Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I respectfully disagree with those ideas for the Warcraft version of Necromancer specifically.

Necros where always depicted as frail casters and necrotic healing does not make much sense.

The entire kit was added to Warlocks and Death Knights, and the first Necromancers in WoW where Orc Necrolytes (Shadow Priest) and Death Knights who where formally Warlocks.

So while the Diablo Necromancers can be seen as that, I do no see the Warcraft ones taking the Tank/Healing Role.

I also do not see a world where Blizzard would not take moves from Shadow Priest, Warlocks and Death Knights to fill out the class. It is a constant repeating pattern.

And Affliction is already based of Necromancer concepts. Not to mention some of their tier sets.

Curses/Diseases/Life Draining/Soul Magic all fall under this. Even the name of this spec fits. I do not see this spec surviving in a world with Necromancers let alone a good chunk of the Warlock kit.

Lets not forget they ripped from Warlocks twice because WoW Warlocks are made from several archetypes.

So to me it makes far more sense to expand the Warlock Themes/Kit then to try and force a new class with essentially the same playstyle, wich at best would act like a squishy ranged DK.

Expecting more and getting more are two different things sadly.

I agree. They should definitely be their own class as they could be made unique enough and quite fun.

For Necromancer, I’d like to 4 specs to mirror druid.
tank, caster dps, minion master dps, and heals.

big failure of Shadowlands. So many necromancer references and nothing for us.

There’s a whole thing around blood magic, there’s your healing magic.

For tanking, your character could essentially become a follower casting minion and you pilot the actual tank minion. An abomination. There’s a ton of abomination models and variations and other minions that’d work well in that place too. Crypt lords, various golems, large skeletal undead… Even an option to go the Diablo 3 route and have an exoskeleton of bone around your character. Plenty of cool ways it could be done.

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I’d love to see something like this for Hunters too.

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It could definitely work for hunters and maybe even Warlocks. More tanks wouldn’t be bad. (edit: ooh maybe even frost mages).
I still think an Earthwarder spec for Shaman would be great. They’ve got shields…make a tank!
Even the other necromancer class write ups on mmo-champ are pretty well done. I’d play those as well!


Not only that, but Enhancement was actually designed to be an off-tank spec. It was redesigned into a damage spec when Blizzard realized via live game testing that an off-tank specific spec was useless.

So Shaman getting a tank spec would make historical sense in that sense. Not at the cost of Enhancement dps of course, but as a fourth spec (just thought I should clarify this, given the nature of this post).


Yeah, I remember there being some tanking done with it in the early days.
I wish we could go dual melee weapons on survival instead of spears. Used to have dual melee weapons :frowning:

Earth Warder would make a great 4th shaman spec. Although some are thinking there might be something similar as part of a new class to be announced…we shall see. It’s pretty fitting for Shaman, although I wouldn’t mind a glyph/class skin option where you could use your chosen elemental type for all your spells regardless of spec.

I’ve got a shaman I plan to level, that if there was an Earth Warder spec, I’d really like him to use all lightning :smiley:


Fleshcrafting is a wonderful vessel for this.

Using what we have on necromancy from the Shadowlands Necromancers could easily have such things.

Your points are of course valid, given Blizzards past actions, I just don’t think they should or need to have Necromancer be basically the same thing.

They have plenty to differentiate the class as long as Blizzard actually tries.

The not trying is a class skin on warlocks and that sucks.

Push Blizzard to be better or you’ll never see “getting more”.

If other classes are to end up with four specs I want everyone to get a fourth (or 3rd and 4th in Demon Hunters case). I get why druids have an extra but honestly everyone else should have been allowed to get filled out too.

Maybe hunters wouldn’t be so annoyed all the time about Survival and Beastmaster.


They even made entirely new spell palletes for it to just leave it as NPC only.

I’d use the fleshcrafting with a little blood… but mostly the fleshcrafting concepts. Necromancers in Maldraxxus can just summon flesh according to the lore to stitch things together.

Not a bad concept.

I prefer one where the necromancers spells and abilitys focus on determining where their Abomination is and its taunts/ cleave with summoned minor minions that enhance those abilities.

Abomination among a bunch of enemies? You raise several lesser undead that then make its cleave much wider and do a little more damage, plus increase its aggro hold.

That sort of concept. Health shared with the abomination and caster in this case, but the spec would have its own design to increase the health and armor of the caster.

I would love that as well.

I imagine the hunter one to be shared health with the pet, two hand or dual wielding melee.

But I could see the setup Vaelian suggests above for it too.

I agree.

Earthwarder is what I want for that. They should have a tank spec.

Old Gods this.

All this said though should probably get back onto the topic of Void Elves. >.>

Void Knights through Death Knights does sound fun.

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Yeah, it’d be a cool way to go but it’s also more work.
I think I’d much rather have new classes instead.
Both would be even better.

For demon hunters, either a ranged spec or a spec that focuses on 100% up time of the demon form would be cool, or just make it something like shadow priest, where you turn it on and keep it on for combat. I think that’d make more sense than ranged, but shrugs
Maybe add a level of customization to the demon forms.
The class also needs to be opened up to a variety of other races.

Yep, I mean look at all the awesome spells for 8.3 for Void. Make a void knight already!

Those tie in nicely together.
I’ve kinda felt like for the minion master dps spec, a flesh golem would be a cool timed summon. Kinda like a shaman has their elementals. Pop it and it does damage while also doing an AoE blood splash heal to those around it. Heck, that could be a healing spec spell too/instead.

