Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

It remains that you weren’t owed a damn thing.


This is pretty cool.

I think I might make a void elf who is gay and trans. That would be groovy.


See, it’s stuff like this that suggest maybe there’s a reason you keep getting reported.


You should stop causing this trouble in this thread. This is what, the third time you came in here with this rant? It’s not appropriate. You have your own thread to go on about this nonsense. No one cared there. Why would they want it here?




Oh, I know full well the reason. That was never in question.

Braids sure whatever, though I’d really like to see tentacles with jewelry. >.>

I’m less for replacements of tentacles with braids these days as that just seems like more high elf stuff rather than void elf stuff.

And this thread is for Void Elves.

Crossover is fine as long as it helps Void Elves, with high elves just happening to get what they need from the same here, not the other way around.

I really wish someone would make an honest and respectable high elf thread so I can link it in the main post. Lore’s (Sandrinar) old thread is really out of date and I don’t think anyone feels comfortable bumping it anymore.

High Elf requests should be separate from Void Elf ones.

ALL that rant done.

More jewelry colors I am not against, though we have little jewelry to speak of at this time and its just not a big priority for me personally. (There will be some pictures when I get the Archive built finally though.)

(I’d link the picture you posted but I see that has already been attended to. )

Oh no.

I shall now rethink my life and decisions to this point.

How foolish I have been.

I shall now delete everything posted here and request Blizzard delete the thread.

How silly of. Me.


In case that wasn’t entirely too obvious.

I appreciate that you bump my thread once in awhile with clearly extremist viewpoints. Really helps to keep Void Elves center stage.

This honestly.

Cadazamir, you’re very extreme in your viewpoints and hostile to boot.

Its not a good look and won’t win you any friends. Pity. I had hoped you were going to make a real high elf thread at some point but instead you’re wasting your zeal on extreme points few would support reasonably and bumping old threads rather than keeping to your own.

Fallyn has supported me considerably over time but I don’t know that they’re so into void elves themselves. Not that I think they hate them or anything mind.

Fallyn is the San’layn queen for lack of a better way to put it. Her thread on the San’layn might be the oldest still going Allied Race/Customization thread there is actually.

And yet, here we are.

Must be disappointing for you.

You should just give in and join us. Let us open the doors before you.

Ah yes, this is true. I do not believe I am owed anything. Especially not after getting two passes.

I made this thread to gather void elf requests separately from the high elf and blood elf requests out of respect for their time and energy. I didn’t want to step on others toes.

I feel like you’ve made enemies of me and others here for little reason but your own frustrations.

I find that to be a shame.

Tone down the rp dude.

You should that would be awesome!

This void elf thread stands with the LGBTQIA+ community.


Nice! I used to only consider the characters I’ve appearance-changed as trans but I’m so tired of transphobes so I’m making ALL my characters gay and trans. :angry:



I’d never support a thread of his, even if it seemed legit and tailor made to everything I wanted. The stuff he’s posted in other threads? No way I’m ever giving a like to someone who referred the Flynn and Shaw pairing as “gross”.


Are you really bringing this up again? I never said that them being men was gross, just that because it wasn’t valeera. But whatever. We’ve been over this again, and again. And there’s no changing the mind of someone who already made it up. You’ve got rocks in your ears and you’re happy to go about being ignorant.

If you actually mean that, put some thought into the way you word posts in the future.

I literally told you all that like 10 times. But no one listened and instead just went on attacking me and calling me homophobic the entire time. I will write things as I please. I know people will jump to conclusions on things because they have soft brains and can’t think rationally for more than a second. But I will not cater to these people.

They are just bitter that their own thread died. And most of that is the way they talk to people. No one cares about any points they make because of how they act.


My thread never died. I mean if I want I can keep a thread going for a long-long time. The one I dug up, it started with 20 comments, now it’s at like 500. I just stopped bothering.

You should bother more and keep your bs there.


Because when you word something like that initially, it’s hard to believe you when you backpedal. Show improvement in your posts in general.

Go ahead, but it’s not gonna win you any friends, or help anyone believe what you write.

No, it’s because of the unbelievable amount of people who make up excuses when they get backlash. Don’t make yourself look like one if you don’t want to be confused for one.


I don’t think you are understanding much of anything. Remember the whole me being a homophobe started not because of the flynn shaw thing, no it started before that. It started because on my original thread, there was a guy who was going around comparing high elves to lgbtq. People found him to be a homophobe. Know what? They then started calling me that because I never said anything or tried to stop him. By somehow… not saying a word or getting involved at all… I am to be blamed for his actions. On a forum. Just because he was in my thread. As if that matters.

People already had a view of me. That just added fuel to the fire. But it didn’t start the fire. People just like to jump the gun. So screw them. Let them believe what they wish. I will not change myself for them.

A 3 year old undead thread is still basically a dead thread


Guess we better eradicate the forsaken and forsaken players. They are dead. They can’t be part of the game anymore or something.