Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Yeah, I’d much rather see a whole new class based around a heavy armored spell casting knight using the void, but I’m all for a void wielding paladin as well.
I fully think a lot of great options could be made using the class skin idea. The mockups Simaia and Lost Codex did were fantastic.

I really don’t see any reason it’d hurt the paladin lore either. Plenty of room for expanding it.
Having a branch of shadowpriests picking up weapons and wearing armor isn’t all that far fetched and with the way we’ve seen the light behaving, it’s a very smart move to be prepared.

I’d named a lightforged paladin Atan, which was the Na’vi word for Light.
Then I’d used it again adding Rez in front of it for a Zandalari paladin. I just wish I could have an apostrophe so it’d be Rez’atan. I think it’s dumb we don’t have spaces, hyphens, or apostrophes. That really needs to change, and maybe lengthen how long a name can be by a wee bit. Doing that and the addition of the space means people could have first and last names, and that’d really help when trying to come up with a name.


Lmao, no way. I actually have a character with a similar name, but it’s not a joke name. It’s his actual in-game name >_>
I’ve gotten lots of compliments and /giggles from it so it’s been worth having such a silly name.

I’m sure 90% of velf players did. Also yeah we need last names. I remember being amazed when I tried out ESO because they could have last names. I had to remake my first character on there because I did First name/last name merged with no space.

I’m too indecisive, so it’s hard for me. The only thing RP-wise I have for my characters like a general feel for what kind of person they’d be, but nothing very specific.

How do you RP people go about that? Do y’all have word docs full of details about your toons? Or is it all in those RP addons? :thinking:

Hey! I really like how creative you are with names. I usually just go with something related to music, anime, or a variation of my real name :laughing:


Whoops, I gave you the PTR one by mistake and forgot to publish the general discussion one…

Holidays are stressful.

I edited the link.

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I don’t like the idea of light wielding void Elf paladins but Void wielding ones?

That aren’t really paladins but our Riftblades with voidy powers? That I can get behind.

A new class would be neat, though I’d also want lore for other races to gain access as well of course.

I find this acceptable. Lol

I agree, there isn’t a great reason that couldn’t happen.

First; cool names!

Second; I agree but would go a tad farther.

Let us have a little more space, and things like ’ - and such.

Then add an OPTIONAL last name slot, where you only need to pay a modest in game sum to change. (first name will still be a name change token)

Gives us a ton more variability and the option to be just “Dave” with a different last name to everyone else.

LOL nice!

Now I know it’s blocked by Blizzard here I’m a lot less sure I should even joke about it.

Still fun to joke among friends though.

And honestly the innuendo aside it is a good Elvish name.

With one action Blizzard could let us all actually have names and fix that long standing annoyance.

For the vast majority of mine that’s all I have too. (at first)

I then feel them out as I level them. It’s also why I don’t use level tokens anymore.

Usually with a mod like TRP. Let’s you fill in general stuff and back story.

Been a long time since I used any of that though.

I do use word documents to keep story beats around and traits and who my toons know and their general beliefs.

I find how one keeps things for that varies greatly person by person.

Noted: I was wondering. :stuck_out_tongue: will update it shortly.


Keep the dream alive guys/girls/non-binary friends.


Always my friend.

Been thinking on what to post about.

Few things I’ve wandered by on Twitter but I’ve been holding off posting anything with the recent issues with blizzard.

I’ll get round to posting some about it this week.


They’re fixing male nelf faces by adding 3 new similar ones w/o the scowl. I think there’s hope for us, or at least for other races receiving a bit more customization :smiley:


I think you’ve got a good chance. I’ll post here on my new void elf once she appears in my characters list. But I am super happy to hear that male night elves finally get those three faces without the scowl just like Fenn suggested. The best of both worlds.


Void skintones Blizzard pls <3 I also simp for N’zoth daddy eyes folks have made via fan art.


I’ll hold my breath for now. Thats a nice thing to see coming up though.

I am so happy that they went with the suggestion I put forward. I doubt mine was actually where they decided from of course but its nice to see how I thought it should be done come to fruition.

And Starcursed Hair. That design Turokan did is amazing.


Saw some folk talking about the black hair color void Elf NPCs have had since we launched but hasn’t yet been added to us.

This one.

It used to be broken but in 9.1.5 they (I think inadvertently) fixed the broken tentacle texture.

Maybe blizzard will unlock it in 9.2 for us along with night elf faces. I doubt it personally but it would be nice to have it.


Happen to know what shade of Black that is?

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I don’t. If Nico is still around he might know.

It’s darker than what we currently have. More in line with the other void Elf hair textures.

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There’s also this guy. Not sure if it’s the lighting, but he seems to have an even darker shade of black. Went to check on him and he has a tentacle now too. Used to be missing like that lady NPC.

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Ah! Yes I always forget about his Tentacle issues too.

I believe he is using the same hair color. The lighting there does make my own teal black hair color look much darker.

I color swatched it in MSpaint, Median seems to be charcoal. (Roughly 53, 69, 80)

Darkest part is 35 35 40.

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It’s a really good hair color and now that it’s working I really would love to see it unlocked.

Kinda like Dark Ranger options for blood elves…

Like it’s right there… It’s it so hard to let us play it?


Yeah, I think it might be. I’ve seen images where the lady’s hair is about that same darkness as his.

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Give Starcursed hair Blizzard. Your fans are doing a great job of fleshing out the Void fantasy you are failing to provide.


Starcursed hair is a must. It’s iconic to the Void aesthetic.

I also really want the ability to choose the tentacle color, preferably in Starcursed colors as well.

Fiercelord/Lyraseth has graced us with a magnificent hair and tentacle option as seen here;

He’s made an elegant hairstyle utilizing and complimenting both tentacles and potential jewelry. The tentacles are also Starcursed :milky_way:

There’s also some great eye makeup options in there :purple_heart: