Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Instead of paladin I feel like a spellblade type class might work but the game is already overloaded with melee specs, so if they were going to do that they’d already have introduced it a while ago (and enhancement is sort of that except, you know, not playable by any of the elven subraces who should all have it)

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Also it can’t use swords, which is a big hit to that fantasy.

They could do a class that includes both Spellblade and Spellbow as specs, giving us something that can melee or range, and finally a second class (and third spec) that can used ranged weapons.

How about

Void elf bards :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

That could work as a balancing act

I was thinking that in theory rogue and hunter are both in a similar boat where they’re technically, sort of but not quite non-magical classes depending on who you ask (with implied access to nature or illusion magic depending on who you’re asking, and which race’s take on it)

But they’d lack one thing for that that paladin/spellblade implies: a tank spec (if they revive subtlety as a spec by making it a dodge tank I’ll be eating those words but I doubt that’s happening)

Also bard could crib easily from the other MMOs that have it for specs - LOTRO minstrel has a cross of healer and spellblade, FF14 bard is a support archer (and the NPC bard mentors both have a unique healing song), FF11 bard is a sleeping aid, stuff like that

BG bard had a very cool very melee oriented spellblade spec (which happened to be very tanky despite low HP) even if base bard is better built as a ranged bow+magic type of thing


I think they might’ve said Stealth was Void magic in BfA.


I feel like we’ve had three expacs in a row implying rogue stealth involved a degree of magic to the annoyance of some rpers

But yeah what I meant in my whole rambly thing is I feel like if there was a way for some of the classes to have more support specs some of the complaining for paladins might tone down a bit (I’m pretty sure belves only got paladin in BC because they lacked a tank and then they built lore around explaining how they suddenly had them when they were never implied to be a big deal in helfland).

edit - I do realize some still want it for the flavor which is admittedly cool but some of that I think is just driven by only really having a handful of specs that can do things beyond dps (I guess less so now that we got DKs which I totally forgot)

No, BEs were going to have Warrior initially. They swapped it out for Paladin because they wanted to give Paladins to the Horde and Shaman to the Alliance. Before BC, they were faction locked.


Void elf and Forsaken paladins are two ideas I would love to be implemented

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Wish they improve the two handed weapon animation of blood elves…it switches me off

I mean it feels like they are struggling to pick the blade :sweat_smile:

Edit: the male version I mean

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I like it on spears because it has a very gracious Oberyn Martell/Wirefu Martial Arts kind of look

saw the edit and fair

edit - Like hunter since Legion is a perfect class for a samurai type since master of bow, greatswords and polarms. This is the weebest thing I’m ever going to type in here.

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Polearms and Staves use a different anim set that other two handers. I believe it’s called “two handed large”.

The Holy Paladin Artifact Weapon The Silver Hand used to use it back in Legion, but I think they changed it to just use the standard two handed anim set in BfA, sadly.


Oh. I thought they had the same generic two-hander animations (I use polarms a lot more than swords for two hander mogs)


Here’s a comparison of two-handed vs two-handed large on this character: https://i.imgur.com/W5Ve0wH.png



Indeed! I feel a very possible addition to VE customization options could be jewelry colors and while I’d really like if that allowed you to circle between the VE graphic and the BE one win different colors, I do think we’d only get VE ones.


I do like how the BE ones just give you that High Elf look, but I really think that different colors for the VE one would be best in terms of consistency, specially regarding the tentacle bangles.

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Love these :purple_heart:

It would be great to see Void Elves, along with everyone else being able to choose their jewelry colors and undergarments akin to the LFD.


No. Even blizzard regrets their decision making void elves. They were a failure, don’t you understand? Why would blizz put in anymore work to a race that got outshined by its subrace? Why would they bother? Void elves are essentially retconned now. They are never brought up anymore, their story has ceased to exist. They will slowly fade out of relevancy, and as they should. They were a poor decision by likely… a dev that isn’t even working at blizz anymore. We see Blizz has gone out of their way to undermine void elves. It’s over. The race is dead.

Honestly looks really bad with those void elf hair styles. Void elf males have some of the worst hair. Giving them braids only makes them look like a clown even more.

I’m breaking my silence and not posting on any other thread than this one just to say:

You know how people wonder WHY folks despise the high elf community and find your lot incredibly obnoxious?

People like you are the reason.

Everything you say about void elves you should look into the mirror and apply to yourself.


Says the guy who wants to play high elves but

  • Doesn’t like wc2 high elves (druidic race with little to do with the light worship of humans)
  • Doesn’t like wc3 high elves (not alliance except for a small team of specialists and Dalaran citizens)
  • Doesn’t seem to care much for anything other than wrath Dalaran elves if I were fair outside of bizarre helfer fanon from mmo-c

No one is leeching from your race. But at this point I wouldn’t be that sorry if they made the last few named SC elves join the belves or velves outright out of spite.

All your subgroup of helfers want is an obnoxious Legolas fantasy.


Where are you pulling up this nonsense? Please post me saying any of the 3 things you’ve mentioned.

And yes, you are leeching off us. This was our compromise. But we didn’t even want this compromise. You void elves shouldn’t even exist. It should have been high elves from the start. I am sick of seeing your dumb purple faces, really I am. You don’t fit in with the alliance, and you sure as hell don’t fit in with the high elves. You are counter to everything the alliance and the high elves are about. Realistically the alliance would never have allowed you in. Not the radicalist humans who worship the light and would see you as abominations, and the lightforged definitely wouldn’t have allowed this either. Do you remember that they imprisoned Alleria for her dabbling in the void? They clearly do not like it. You aren’t wanted within your own faction, you aren’t wanted in your old faction as blood elves. You don’t belong anywhere.