Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Oh man I wouldn’t go with Slaanesh. Too many requirements.

I come across it from time to time but keep forgetting to mark it, but a dev said they weren’t holding to the elf thing.

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Happy Thanksgiving Fen! I’ve been thinking up some additional ideas for my favorite shadowy elves, I’ll be sharing again (as soon as I get my trust level back up :stuck_out_tongue: ).

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You lost your trust levels!?

You’re welcome to tag me if you need anything shown.

Always happy to see your contributions!

Yeah, it seems I’ve dipped a bit under the level I need, because I’d taken some time away over the past few weeks. I only posted and skimmed a few threads here and there. I’ll gather some things and tag you sometime this weekend :slight_smile:

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It’s so frustrating that tl3 is so strict.

So many people with good ideas and the drive and will to put it together who can’t or don’t see the point if they can’t post the images.

I’m flying tomorrow but should be around most of the rest of the weekend. I’ll keep an eye out. :smiley:


To be fair you strike me as more of a Tzeench guy. He likes those changes.

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Well, if you already offering this “service”, why don’t we all post all our Void Elf transmogs pictures and you make them visible for everyone?

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You can if you want.

Though I believe the armory links can be done regardless of trust level can’t they?

I’ve actually always had a general policy of using tl3 to post any pictures I come across that were linked but don’t show.

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Sorry for double post but I was looking at void Elf weapon designs in general…

Void Elf weapons by Murat Bayer.

Another bow.

By Fanfoxy

And a sword and shield.

By Distr

I really wish heritage weapons were a thing. I’d kill for a nice bow for my hunter and a greatsword for my warrior.


The bows tho :hot_face:
We could really use some more void-themed bows. I think the only one available now is this one I have mogged and it doesn’t look that great.


I use this one coloration of Thas’dorah.

Works pretty well with the heritage armor.

But I agree we need a lot more void based weapons.


Wow, that does look good. Your whole mog looks great! I wish I was good at mogging so my toons could wear something other than sets :rofl: :sob:


This is the Pandaria Throne of Thunder bow if I remember correctly, just differently colored. There is a suitable, farmable version for the Void Elves though.

There are only two weapons which can be uses for the Void Elves, including the Voidcore Staff or how it is called. But I think one of the legion artifact mage staves could also be used but I’m unsure about this one.

I like the heritage sets myself.

Thank you though, I worked hard on her mog set.

She’s a former Farstrider who was following Umbric to find her father who had been studying the void years and years earlier.

Got caught up in the trap and blueberried.

Hmm. I’ll look into that.

I disagree. There are a multitude of weapons that can work.

However having a heritage set of weapons (for all races) would be good and should be done.


Those weapons look amazing. The Bow, 2nd in from the left, looks amazing. And that design will go well with the Void Elf Heritage Armor.


Despite what the entry says it can still be farmed.

The problem is usually the purple colorization in the weapons. Either it’s Arcane or simply not suitable.

I was thinking if Void Elves while getting the Newer Hairstyles should also have cooler hairstyles with different new hair colors like these for example for the Female Void Elves.

wp2880859.jpg (1920×1080) (wallpapercave.com)

wp3411097.jpg (3638×5438) (wallpapercave.com)


They’re both great style ideas. I like the color on the second one a lot too and would adore a light/powder blue color for Void Elves :blue_heart: :hugs:


Those hair styles do fit fairly well with Void Elves I think.

Honestly those tattoos too…


Ooo, I didn’t notice the tattoos :star_struck:

I definitely agree those are a great fit for Void Elves👍

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