Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Entropic Embrace is such a beautiful visual. I wish there was the option to have that always active and the proc to have some extra glow when it happens.


Many want that!

As well as extra color options to switch to.

I like the idea of adding the Starcursed effect to EE, especially if it’s general coloration can be used as a skintone.

And dammit I still want that onyx skintone!


Been a few days, theres still a buncha stuff Void Elves could use so I thought I’d just post a bit of the highlights.

Some new skin tones!

Void Skin tones!

Starcursed Hair!

Some new hair styles!

Also finally adding in tentacle options for hairstyles that didn’t have them before!

Heres hoping we eventually get these relatively easy(ish) options down the line!
:purple_heart: :octopus:


Why don’t you ask one of the RP-council people to repost all of this so it gets the attention it deserves?

It’s still a part of the Horde’s kit though, technically, alongside Highmountain. For RP purposes, it’s absolutely counts as a city, and on RP servers it’s in use quite often. (And luckily, the community mostly treats it as neutral, with more than few people I’ve run into treating it as a sort of trade port thing.)

Also, red eyes, like usual.
More I play XIV the more I want more white, pink and red accents for everything from eyes to hair to skin/tattoos. Everything involving them is massive spoilers though, so I can’t link images for those still working on that game.

I used to say red should be an exclusive tattoo colour for horde, but at this point after working on Legion stuff and dabbing into darkness/void/corruption stuff in other games, it’s pretty much a given for us.

Edit a friend of mine did a while back with red star cursed skin.

And the ol’ faithful edits to the basic skin tones we have already with darker greys and red.



With the recent purchase by Microsoft of Activision-Blizzard, I hope we get to see a greater communication being broached with players in general.

It will be a few years I think till we see too much change come from this as it wont really go down until June of 2023 according to this…

Still though hopefully we’ll get to see some much needed change and more customizations people want (and maybe AR’s too!).

I think at this point I really want to see if a sub-race option can be added as that helps most players without being intrusive to races being added to the character creation screen.

:octopus: :purple_heart:


That really would make adding races that are similar to others a lot simpler.


Yeah it would.

Now I’d think they’d still add a few races AR style but they’d be more unique in that case. (Sethrak, Furbolg, Ogres and so on… maybe SLs races?)

So long as everyone gets to have racials and flavor in the subrace system that you see with Core and AR races then I think it would work out really well.


Was looking at this picture again and was thinking about those Void Mana Wyrms we see in it…

Honestly that’d be pretty cool to see flitting about the Telogrus Rift.

Or as another option for a hunter pet for us.

Anyone else have ideas for hunter pets they’d like to see? Or pets they currently use that they enjoy?

Starcursed variants of say cats, wolves, dragonhawks, hawkstriders and such?

Mind I don’t dislike our little Void lizard we get currently, and my velf hunter tends to use either a void addled Argus Kitty or one of the dark hounds you find near Undercity.

Just curious folks thoughts.

:purple_heart: :octopus:


omg I need the 3rd one top in my life and now.


Hopefully they split them up again and we get back to a WoW that works on something until it’s properly polished.


I really want blue and purple versions of core hounds. I also want void hounds :smiley:


A Starcursed Lynx would look especially majestic IMHO :hugs:

Such amazing work from Ace👏

This one happens to be my personal favorite, as I love how intense the Starcursed effect is on this one as the energy effects run through the hair too. :purple_heart:

I also really like those dualcolored skin tones as well.

I feel so grateful to have such talented artists amongst the Void Elf community gracing us with such amazing art and concepts :hugs::purple_heart:

I would definitely adore a subrace system, one that would add more customizations and possibly new racial tags and more class combinations.

Yes! I’d definitely love to be able to enjoy the EE visual for longer than just a few seconds.

Perhaps they could add it as a skintone or possibly a toggle at some point.

I love the eyes and that’s pretty much what I was pining for as far as an all tentacle hairstyle goes.

Fiercelord definitely nailed that concept :ok_hand:


I need an octopus.

More “nightmare” theme stuff would be nice too. My hunter actually aids druids in trying to fix nightmare corrupted animals, so having more of that would be huge for me.


go play a blood elf big dog




That is my hope as well.

According to the article though they wont take full control until June of 2023 so we’ve some time to wait. Still. Much will likely begin to take shape as they prep for the deal to close entirely.

I find myself feeling minorly optimistic.

Those would be wonderful.

I thought there was one someplace you can tame but apparently not. Definitely something they should add to the available roster.

That would be neat to see!

Wonder if I can get Lance or Somand to mock that up for me…

Might ask if they’ll do a mana wyrm with the Starcursed look too…

I forgot to come back round to Vapyr’s post on that but Ace’s work is quite nice.

This is one I particularly like too.

If it were to come to be I would very much think about using it on Fenelon here.

(Fenelon is bald so not so much the hair for him though. :stuck_out_tongue: )

Every one of them is amazing. From Ace, Fiercelord, Turokan to Lance and Izzabelle and all the others!

So much amazing work has been done for Void Elves and I appreciate everyone’s contributions, time and work.

The more time that passes the more I think it would be the best way to give everyone what they want, retain unique racials and heritage options for the future and preserve proper care for the races and stories that have come forth for all the requests I’ve seen across the board.

Of course some AR’s and the like wont fit into a sub race of anything current. Sethrak, Furbolg, Ogres yada yada.

But things like high elves, frostborn, wildhammer, sand trolls, San’layn, Dark rangers(depending on how those are added), even orcish clans and human nations.

Just a lot that could be done that way.

Fiericelord does really nice work. I found their twitter a month or so ago and I’ve been happy to see what they’ve put together. Think it was through them I ran across Ace too.

An octopus hunter pet would actually be pretty cool.

I was thinking about that the other day…

Nightmare training would be an interesting training book thing for hunters. Allowing you to tame some abberations maybe?

Is that a void elf? (I ask cause the ears are short)

I think Ace had some nice red colored (And other colors)eyes that I think would fit within the void aesthetic.

…hmm… I need to get eyes on the main post better I think.

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It’s a drow, but the general feel. Void elves can also have short ears now too.


My pet is Gara, a void wolf (Spirit Beast). It’s perfect for my void elf hunter. :ok_hand:
To get it, you have to do a quest.
Gara Hunter Pet Guide (warcraft-secrets.com)

Personally, I would really like to have a void dragonhawk. :purple_heart:


That’s beautiful. First time I’ve seen that.

Love this!