Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

The toxic types are always louder and tend to repeat themselves more often.

Doesn’t matter the subject, it’s just the way of the world, especially in internet culture sadly.

Might be a good way to go.

And since people are talking about markings for Void Elves I might as well re-link my concepts here.

Void Elf Markings

Void Elf Markings/Tattoo Concepts


  • Alleria and Celtic inspired with waving lines and abstract shapes.


  • Left/Right Eyes, Arms, and Legs. Note each are separately customizable so you can mix and match.


  • Blue, Purple, Red, Black, Green, White, and maybe a pale Yellow.


  • Normal (Like Alleria in Normal Form)
  • Glowing (Like a Backlight Tattoo/Alleria’s In Void Form)
  • Corrupted which is the Tentacle Effect on the Tattoo for moving/waving patterns.


  • Scarred, Streaks across the face/limbs.
  • Abyss/Beyond, Curling Patterns in random places. (Triskelion Inspired Design)
  • Entropic, A Waving Tentacle like pattern that covers the majority of the Eye/Forelimb.
  • Consumed, Covering an entire Arm/Leg/Side of Face.
  • Allerian, Literally based off of Alleria’s waving/tendril like pattern.
  • Silver Covenant. WC2/Silver Covenant Homage.
  • The Eye, Large Eye Tattoos. (Dalaran/N’zoth symbol mash up.)
  • Seeker, Bands over Eyes/Arms/Legs.
    (Note, these names came from Dwarf Tattoo naming conventions of naming places/concepts)

Looking for any good feedback/ideas for these.


I don’t believe for a second that ANY of the leaks have been real in any capacity. Anything they get right is only because Blizzard is predictable.

Depends. Shes unique so far, so its hard to gauge if thats the intent.

We’ll have to see if Blizzard embraces the concept of those wayfarers and scholars undergoing a process to become void elves and come out with Alleria style setups.

Hopefully they’ll include that in the Telogrus Rift so people can see it, hear it and not have to make wild assumptions with no proof of anything useful.

And damnit it had better show some of them coming out as blueberries. I don’t want half our options “going extinct.” Especially when those options were the point in the first place.

(I might be minorly hung up on the lack of explanation for how we get more void elves.)

Not sure I’d classify that as ethereal. Its more true void. Like we see attacking Bastion for instance. Our tentacles are much more reminiscent of that than the void ethereals.

If something that comes to void elves happens to work for high elves great.

If its developed with the idea of being for high elves I don’t think it matches with this thread.

The entire point of this thread was to get out of the way of high elves so they could make their requests in peace from void options.

I’ll be honest, while I have no problem with those I’d rather focus more towards the dark naaru as aesthetics.

First step in that is to make the void wings from our chest piece into a customization option.

Culture wise she is clearly represented. The Battle over Lordaeron she shows up with a ton of our Umbral Rangers.

It seems that her cultural concept, rangers, is there and strong.


Maybe that wouldn’t be as much an issue if Blizzard had given us any buildings.

Though should be noted our flag and crest are fairly thalassian.




Personally I think the skin color could depend on a couple of factors. Ideally I’d think that elves that try to maintain a more restrictive control over the void and use it more sparingly would be more likely to retain natural coloration, and they wouldn’t be as adept as the OG generation of VE’s.

I think that it just could work like Fel does, the more you delve on it and the more powerful you become, the more it shows. But this is all just headcanon.

I’m mostly referring to the Heritage Set which beyond the banner, is the only in game asset with any aesthetic. It really leans on void ethereal and void walker aesthetics. It’s about the cultural significance of their aesthetic choices rather than the biological changes they suffered, if you will.


And that’s the thing, Umbral Rangers are clearly present, which is good, the problem is that VE aesthetics, the look itself, we have it’s so limited (the Heritage Set and the banner) that there’s just very little to work on.

My main issue with the look of the Heritage Set seems to rely a lot more on a void ethereal/voidwalker aesthetic with naaru elements, all of then which seem more removed from their immediate BE past, and Alleria influence.

Of course, it’s the thing that can be addressed with more VE assets, it’s just very noticeable since we only have a Heritage Set and a Banner, contrasted to all the other Legion AR’s which have solid and deep aesthetics.

Aren’t Riftblades the VE warriors? Ghostblades are the rogue scouts we see in Stormwind.

Indeed, as I said a bit above, this is really an issue of how limited the presentation of VE aesthetics simply is in game.

Agree, I think the banner and the crest did a better job of melding both aesthetics, even tho they are fairly more simplistic.

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They’re specifically void elf units?

Never actually heard of ghostblades. Perhaps then it’s just new info for me.

Hmm they’re not seemingly labeled as rogues. They seem to be though. Interesting.

Edit edit: there’s a few more void elves than I was aware of in some of the notes I just found. Neat.

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Yeh! the fact they are scouts makes it very likely they are Rogues, and both of those things make them more likely to be related to the Umbral Rangers rather than the Locus Researchers and Rift Wardens.

fwiw my feeling on both the BE and VE heritage sets is that the real ranger heritage set is hunter T19 and its pvp variants

I don’t mind that heritage gear represents something narrower or different aesthetically especially since Legion lavished a ton of good stuff for thalassian hunter looks

Although I wouldn’t say no to a look like Alleria or Sylvanas’s ranger gear, but I don’t think this is the kind of stuff that should be locked to either high elven subgroup exclusively


I would like to see some more void pets to tame for void elf hunters. Only two void pets exist.

