Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I would love to.

Wish Blizzard would get to it. :stuck_out_tongue:

They don’t deserve your passion. They would force it into a box and watch it wither away.


It’s harder to tell b/c they wear a thong but yes. It affects them as well. The Void really doesn’t like skimpy armor, lmao.


I appreciate that.

And you’re probably right with how things have been going. I can’t imagine working for Activision Blizz and wanting to make these things happens for players but not being able to because of some system or metric… I hope getting acquired by Microsoft helps in the end…


You know what that tells me…

It tells me the EE effect is a skin tone for sure.

Even more maddening that they wont let us have that as an option.


Was chatting with Ace about the ear and fang option potentials, and got gifted some really nice concept art for it, alongside some more star cursed potentials.


Shapes range from a more natural droop, that could be shared with blood elves, to some more chunkier stuff drawing inspiration from other “dark elves” in media and vampires.
There was an arcane one done too, but we’re trying to stick to just void colours.

Yogg-Saron mouth bois, and some more subdued but still there fang options.
Super minor but makes a huge difference. Only 3 because that’s really all that would be needed.

This stuff’s intended to be used in combination with a larger eye colour range (or extra eyes), tentacle colour toggles, tattoos, ect ect.

Also general red eyes plz red is a void colour gesture.


Also, the skin bug can be triggered by leaving instances with EE active. Any time I leave a battleground or arena with the effect active, I have it stuck on until it triggers again. It’s super easy to replicate. It’s also just client side.

The game files also pull it as a skin colour.
I remember back during the SL beta people found the source for it and thought we’d be getting customizable void forms. (Which would be cool. Give us those kind of skins as an actual skin and turn the void form into something crazier.)


Ah yeah I saw that last night.

I’m personally more hesitant to assign vampiric traits to Void Elves as I think that goes in a different direction than we see with the void but the shapes and designs themselves work well for just regular void stuff.

Not sure I’d use most of em, I just kinda like the standard ears, but these are really nice.

Might use one on my warrior depending on how it actually gets implemented.

I already have some arcane options above if I remember right if you all do have em and want to show them off.

I’m not opposed to high elf stuff, its just not the focus on this thread.

This stuff is neat and I really like how otherworldly it could make us feel in a subtle way.

The Yogg teeth and Yogg eyes made by either Lance or Somand would work well together.

I think we’re referring to something a little different than the getting stuck in EE mode.

Seems that EE adds underwear to the model if you’re wearing a revealing mog.

I remember that.

And yeah it would be nice if they’d give us the EE tones as customizations.

My favorite, and this is just mine personally, is an EE option that adds the stars like the Starcursed effect has to the body.


The void is very much so associated with vampirism, namely, psychic - which the blood elves actually drew inspiration from in the past. The Void Elves have a heavy vibe of continuing from the bruality of TBC blood elves.
We literally already have such inspirations with our hair cuts, which are directly pulled from vampires and other gothic western tropes. Pulling from them for “monstrous beauty” is absolutely valid and very much so a part of their establish kit, alongside other sources such as cosmic horror, HP Lovecraft directly, and 80s/90s gothic scenes like darkwave.

Can we not cannibalize customization requests because the theme’s wording is “thing I don’t want” like the Blood Elf community does when people bring up Light?

If it expands on the kit, aesthetically suits, and it already there, there’s no reason to deny it simply off wording. If I hadn’t used the “V” word, it wouldn’t have been brought up.


Ironic. I kept my response about vampirism brief above because I didn’t want to bother with a back and forth like this.

Also I’m surprised you went with Psychic instead of Vampiric Embrace?

Like I said I’m hesitant to assign vampiric traits to Void Elves as I think that goes in a different direction than void elves are going.

And I’mma leave it at that. This thread isn’t for fighting over things.

And if you’d read what I said…

I don’t actually see any issue with these items if thats how you want to see em. They work fine on their own if that word had been omitted as just void things.

What is being cannibalized here? Vampirism would be from the San’layn folk so… Not sure what you mean with that?

You’re absolutely right I would not have mentioned it if you didn’t write out vampirism in there… Since then you wouldn’t have mentioned it and I wouldn’t have had a, personal, difference of opinion on where void elves are going.

However, I wasn’t denying it. I think those designs are very nice and I’m certain that any number of people would be happy to have them.

You don’t have to get upset that folk see things differently than you.

You and Ace are doing good work for Void Elves, vampire inspiration or not. You know that. You don’t need my approval by any means. What does it matter to you if I don’t want to assign vampirism to void elves?

What you do with your character if they were to bring these things in is up to you. You want to put it on and use it so you can play out being a vampire elf? Go for it.


