Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I think they should definitely expand to all the little islands floating in the Telogrus Rift.

Regardless of where you and I are standing on our wishful thinking I think we both very much agree we need a heck of a lot more than we do there right now. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’d like to see an area in this future hypothetical Void Elf city where there are practice training dummy’s where the dummy’s are actual chained up void creatures (possibly slaves of Nzoth) that we can practice our combat abilities on. That would be super sick.


I don’t see why not. Their aim is to protect Azeroth and the Void is a danger. being able to test their abilities on the Void creatures or to extract information from them seems a legit thing the Void Elves would consider.

Demon Hunters also test their mettle on the demons they capture.

Why not Void Elves.

Also I’d love to see them also use N’zoth’s minions to help train their minds to better resist the Void whispers too.

Which is another thing I think Blizzard should show some contention with.


This just in, Fiercelord/Lyraseth made some amazing Void Elf concepts for various aesthetics and styles :purple_heart:


Oml, I love so many of these. My favorite are the two on the far RIGHT* and the dude holding his tentacle :rofl:

Edit - I’m terrible at directions…


[seethes in shadow priest]

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And yet no onyx skin tone. :frowning:

Impressive work as always from Fiercelord/Lyraseth.

Theres a difference between what a shadow priest does and what void elves have access to. One just uses the void, the other is infused with it.

And there is no doubt that the void is a danger to those who wield it.

Void elves just have ready access to an entire “world” steeped in the Void. It’d make sense for them to focus on such things.

I’m sure regular shadow priests are studying the void on their own anyways.

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His concepts are magnificent, there is something for every taste. :ok_hand:

If we had Void Elf customizations with so much variety, that would be great.

I love pink hair ! :heart_eyes:


Damn I came here to post that tweet after seeing it! SO GOOD we really need different tentacle color options + void skin and eye options for standard customization not just EE + more hair colors and styles! And tats ofc :smiley:


Void elves don’t turn into tentacle monsters made of void magic, absolute amateurs mate.

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I do.

Rather regularly.

Besides shadow priests can only do so temporarily.

Void elves just have tentacles. (most of us anyways).



Would be awesome if we could capture a K’thir Occultist, bring him to Telogrus Rift, throw him in a protective Void Cell and torture that ugly vile thing until he teaches us how to train our minds better to resist the Void whispers. That and also having K’thir as training practice dummy’s in Telogrus would also be a nice addition IMO.

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I agree.

K’thir, Faceless, N’zoth style Aqir.

Even a few cultists would be neat.

So many options for NPC dialogue to fill in more about us along the way.

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Came across these beautiful artworks the other day and wanted to share them here. Would be awesome to have voidish highlight options instead of tentacles. The star hair is a must in my opinion.


I’ve seen those before, they’re really neat.

Starcursed hair is an absolute must I think, as well as an option to have it fade into the Starcursed from a main color.

The Void highlights is a good idea too. Could even see some high elf folk go in for that one for their toons for a neat effect.

I hope when blizzard comes back round to us we get some nice void options like that.

:purple_heart: :octopus:



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Suramar is unusable as a capital city, but if they ever fix it up I imagine Alliance would get a grand city as well. Hopefully, a beautiful void city :sunglasses:

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I counter with. Nightborne.

They only actually get a small area that’s not just the zone as normal.

I also don’t think they’re a true comparison. Ancient old city up against newly founded (and horribly designed at present) settlement.

If I were Blizzard I’d fix up Shadowforge City to its full glory for a large AR city.

They really should beef up and vastly expand the Telogrus Rift though. We could be so much more.

We deserve at least buildings… I mean for Old God’s sake.


I completely forgot about that place. That’d be amazing tho. I hope they’d at a portal to it for easier access.

Yes! And non-velfs should be allowed in there too! I’d like to see how a lightforged would react to Telogrus :laughing:


Honestly I want portals to all the Allied Races “homes” so other toons can visit them. I feel like its something that could make things more entertaining.

Just like Void Elves get some NPC dialogue when they enter the Church of the Holy Light in Stormwind you could have the LFD get something mentioned when they go to Telogrus Rift.

While I’m here I’d like to also bring up that Blizzard recently updated the Races Page of their website for WoW.

Here’s the one for Void Elves.

I’m kinda miffed that they don’t label a leader for us, nor mention Telogrus Rift as our “home city”. Hopefully they’ll add that later.

I also want them to acknowledge the new options as new members joining and becoming Void Elves through the use of a ritual or some such. So that no matter if you are intending to play a Void Elf or a High Elf you can use any of the options and not have to deal with anyone telling you its non-canon.

Though I imagine that last bit wont come from a race page.