Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Still too pretty. I want to be monstrous looking. Give me a mouth on my shoulder, eyeballs for teeth just anything to look more like a void or old god freak.


They did!

Love that stealth is now Canonically magic.

Also where are my rogue draenei and Tauren blizzard?


Your rogues

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Hooves don’t actually make that much sound and again. Magic stealth.

Besides both races can already stealth with camouflage…

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Moving on though!

Somand made this!!!

By Somand

Starcursed Entropic Embrace or even as a skintone! (also void wings as a customization option separate from armor)

I absolutely love this.


Those are some very beautiful tentacled creatures, but no. It something that sits on your head. I’m gonna search thru the toy tab this weekend to see if this exists lmao. Thank you for trying tho!


I’ma keep searching for it :eyes:


I was kinda thinking class skins that use the new First One yellow geometric magic type would be cool too.

Naaru bits instead of the gold wings when going Avenging Wrath would be nice.

My suggestion has just been establish Orders around each one, and have some races start out with a default one but always allow someone to pick what they’d prefer. Collectively they could be the Orders of the Silver Hand, could explain it as they all still follow the ideals of protecting Azeroth and such established by Keeper Tyr or some such.

That’s pretty cool.

Then Gem of Acquiescence has this face hugging cephalopod on your head.


Y’all, I found the toy I was thinking of. It’s so cute :laughing:


I just had a flashback to when we thought the Wings on the Heritage Armor in the Allied Race preview where part of their Void Powers.

Oh, what could have been.


Yaaaaaaay! That is indeed cute! ^.^


If only we had those.

Great ideas!


I’d love that, though realistically I doubt blizzard will go that far.

I think things like this may be as far as we get.


I dream though of my Stomach mouth…

Could be neat.

This I absolutely love. At the very least for LFD.

Technically new orders or different orders have been what they’ve been doing.

I would recommend having any new orders especially if they were void based being established entirely separately from the Silver Hand at least in lore.

The order halls are still stuck in their time-line and I don’t think new void orders should be a part of it.

But giving everyone the option IF blizzard does do skins like that should be available to any race that has the class. (to give at least rp tools.)

This isn’t limited to paladins. A system like this cannot be to the benefit of only one or two races.


Amazing! I need to go get that.

Old God’s that would have been better.

Now I’m firmly in the camp that it should be a customization option at the barber.



Regular draenei too! :frowning:

I like the one with 4 eyes but I wouldn’t even mind another set. I like the triangular orientation that 6 of the eyes on Y’shaarj has. Could maybe even space it out so the forehead one works in there as well…EYES ALL OVER! haha

Yup, further expanding it and giving visual spell representation.

I dunno…Alonsus and Natalie Seline would be a really easy route to use to introduce void/shadow paladins. I do still think it’d weird that shadow is an aspect of the void instead of the light, but that’s what they went with. I think as a further development having Natalie approach Alonsus with the idea of forming an order of shadow wielders fits very well in response to what we’ve seen that they light has done elsewhere.

Yup, either go simple and have it a switch in the barbershop, or they could add little induction ceremony questlines to join which ever order you preferred.

Of course not, I’d expand it to each and every class where it could fit in.
The version that Simaia and Lost Codex did usually showed a single example, and then at the bottom had the class list with the icons in color where their proposed visual theme could be used.
They did the all paladin list as well, but the idea was the visuals would be used throughout multiple classes.

Still think it’s weird it’s not just the back piece like the covenant ones are.

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One of my pet ideas for a while has been the possibility of overlaying two skin/hair/eye color options to create another option. It uses the already existing assets, but it allows so many option.

This one is just a sample of the VE skins + the BE ones (it’s missing all the VExVE and BExBE possibilities, but these are the ones that are most striking and are of interest to the topic)


I really like how the strength of the VE features such as darkened eyes are very noticeable, and particularly how the darker VE and BE skin tones interact in such a way that you can see the gradient effect on the limbs.


By BE one’s do you mean the natural skin tones? Just for clarity.



Indeed! As with the Hair colors, I refer to them as “BE Textures/colors” because the VE model was made to read those BE textures rather than copy them into the VE files. That’s why the VE underwear took a while to be put into the new skin tones -they ended up making the underwear be unlinked to skin tone, and jewerly made into a separate file- And how the tentacles now load their texture separate from the hair color so you can load BE textures.

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Do we just use the BE hair textures as is? If so, I’m surprised they fit so well. I remember someone, might’ve been you actually, mentioning how the Kul Tiran hair textures would’ve been an easier fit.

I used to think it would be good as a back option. But now, with the quivers from Sylvanas as a back option, it sucks we can’t pair them with capes. That’s why I’d prefer the void elf heritage wings as a barber shop option (that unlocks with the heritage armour), since that way it’s untied to anything and therefore doesn’t limit how you can use it in mogs.


Those spikes on that last example look cool. Really digging the spiky brows.

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Indeed! The layout of the BE and VE textures is pretty much the same, which is important when it comes to the eyebrow. And yeah, the KT hair textures themselves are the same graphic than the VE ones (and you can even see the VE ponytail bangle on the KT ones) but using KT textures would have required to either remap the male eyebrows, or edit the textures to add the eyebrow graphic.

So with the tentacle separated and made to load the default VE hair color, it really was just easier to load the BE hair texture simply because of the eyebrow.

Personally I think the KT textures could have looked better as the bangle already matches, instead we now end up with the bronze one in the VE hair colors, and then jump to the BE ones on the new ones. They could have just remapped the male eyebrow to the hair itself as it is for the female model.

But at the end of the day, it was outright just simpler to load BE textures because the mapping is a 100% match once the tentacles were separated, and it also adds the continuity of being the same options BE’s have, thus further cementing VE’s used to be BE’s and the High Elf fantasy as well. If they share skin tones, it just made more sense to also share hair colors.


The odd thing about this is that it ends up giving VEs two hair accessory options, but they’re tied to hair colour. The BE ones end up working well for the theme they were going for anyway, since they’re blue and gold.

It would be nice if all races got the same options on their accessories that LFD do, with underwear changing to match and all that. Heck, not even regular Draenei get the underwear changing, though at least they get a good amount of options on the jewelry itself.