They should get “Void Knight” void paladins!


As long as its void based I love that idea. (Though honestly if they add just straight Paladins I’m definitely making one…lol)

(Or possibly if they do that Sub-race thing and High Elves are a separate entity through it so people can have that dream of theirs.)

We have Riftblades guarding the Telogrus Rift and while they’re warriors most like right now it would be neat to see an order of Void Knights come out of them.

Its not like Blizzard hasn’t done derivations on classes before… though I admit this one would be a bigger derivation than the others so far.


Yea, it definitely needs to have void spell effects, spell icons, and names. I basically really want to play this (no TL3 sorry):


I will keep advocating for them until that dream is realized!



I got you.

Yeah that rendition of Class Skins for Void Elves that was going around awhile ago would be ideal.

And there is a part of me that wouldn’t mind a new spec for Paladin that uses the void as Priests do. Though I’d want them to write lore for it and explain how its spread to the other orders.

Like… a Silver Hand member suddenly using the void would be a bit jarring without an explanation.

However it did happen I would welcome it.

Never stop requesting what you want to see. No matter how much someone tells you to stop.

Just… be respectful about it please. :stuck_out_tongue:

:octopus: :purple_heart:


A 4th spec would be awesome too! Then they could really get creative with new spells instead of just skinning them.



I also think a new spec would be more realistic?

This assumes a few things.

But my reasoning is that making a full skin for just Void Elves would be a single race being focused on. You could spend those resources instead on a spec that every race associated with Paladin would be able to use.

With some minor world building put in prior to release it would work out well I think and ultimately hit more of your playerbase.

I kinda think that Blizzard is more likely to go for something that affects many players rather than a few. (not to say Void Elves don’t have quite the following though.)


We don’t even know what direction void elves are going in because we have no direction at all. We barely have any lore, but our inspiration points are quite clear aesthetically.
San’layn are not playable, and they are also not the sole vampires in this game, nor the only vampiric inspiration in the game, and them trying to gatekeep basic customization like fangs and eye-colours their chosen race doesn’t even have is getting ridiculous at this point. The playable gothic elf are Void Elves, and the discussion is about them, not did I even mention them despite it being known I’d prefer to see the game switch things up a bit and maybe have them ally with the elves that already have part of their kit anyways.

I should not have to omit words because people are offended by the word “vampire” when used in the same sentence as “void” over monstrous theme customization, and having to do so constantly because a minority of people get mad or annoyed about it is getting old.
The fact that this is even a back and forth (and it won’t be further, I just want to point out this is happening) is precisely why so many people don’t bother leaving feedback anymore in these threads, and why I’ve stopped putting money into concept art commissions for this race as of late.

The only thing I’m “upset” about is the fact that any time anybody, not just me, I’m just the one who keeps at it, brings up a singular word, it turns into people getting defensive over the word, when if the term was left out entirely - which as somebody who is a bit behind the scenes with some of the concept art floating around and shared often - it’s ignored and embraced.

If somebody wants to play a blue cultist? Yes, good.
If somebody wants class skins to play a void paladin? Yes, good.
If somebody wants to have half their face melting off because too much void? Yes, good.
If somebody wants vampire-like fangs to go RP they’re stealing energy like it’s 2006? Yes, good.
If somebody wants to play a high elf? Yes, good.

Also, it does sort of matter when people edge their way into positions where they can just have people’s suggestions “ignored” in the upfront. I could easily point out how K’thir, something I have never seen a single role-player use on Moon Guard and something that belongs to mutated humans, seems to be getting pushed, yet once again, somebody says the v-word, and it instantly turns into references to something else entirely.
I’m tired, man.


Some minor updates to the main thread today…

Having some issues putting in the section thats just every picture I’ve found… Seems to make all the pictures in the OP go haywire… will have to work on that.

Will be adding more sometime this weekend or early next week.

Ace has been working further on the Telogrus Rift remake.

Not quite what I expected but it looks really good.

Can’t wait to see what they make as they continue work on that project!

:octopus: :purple_heart:


Oh nice, I like it! The floating buildings are a neat touch.


Cross faction play will be coming in a limited fashion in 9.2.5!

Not sure how that will affect things but it could be a good sign of Blizzard continuing to listen to the player base. Maybe we’ll see some more customization come in 9.2.5 as well.


I wonder what this means for belf/velf sharing customization. On one hand, since factions matter less so does visual distinction which could mean more sharing, maybe. On the other, it’s easier to play which race you want so any shared customization would feel kind of redundant, I guess?

What do you all think? :thinking: