Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)


This one


I was thinking of it only in a system where they basically make the current play-styles into shells for multiple class fantasies. Like Warden being a skin for Rogue, Necromancer for Warlock, Tinkerer for Hunter, things like that.

If we only get variations like Elune’s Light for Priests, Sunlight themes for Sunwalkers and such like that, then yeah there’s no currently existing melee class that really makes sense for Void. Warriors don’t use magic, DKs are undeath themed, Paladins wield the Light, Rogues I guess have a light Shadow magic theme to them, but not in like magic strikes and such.

As for the Void Paladin idea being discussed, I don’t have any problem with it as long as its not some special exception that no other class or theme can benefit from. If we get Void Paladins, I’d also like to see things like Arcane Paladins, Blue-fire Mages, a Light skin for Shadow Priests, a Shadow skin for Holy Priests, etc.


With a class skin I imagine they’d change out the abilities. Which even for paladin or other classes I’d expect as well in those cases.

Just an alternative for a Void Knight concept though. I’d say I don’t really think Blizzard will do it.

Also a picture from Forgotten Realms.

I actually ran an entire party of these once… It was surprisingly entertaining.

Ironically while I like the idea of the Void DK you came up with, I actually really dislike the idea of Tinkerer, Necromancer Bard and Warden being class skins. >.<

The concept of slight variations for classes I think is a much better setup for class skins.

Sunwalkers with slightly fiery paladin abilities.
Blood Knights with slightly red fiery abilities.
Zandalari Trolls with… a deeper gold coloration? or maybe when they use their judgement and such instead of a hammer it looks like like the jaws of Rezan?

Night Elves getting elune colored paladins.
Dwarves with dwarven hammers of light!
Draenei throwing out crystal hammers of light!

yada yada,

If they do a void based paladin skin they absolutely should allow it to be used by everyone who can be a paladin. Maybe not explain that in the lore for all paladins, but for things like the Void Elves or the Forsaken or even the Mag’har, there could be reason for it.

Velves - Riftblades
Forsaken - Militant order of the Cult of the Forgotten Shadows. (While at it make Natalie Seline a Forsaken undead and put her in charge of it.)
Mag’har - in direct response to the Lightbound the Shadowmoon made a militant order of Shadowcasters.

That sort of thing. Nothing should be done for one race alone when it involves something spread over many races. (Classes or faction and such.)


Probably because the Void has no melee classes from previous lore, unless you count some void elf NPC titles and that one island team. So a Void something as a skin is just adding, while making a previously existing class into a skin denies it from properly standing fully on its own.


Yeah. Which given the precedent of Wildhammer and also a to a lesser degree, for me anyways, Sand Trolls denying something its lore by pasting it over another thing feels so bad to me.

Necromancer, Tinkerers, Bards and Warden just feel like they’d be immensely reduced if little more than a skin.

Void based warriors on the other hand… we’ve seen that several ways in WoW so far but nothing directly concrete… so yeah I think that reasoning makes sense with how I feel about it.

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It’s like how Blademasters were reduced to a single skill for Warriors, and one for Mages for some reason. As a Blademaster fan, it’s depressing.

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Ah! I forget those guys all the time but YES!

I always thought they should be a class unto themselves though I realize like Dark Rangers that would be relatively similar to something we already have.

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Dark Rangers wouldn’t be that similar to Hunters. They’d be more like Rogues with ranged weapons, and some undead summoning abilities.

Need red hair for my red transmogs. And green eyes. We’re literally blood elves.

I’d also really like an idle stance difference, similar to how Nightborne stand differently than Night Elves.

That has nothing to do with this thread which is about Void themed customizations.

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We… have red hair.

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Red is void. At least when I did horrific visions and my sanity was low.

Gonna make this char in Baldurs gate 3 :grin:

So, like a twisty, Voidy red like the far right of this image?

Green eyes still have nothing to do with the topic though. And following an ambiguous “red hair” with “green eyes like blood elves” is easily misleading.

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They absolutely use magic strikes. They have multiple attacks that do shadow damage instead of physical. They’re full blown Void themed now.

They can (and frequently do, since they’re generally viable if not best in row) replace backstab and ambush for versions that do shadow damage. Since you spam Ambush in shadow dance, those two spells make up a majority of your abilities.


Ah, this is true. I guess that might be hard to display with a skin though. Blizzard hates adding visual effects to melee abilities outside of pallies, DKs, and shammies. I’m specifically thinking here of the DH charge talent thingy that literally does fire damage, but has no display beyond “you jump and slash”.

They have visual effects and besides the spells themselves you frequently shift into shadow dance (last I played the cd was 45 seconds cd) which visually is basically rogue void form.

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That’s true.

Does it still have 2 charges? I know it did at some point, but the CD might’ve been longer.

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Yeah, two charges short cd.

It’s such a rewarding spec in PvP.

You might be able to get the cd lower too.

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looking back into this thread and I see a ton of high elf invaders tried to sneak in yuck. -Sateria

IIRC even stealth is canonically a void magic ability now, since people were questioning how it worked after the assassins attacked saurfang and thrall.