Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Those look pretty cool too!


I was away, but I see Vaelian was kind enough to do so.

Braids are nice for the high elf crowd and its always nice to see new hairstyles. My hope is that all future hairstyles will have tentacle options so we don’t have a half measure again like they’ve done with the current tentacle toggle.

Its not a proper tentacle toggle until it allows us to add tentacles to the hairstyles that never had them.

The Blood Elf thread was incidentally talking about jewelry colors and changing the underwear as well just a day or two before you made these.


I think braided looks would look great for VE if we saw the tentacles braided within, like on Faeb’s concepts. Still trying to conceptualize that well with models.

Indeed, I think that could work just like the vines option for NE, or an additional Tendrils option that worked more like a beard option so you then could match them to any hairstyle.

Haha! I think that since we knew the VE model just load the underwear separately, and how the LFD model changes the underwear color based on jewelry, there is just a lot of potential for different underwear, even if it’s linked to jewelry and not its own option.

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Void elves should absolutely have access to Vampiric customizations considering there the void has many themes of consumption, blood, etc.

Shadow priest, key word being SHADOW which is just diluted void, has an option called San’layn and on top of that they have a class base ability called Vampiric touch.

Void is inherently vampiric and even incorporates the colour red.

There is no reason for them NOT to have vampiric customizations when they are literally beings of shadow and void.


We already look like vampires with tentacles - and we can take them off now, so.
Pulling from vampires for new ear shapes and some new hair styles is pretty much all that’s needed at this point for the illusion.

I just really hope they dive back into the mana vampirism the blood elves had in TBC with void elves. Void’s hungry, and sanity’s waning.
Having a twist on it all is way more interesting than the blood DK angle.


I feel like they COULD add them in the next xpac (I mean, I doubt it because Blizzard hates making good decisions but it’d make sense), like how they added a bunch of races from Legion in BFA because they joined at the end of that storyline.


Luoren did a good job I think adding in the tentacles.

Something like the bottom left one there would work pretty well all things told.

Given Blizzards track record I’m inclined to believe that they’ll just add them like they currently have the toggle. Click and poof tentacle. Just need them to actually add them to the 4 female and 6 male hairstyles that are missing them.

And of course for them to include the tentacles with all future hair styles as well.

Vampirism doesn’t really seem, in my opinion, to be a part of the Void Elves. We see no evidence of it nor do we have any reason to expect it. What we have for Void Elves so far tends to focus on the standard fare of the void. Starry expanses, tentacles (not the meaty kind) and blue purpley fun times. Things like we see in Bastion during the “Flashback” quest from when the void attacked.

Most vampirism actually tends to come from the power of Death in World of Warcraft which appears to be unfriendly with the void given the whispers to Alleria during the Three Sisters comic.

Besides that is a topic for San’layn or Venthyr threads who by far have a better claim to the concepts.

I could see that but I feel like its doubtful.


Indeed! Love these concepts! AFAIF these are all rendered drawings (the hairstyles themselves) So I was considering to do a paintover on my model edits to achieve a similar look!

Agreed, but I do think that adding them as a separate option would be as much work, but would give them the option to be selected separately.

And for sure, going forward making every VE hairstyle work better with a tentacle toggle would be the ideal.

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With them already having it as an option I’m not sure simplistic answer Blizzard would see it as the same amount of work.

I’d not mind tentacle options for each hair separate from the hair itself though.

Also I want them to give us some tentacles for the bald option. Which… I suppose would technically make it not bald… still though.

That’s my point; the assets themselves would take the same amount of effort and time, but making them a separate option -such as beards are- would allow us to mix and match more freely, and thus, add tentacles to the bald option.


Kinda on the same topic I asked Fiercelord to mock up the remaining hairstyles that DON’T have tentacles with tentacles for me. Excited to see what Fiercelord comes up with there.

Also excited to see that project he is currently working on that he teased the other day.

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Bit of a different kind of vampirism, but once turned, Umbric makes comments about the unending hunger. The Void’s need to consume. So kinda but kinda not. There’s some similarities, where normal vampirism is more about blood/life force.


Eh, guess I was remembering wrong, the one talking about the infinite hunger is the nether prince. Alleria does comment about how “Durzaan tried to tear away your mortality. To make you like him–a slave to his hunger.”
So maybe not quite there, otherwise, yeah…it would have a bit of a vampire vibe going for it.

I’ll have to read over it more later, Bed time!

Yeah, but not in any way a blood draining, bat themed, San’layn style vampire. I don’t want options like that on a void elf. They fulfill neither the Void fantasy, nor the Alleria style helfy sub-fantasy we have going. It’s literally just pointless clashing.

If they give more options to void elves, I’d want either actually Void themed options (something void elves have received almost no additions to), or at least more high elfy stuff (since it’s what I happen to enjoy). Not vampire stuff.


Very nice! Like the colors!

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No, an energy vampire.


Love that show…


then you should check out “our flag is death”

same people behind it


Duely noted. Will check that out.

Edit: Just watched a trailer and I am all for this. omg.

Sorry for double post but Fiercelord just released his most recent project and I wanted to show it here.

Titled “Children of the Void” its an amazing rework of our heritage armor as well as showing off a few new hairstyles.

I particularly like that pig-tails-tentacle hairstyle.


Amazing, those pigtails are everything. Great work from Fiercelord as always :purple_heart: