Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

i have same bow on my hunter

even her pets match hehe


It’s a very nice bow. Plus it has a quiver.


Righttt!!! That would be iconic! I’m still waiting on those starcursed effects!


Those are amazing. Bizzard needs to look into these

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I am once again asking for more hairstyles :sunglasses:


More hairstyles but without baldness ! :sweat_smile:

Thank you.


So the link in the OP to my customization thread is 404ed now.

Should I make a new one in the PTR forums or ty and run a thread in general?

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I say try one here in GD. Its good to have a repository for them. Fallyn has one in her San’layn thread if I remember right too.

They’re good to have around I say. (And I’d love to link to it again.)

In that case I might wait a bit, general is hard to deal with. I need to psyche myself up a bit first.

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Absolutely. Take all the time you need and if you don’t feel good for it thats all good as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

Your health is far more important than a forum thread on a game forum.

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Thank you.

Feel free to edit out the old link in the OP since it doesn’t go anywhere.

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Will do, if/when you make the new one let me know and I’ll get it re-added. :smiley:

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Been thinking about void elf names.

Given how they came into being their names should be blood/high elf ones but I imagine they may change them to better match their new situation.

Fenelon’s last name hasn’t been really decided upon, though I had a joke for a bit when friends asked…

Basically that Fenelon doesn’t like to share his name and never really had because it was [Redacted] . Later changed to [Redacted]…

…Neither name is currently appropriate or allowed to be typed it turns out. (they’re not super bad but apparently restricted by Blizzard)

I want to make it clear this isn’t his “canonical” name just a joke I’ve told while I’m dithering over his actual name.

What sort of names do you all have for your own characters? Do they match your avatars name? Do you have a last name? Is it changed from their name as a blood/high elf?

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I think some of them did. Like there’s no way that a belf/helf would have an edgy last name like Dusk/Onyxraven which is a couple of velf NPCs last name.

Lol, I’m curious now :laughing:

I don’t think any of my elves have lore-friendly first names, but I had thought of a last name. I originally was thinking “Darkstrider” but that feels too predictable. I joined a guild with that name and then I was like yeah definitely way too generic, LMAO :confounded:

In the end, I gave up coming up with something because I don’t really RP and also it made me think what relationship would they all have to each other? Brothers? Lovers? Friends? I couldn’t decide so I haven’t come up with any rp background for them since :laughing:


This characters last name was originally Morningstar as a Blood Elf, they were essentially the Blackfyres to House Morningtide/Targaryens, being distant cousins and something of a cadet house, while Selesnya was a Morningtide and heiress to the House, making them cousins.

Hypheria was eventually legitimized as a Morningtide, though for political reasons she affiliated with the ren’dorei and took the surname of Evenstar, a nod to her original surname as a Blood Elf.

Hypheria was also named after her ancestor, Hyperion Morningstar a Highborne noble who changed his name and founded House Morningstar while his brother Oberyn maintained House Morningtide through his line. Their mother, Athenya Morningtide was a Highborne Princess and progenitor to House Morningtide as a noble Highborne House.

The Evenstar house/family idea is something of a WIP, but thats about what I have for the idea at the moment.

I also use the Morningtide surname on a couple of my Night Elves, both Highborne, as the House itself stems back to the Kaldorei Empire.

I may, or may not have slipped a few edits in there :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :hugs:


The name is based on your character’s personality, achievements, heritage, purpose or goals. Just pick one of those and build the name around it.

I’ve got a void elf death knight I’m planning to level up.
At the time I was reading through a pdf collection of Lovecraft.
So I was keeping myself open to any names or words that popped up that I liked.
Ended up making him a death knight since it was the class that seemed to be fit a Lovecraft theme the best…plus I enjoy playing them. (I’d already made a shadow priest). I really wish there was an option for a spell casting void knight, I’d probably change him into that instead.

Anyway, I ended up going with Thalarion for his name as I felt it was fairly elven sounding and it was similar to other names I’ve got.

Grabbing it from the wiki as it’s been a while…
“Thalarion is a coastal city in the Dreamlands of Earth also known as the City of a Thousand Wonders.”

There were a few other names that jumped out at me that’d work great too. I remember some being more female sounding to me.

For my shadow priest, I went with some Na’vi words that meant black soul, Vitralayon.


I suspect this is true, but I don’t technically have proof. lol

But Yeah.

Morning and what trees are made of.

Then later to Mourning and what trees are made of.

Again. I want to stress it was a joke name and nothing more.

Far as First Names I often have different names for my toons than what their character names are because WoW can be rudely limiting without Last Name options. Only one person being able to have a name is a silly way to go in 2021.

Darkstrider was ironically one of the names I considered too!

Ah thats the part I like doing.

Trying to decide if a toon is linked to me others or why they’re involved.

Very nice!

I like when folk link the houses back to the Highborne and Night Elves in the distant past. Makes these sorts of houses feel ancient as one would expect.

Kyuu Brightsun is my blood elf and hes actually related to my Night Elf family line of Softpaw.

The progenitor of house Brightsun was one of the brothers of the progenitor of house Softpaw.

They’re always works in progress with how Blizzard sometimes changes some things here and there.

All of mine get edited all the time. :stuck_out_tongue:

Very nice.

According to Blizzard there may be some hope of that… Which surprised me but hey, if I get Void Knights that way I guess I wont complain. Not my ideal though. Scared of what it will do to Paladin Lore. Though then again… It may do nothing at all.

Oh I like that name.

Oh man. I like that name too. Very nice!


I made a new version of the Customization Thread in General Discussion.

Hopefully people are too busy during the holidays to troll.


Wonderful Thank you Drede for that.

The more we can get information out that players are not done with customizations the better. Blizzard will hear us.