Void pets of interest in these families:

Cat (void Panthara)
Spider (void tarantula)
Birds of Pray (void hawk)
Carrion Birds (void vulture and raven)
Beetle (void gorm)

Other hunters can tame void forms with a tomb, void elves know how to tame already.


They’d have to add a new pet variety to this I think for that to work out. Neat idea though.

I think that a few more starcursed pet options would be neat to see or at least voidier options. Such things are not commonly available as you point out and it would be nice to have a few more.

Which two are you referring to?

The one we start with I assume is one. :stuck_out_tongue:

Neat ideas.

I’ll probably mention this a bit once I finish the rework of the last half of my main post but I want the fifth island of the Telogrus Rift to have some tameable beasts for the void elves to exist upon it.

Specifically more of the void lizards we have around our home already. (None of them are tameable cause they’re all labeled as friendly. -_-)

But other thoughts I had were:
Starcursed versions of the Manawyrm (A voidwyrm if you will.), Hippogryph, Dragonhawk, Hawkstrider (also adding regular hawkstriders to Eversong Forest), lynx and a courser.

Most of those for the simple idea that if we brought Hawkstriders with us and they got voided why not a smattering of other creatures fairly standard to elves?

It would be really nice for our Rangers.

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If you mean the Voidstalker, according to Petopia they’re tamable on Argus.

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Oh neat!

Odd I had looked them up some time ago I must have either forgotten or been nuts at the time.

None of them are tamable in the Telogrus Rift though sadly. I still think that should change since that one at least is our starter pet.

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The void elf starter pet and Gara (wolf) in Shadowmoon Valley in WoD

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You can tame the Void infused Marsuul on Argus.


Also Sabuul who has a void glow to him on Argus.

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In terms of classes, if we were to get Void Knight as paladin skin it’d be super exciting to be able to use holy light but call it ‘‘corrupted light’’ or some short and it’ll have purple strings of corruption in it as it’s cast. And consecration could be called something like ‘‘Dark Purification’’ and could include starcursed lines on the ground among the regular golden lines.


Oh I don’t mean that the VE set should have been ranger like; it’s the absence of any thalassian elements on it what throws me off, because VE’s up until the accident had a Thalassian culture + Alleria being their leader, the abssence of a thalassian identity in the look, the aesthetic of their heritage set will always be weird to be.

It doesn’t say “elven” as much as “ethereal”, and I think a better design would say both things at the same time.


Yay I still want to steal from night elf.

I want to trade a bunch of stuff between all elves (although tbf night elves have second most options iirc)

I feel like shen’drelar options could benefit from a tiny bit of void/blood elf jewelry (well or nightborne stuff but wine elves need a metric ton more customization before any consideration for that)

Hair colors and stuff in return would be nice. Maybe vine options for the ranger vibe

The new BE/DID quests in patch 9.2.5 add lore and cosmetic content (mount, weapon, armor…), it’s great. :+1:

I hope all races will get the same treatment.

Regarding the void elves, I think we really need more lore… To explain the recruitment of new recruits with a less dangerous ritual for example.

For cosmetic bonus content, I’d like a recolor to the VE colors of the Eagletalon Battlegear set (Hunter T19) or a recolor of the VE armor. :purple_heart:


Lets leave that for another thread… I really don’t want to see those arguments start up here in what should be a void elf thread.

I think the night elf greens are generally a bit too bright… but I don’t really see how they wouldn’t work.

We already have a teal black hair color. Expanding our void tinted hair colors I think would be really neat.

I imagine all races will eventually get heritage weapons and a new mount.

Though I’d also have thought that the couple of core races that still do not have their heritage armor would have gotten that armor first…

So who knows.

In either case I don’t mind waiting for it so that Blizzard can tend to others.

I was thinking about that the other day actually.

These heritage quests could be used to address that issue.

Have void elves run through a little quest chain in the Telogrus Rift showing/helping the Wayfarers and Scholars learn to use and control the void while resisting the whispers. Perhaps gather the materials for the ritual and then assist them with the ritual to become proper void elves.

I just hope that blizzard has the foresight to make sure that the Scholars and Wayfarers come out with both Umbric and Alleria style void elves by the end.

I don’t want our blueberry elves to go extinct or to make it seem as though new void options wouldn’t be on the table if the new void elves that we CAN make don’t get any such changes.

Its a slippery slope that Blizzard has set us upon and they will need to address that when they make such a decision.

I hope they keep us infused with the void and with options rather than pigeon holing us into high elf aesthetic.

Cause thats not the aesthetic I play this race for.

I was also thinking about this…

The Blood Elves are getting a Blood Knight armor which is awesome. (Kinda wish the gems in it were yellow gold though.)

If they do something similar for void elves when our heritage weapons come about (whenever that may be, again I can wait until Blizzard does it justice.) I hope its an armored chest piece or a robe option.

Since the Blood Elf one is based off a tier set… maybe ours would be based on the eagletalon set… I could see that.

Truly though I think that armor bit is going to be specific to Blood Elves because we don’t see it with the Dark Iron Dwarves so far. Also Blood Elves specifically have those Blood Knights as a main facet of their storylines. It fits a lot better there.


I had forgotten these VE weapons :sweat_smile:, of course, they must also be added !

the Eagletalon Battlegear set in green/gold look like Alleria’s armor, which is why I think it would look great with a VE recolor.

This is probably the only hunter set with a Thalassian style.

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