Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Should have been available from the very beginning.


Grotesque Dragonhawk (hearthstone) :open_mouth:


Void elves need more hairstyles.


Ah, I was just wondering if it was a velf artwork or not.

Hard to tell nowadays sometimes.

Very nice. I keep meaning to go and tame one of those just to have one…

Despite my first toon ever being a hunter and having more than 12 of them I’ve never tamed a spirit beast… Lol

This is beautiful!

I kinda wish we had Starcursed looking animals available to tame in the Telogrus Rift…

The lizards we do have, Starcursed dragon hawks and wyrms.

I’d prefer Starcursed but that’s neat too!

Honestly more types of hunter pets is always good.

Yes we do.

On second thought everyone really does. That should be one of the options that just exploded in quantity.


I just want more hairstyles for me. I don’t really care if anybody else gets them.


Fair enough.

Still new hairstyles is always a good thing.

So About the Possible Logo Leak

It’s probably fake but look at the starry background. Could it be both a void and dragon expac? If it’s voidy there’s a good chance velfs will play a major role and maybe get more customization :sunglasses:


I have been told by those who know better than I that this is just a recolored and touched up Cataclysm logo, but it is pretty and neat.

I don't think it is but in case it is a spoiler...

Any expansion that has to do with Dragons right now will almost undoubtably deal with the remaining Twilight Dragons. We’ve seen them in BfA active and alive, even growing in numbers. While much of that was likely tied to N’zoth’s growing strength, we never really stopped them. (Killed their leader during the raid though.)

I cannot imagine we won’t see some void within a Dragon Isles expansion.

That said I don’t know if I’m convinced it will be wholly about the void, but a region or two dealing with it? Some stories where Void Elves could (and should.) really shine?


I hope if that is the path WoW is going that we get to be used and aren’t left out for the most part like we were during the Visions of N’zoth.

With that I hope we at least get some of the easier voidy things that are above. (I think I made a post about some of the obviously easy ones not long ago.)

Heres hoping!
:octopus: :purple_heart:


How so? The font for “Empire of Dragons” might be Catacylsm-like, but I would argue that would be intentional if it was real. The gliding is definitely not Catacylsm-like however, and it seems kind of strange to make the gliding OC but rip off the font for the sub-title.

I also see a lot of people saying that “Empire of Dragons” is clunky, but I would argue that they explicitly use the word “Empire” to draw a comparison to the Black Empire.

I don’t think it is real but it is a very high-effort fake that tells a story in a single image. Saying it is a “recolored Cata logo” diminishes it a bit too much IMO.

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Yeah, I agree. I hope we find out the truth this week with the special announcements they’re supposed to do. Assuming that the new game announcement wasn’t it, lol.

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The game announcement might have been it for this week.

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Damn, I was hoping for at least a 9.2 date :’)

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Maybe I’m wrong but I feel as though we probably won’t get an expansion announcement until 9.2 is out and the raid ending cinematic is released.


Like I said, others tell me so and I just have reservations as a result.

I am not the person to say if its a real leak or not.

I do agree its a high quality fake IF it is one.

Also I wouldn’t mind if for sure if its real.

Another chance for Void Elves to have something to do is good in my book.

That would be nice.

And yeah I hope the special announcement wasn’t that but it probably was. Eh.

Its looking more like that.


yes to everything


A bit off-topic but has anyone else noticed that entropic embrace causes skimpy mogs to turn into underpants? At least that’s what happening on my priest :upside_down_face:

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I’m sorry what?

You must get a Screenshot…

Screw it I’ll go try a skimpy mog tomorrow.

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Looks like it’s ANY skimpy mog. Tested it on my rogue and got some screenshots for my bug report thread. I’m not sure how I didn’t notice until now considering my guys have been half-naked most of their existence… Unless this is a newer bug :laughing:

Before EE https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/617947675270184991/936148714555310110/b387eb15bda35946cb39d1ea9520695f.png
After EE

Maybe it’s just me. Go ahead and test it for yourself :wink:

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Oh wow that is so weird.

Gots to be a bug.

Tomorrow I’ll see if its affecting the female model too (unless someone else already knows and wants to mention it.)

Very interesting.

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I am once again asking for you to add Void options to the Void race.