that take is a big red flag.


Ideally for me you could have braids and tentacles on the same hairstyle. Braids are just neat, and I already had these done to show the jewelry colors I had made since you can see them a lot more than with the current tentacles who only have one bangle.

I’d really like the tentacles aesthetic to get more love with more jewelry details tbh, longer ones with more metal segments, all that jazz, but personally I am not great at making hairstyles.

But for example, I think a net one would be something of a kerrigan look, with jewelry through all over the length of the tendrils.

It’s a small thing but I think it allows to do that fine matching when it comes to mogs; for example even the heritage set would look better with some golden bangles IMO.


Indeed! I really think jewelry and undergarment colors being linked is pretty interesting, offers some fine tuning to customization!

There’s only one clown here my guy, and I think we all know who it is.


Even better if we could choose them independently. Them being tied like on LFD is certainly better than the unchanging nothing that other races get though.


Hey hey all again,

I had another look at the main thread and I noticed Fen that some hairstyle concepts are missing.

Faebelina has also made these:

Especially the ponytail I think looks beautiful.

And there’re these as well which make amazing concepts for the males, and I’m sure that with a little starcursed touch up they will look fine for Void elves!

https://imgur.com/a/EDt5Rkl (unknown source)

Why not add them to the main thread? Esp the male hairstyles look very unique and well made in these concepts


Several of the pictures from this thread have had to be paired down due to the forums having a limit to the amount of links of that nature that will show their preview here in the forums.

These pictures will show up within the Archives once I have them completed.

The thread is currently being adjusted with the items that have a high chance or wide appeal to void elves specifically.

Again mostly because I’ve been having issues with just tossing everything up.

Also this one is really more for high elves than it is void elves. I’ll leave it to high elf folk to request those.


Oh I see I see. No worries :smiley: thought that might be the issue

Yes I take it must’ve originally been made with High elves in mind. But they can be touched up with starcursed hair effects and tentacle toggle to create that Voidy feel :slight_smile:

I think they’re really unique and nice looking, well made hairstyles !


Sure, I just mean I’m probably not going to add it to the main post as its purpose was originally for high elves. The hairstyle itself could easily be a void elf one.

I do wish there was a version of it with the blue skin and a void hair color. Would make it more applicable to this thread as a visual… If someone wants to take on that edit adding a tentacled version would be swell as well.

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Hell yeah that’d be amazing if someone could add a starcursed touch to them amazing male hairs! :sunglasses:


So you know how mounts have the mount special? I kind of want one for races and VEs to sprout tentacles and then frantically ‘push’ them back into their body.


I would have given a like for the idea in general but you also made me laugh harder than I probably should have so heres another…



Can I choose to keep them out and incorporate them into my dance?



Maybe they can be like glow stick jewelry at raves. Change colors as you dance as well :thinking:

I’m imagining a VE petting their tentacle like Dr Doom did his cat. Also a VE using one as a jump rope and the local kids running away in fear.

Oh wait… not Dr Doom… it was the Claw guy from inspector gadget…


Dr. Claw.

He’ll have you know he holds a PhD!

Probably a PhD in evil.


Two days later:

HAH. My old eyes were right and those are literally the same textures/colors remapped.

…wtb something NEW for void elves


WTB NEW Hairstyles, Starcursed Hair Effects, Tattoos/Markings and Old God eyes!! And don’t forget the jewellery!

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Honestly that’s why I think there’s a good chance there is more VE customization incoming.

Yes, what we got was very nice (specially for the HE fantasy we have to be honest) but in terms of development time, VE’s just didn’t get anything comparable to the other 3 legion AR’s, because all the stuff they got was reused BE assets.

And I think we have to understand that it was both:

a) A great and efficient way to add more variety to players when it comes to customization, and that is always good. And not only from a HE aesthetic, but the black and white hair were paramount and I am glad they got it.

(Personally, I think all the natural hair colors work well for a full VE aesthetic, my VE shadow priest rocks the ashen blonde with the tentacles. Looks great.)

b) Void Elves really have not had any assets developed for them since their introduction. The are, inequivocable, behind all the other legion AR’s in that regard. I’m all for sharing assets between the most races is possible to do, but for that to be true all races have to be given their own TLC, otherwise is just hand me downs.


That’s where I’m kinda… So so on what void elves have gotten so far.

Don’t get me wrong – I love all customization, I’m glad it got added, I appreciate the RP elements and empathize with people who feel strongly about it. But compared to nightborn, lightforged, and high mountain, I am not pleased with the amount of unique options void elves got.

Because they mostly (except for one eye color) got copy pastes that were shared with or ripped from blood elves. And that’s kinda… dull.

Though there’s a few options I’d also like to see on the other 3 Legion races. I mean, I hope if I’ve made nothing else clear on these threads, it’s that if you put a bowl marked “customizations” under a cartoonishly large box propped on a stick with a string tied to the bottom, I’d 100% go for it.