Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Oml, she looks amazing! I really like the color of the tentacles. Looks like the tentacles around Eredath.


Ah! I was looking for this one again. I saw it in my Twitter feed but didn’t have time to link it up with my notes!

Thank you.

Its a very nice mock up of exactly what we need.


With the Incubus release getting closer and closer, I would really settle with just 1 dark Void themed skintone Blizzard. I wanna make a VE Warlock but nothing screams ‘void’ to me in their current iteration.


I hope they choose the onyx coloration. >.>

While they’re at it they can toss that in for LFD too.

EDIT: Hell lets add Nightborne to that list. Pure on onyx.


Onyx tones for the races listed above along with starcursed hair and tentacle effects for Void Elves, Arcane hair glow and fel hair/hand glows for Nightborne and red hair colors for LFD would be my short wishlist for 9.2 if they were to add anything.

Though that’s really just the tip of the ice berg for everything I’d like to see for said races.


Anyways, here is a bump for my support for more customizations for the Void Elves, for the Void Aspect.

I’m though kind of curious on whether we’re going to see more customizations in the future, especially for the Void Elves?


Assuming they do more customizations, and I see no reason they wouldn’t, I imagine we’d eventually see more done.

Or maybe better to say hope…

It would be rather frustrating to only ever get high elf options for a race dedicated to exploring the void…


As someone with both a High Elf (Void Elf) Hunter and a Void Elf Priest that stayed Voidy, I approve of this thread!


What they need is a whole expansion expanded to them, the lore is paper thin and I’m curious to see if they ever bring some cool takes to the customization.


I could see it about 11.0 or 12.0, though seeing as 8.3 was an entire Old god patch and SHOULD have had major VE involvement and didn’t even though they were most relevant to the actual plot of Void corruption… I have no faith in this possibility…

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8.3 was cut of most of its content. They just wanted out of the expansion.

Likelihood is they had plenty in store then but it was deemed unnecessary.


Seems like this keeps happening.
I’d like to see them stop cutting things.


Every expansion seems to have some cut content but the last few have had their last sections cut short to meet the next deadlines for expansions it seems…

Wish they’d spend the time and money to actually make it all the way through.

Exactly. I’d rather see the content.
Especially where there’s often a pretty large drought between expansions anyway.

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Honestly friends. What is going to happen when WoW finally reaches its end and no more expacs come out? :frowning:

Well as long as we get more Void elf stuff along with a few more classes for both VEs and NB I shall continue playing until I’ve milked whatever content I have interest in completely dry :joy:

Or I somehow manage to find another game or hobby I equally enjoy. :eyes:


Red eyes plz.

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The expansion cycle Activision Blizzard forces on wow is at least in part why it’s story has gone downhill and become more focused.

They’ve lost much of their ability to tell various and varied stories in the face of expansion deadlines.

They really need to consider letting go the requirement that they throw out a new expansion every 2 years.

Assuming they recover from what’s going on in RL for them I doubt we’re looking at an end anytime soon.

Plus there’s always the wow2 route.

I hope we get more void Elf lore and our home built out.

I can take or leave new classes personally. I’m good with what we have but not really against any of them if done right. (that said I’ll never like Dark Shaman, or light based paladins. Void modified versions are fine… Or non void in shaman case.)

So far I’m not gone from wow… But honestly getting kinda close…


Sorry for double post but I wanted to say Happy Winter’s Veil to everyone and I hope you have a good holiday.

Keep up hope not just for what you want to see for void elves but for ARs and other race customization you want to see as well as for wow in general.

:purple_heart: :octopus:


Well, I don’t see any reason either, but who knows. We’ll just have to wait and see

I like the High Elf options, and I do want to see more, but if Blizzard can customize with the Void Elves to only be copy and paste to the High Elf options, than surely they can do that with the Void options too :woman_shrugging:

Patch 8.3 could’ve been a great patch to further expand the lore of the Void Elves. But instead, nope, Void Elves got almost nothing in BfA, let alone a short tell-tale in Legion.


People will go play other games.

It could happen. But Activision would have to look at the demand for the product and decide not to fill it.

People can talk about the controversy, but the population has been pretty solid. I only know one person who doesn’t play anymore because of it?

Other games aren’t offering the Mythic+ experience. So here I am. I’ve played all the other MMO’s, but Warcraft’s still just got fun mechanics.

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