Yeah, I just don’t know how well tanking would work without being in physical control of the minion since there’s so much movement based stuff.
I’d pictured necromancers as having passive minor minion summoning…like skeletons, these are then either enhanced up into proper pets (knights, archers, mages, golems, etc) and consumed for spells as well. Sort of a nod to death knights and their runes. Not actively summoning them as a warlock does their pets, as they’re so specialized it’s second nature, so instead it’s more of managing/supporting/upgrading them into specialized role as needed. something different.

The base skeletons could also perform the function of auto attacks.
3 could be consumed to cast an AoE bone storm in an area…or 1 consumed to form a bone spike launched into an enemy. As they’re used, they passively crawl back from the ground or nearby corpses.

I’d thought part of tanking would be consuming the base skeletons to regenerate an armor/mitigate damage. Could also use nearby corpses and such to do this. Flash craft/drain blood to heal etc.

Lots of cool stuff could be done. I did like the idea of the necromancer inside the bone exoskeleton visual from Diablo 3, that could be an additional option along with the abominations, crypt lords, whatever big cool undead minion feels tanky) more variety and options, the better.

If you were running the abomination, your character would visually appear as the casting minion. If it was the necromancer visually in the tanking role, caster minion could be a bone mage.

There’s so many cool undead that could be various minions now. It’s a shame not to use them. Same for the spells. Abomination limb would make a cool tanking ability.
Probably a bunch of cool Maldraxxus stuff that’d work for abilities.

Having a death/frost magic themed caster spec that has a lich form…lots of lich forms to choose from.

It’d be totally doable.
I really do like the idea of the aberration form. Kind of a nod to the shadow form priests have, but the more physical monstrous aspects of the void. It could be purely a visual thing too.
Building off something like this but make it customizable with a lot of options from various void creatures and old gods. Tentacles, extra eyes, toothy maws, etc.

but fully encompassing.
Wouldn’t necessarily have to use the base body either, smaller frame could turn into a bigger frame…venom-esque.
Kinda like a more developed customizable form of entropic embrace, that you could keep up all the time. Toggleable.

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Pet tanking is not viable because positional requirements and the fact they turn their backs when moving.

This is a doable idea that would not take much work.

We were talking about the player actively controlling the tanking pet.

I was the one talking about pet tanking, Vaelian was talking about the “player” becoming a minion model that just shoots stuff, while the player controls the “Abomination” tank. Like as the player character. Sort of.

(Also I’ll comment for real on your last reply there Vaelian, I’m just not home right now.)

Basically bear tank with a caster minion. But made into an abomination for a necromancer.

Player plays the abomination and your character follows along as a caster minion.

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Hot from the oven, a remake of my old naaru based markings.



Oh like the drawing version you did a long while back? Nice to see them on some in game blueberries.

yeah I think I got it. Not sure I can explain it to another person clearly but I think I got what you meant. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d like both new classes and more specs. I don’t expect it… but I’d like both.

We’ll see what Blizz has for us soon enough. :stuck_out_tongue:

I do want a ranged dps Demon Hunter. Not sure what I would do for the 4th spec if I were to figure one out…

Maybe something based on that one Demon Hunter lady who uses that Scythe?

I definitely want the DH class opened up to more races. Draenei and Demon Hunter at the least. Everyone at the most.

Yeah honestly they’ve got a nice base for a void based spec or class there.

Just like they’ve got plenty to make proper and amazing necromancers too.


You could do that for all the specs just make the flesh golem do slightly different things.

Like explode for the DPS one. Or maybe acts as a Deathgrip for the tank spec.

Thats a very fair concern. I just think it’d be neat, and if every ability lets you choose where they’re moving directing the battle as it were I think it could work out.

Thats a cool idea actually. I like that.

That just sounds metal. I like it.

I’d love all of this. Honestly.

Pretty sure I could see a good use for Voidberg there…

By Lancelot

Also honestly this…

By Silithid-Pies


Yeah! had been meaning to present them as a model edit for a while now :smiley:


I was saying in another thread that with the idea of class skins, demon hunter would be a good one to retheme into a Warden. Silvery elune spells, it’s got glaives and dashing and such. It’d work well.

Could do a variety of golems. I’d thought some sort of bone construct would make a good short term tank minion like the earth elemental. The marrowgar style models would work well for that. Lots of potential.

I thought it was neat, kinda hints back towards the death knight, but also differentiates it from the warlock as the summoner class.

One ofmmo-champ write ups had each spec having a selection of minions but one varied based on which spec you were in.

I enjoyed both of those write ups as well.

Yep, taking the idea behind those corrupted krokuul and running with it. Adding customizations off kthir, faceless ones, cthraxxi, old gods, sha, etc…could have a lot of cool stuff. I keep thinking the big toothy maw, maybe some back tentacles, multiple eyes like y’shaarj…could have a variety of skin colors and textures.

That one image there by Silithid-Pies, I wonder what a fully consumed version would look like, as that’s kinda heading in the direction, but I picture mine having a bigger body frame.

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I think healing as a Necromancer can make sense, though not through necrotic means. I came up with a Necromancer concept awhile back for wow.

The specs were:

  • Hemomancy (blood magic): Ranged DPS role focusing on dealing damage through direct damage spells.
  • Reanimation (animating skeletons/corpses): Ranged DPS role focusing on dealing damage through a combination of direct damage spells and pets.
  • Spiritualism (spirit magic): Healing Role that uses a variety of different skills to sustain allies.

It was just a basic idea and yes each spec does have similar stuff from other classes but as a whole I think this concept provided a unique overall class experience. It’s only a pet class as Reanimation Spec and its not a “summon a bunch of dudes” the way Demonology is today. It’s a more mage-like class as Hemomancy spec. And finally unlike mages or warlocks, it has a healing spec. Maybe no one else would, but I’d totally play something like this.

BTW! can you work your level 3 magic on these please?




Thank ya!!

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