Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

And then all hell breaks out when they hit puberty

Honestly that could be a fun bit…

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There’s so many hooks for stuff in the void nature, I hope they don’t keep getting ignored


Ah, gotcha.

I’m still thinking it’s not as obvious as other cases. I don’t know, I don’t have the answers until Blizzard clarifies if and how their reproductive system works, but I can’t see Blizzard developing in game children risking going insane by whispers and such.

Fair point. Nonetheless, it is suggestive of it. In any case and strictly from a lorewise perspective, it wouldn’t make sense for LF Draenei children to be automatically Lightforged simply because of genetics. Lightforging is a process, a ritual only certain Draenei are capable to endure and succeed. In fact, the recruitment scenario with T’paartos makes it look like not all Draenei successfully pass the Lightforging ritual. Suddenly having Lightforged babies because your parents are Lightforged would make the ritual redundant and superfluous lorewise.

… and some Void customizations. :eyes:


They’d probably just have them surprisingly resistant.

Not like they show us having any issues with whispers so far.

Oh I entirely agree.

I just don’t think that “proof” actually is proof.

Blizzard has this really annoying issue of not just saying things.

Not explaining their game or its races.


anything, tbf. Void Elves were completely neglected during N’zoth’s patch. If they didn’t make an appearance there, when should we expect them to appear? :sob:

Hopefully next expansion we’ll see some juicy Light vs Void stuff. I’d like to see some tension within the Alliance, having Turalyon suspecting the Void Elves and even Alleria. Maybe have their son intervene somehow.

Hold on…


Arator is a Paladin. Maybe he can be used to introduce the Void Knight class skin to Void Elves. Imagine Arator turning into a Void Elf and convincing fellow Paladins to turn into Void Knights.


Still not sure how I feel about class skins.

Really wish they’d make new classes rather than devalue them by slapping them on as “customizations”.

It’s the same issue I have with Wildhammer and Sand Trolls and even high elves being just added on top of existing races. Does little good for anyone.

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I hope everyone is having a good Thanksgiving time. I’ve been making beef stock for 24 hours and counting.


Thank you for the well wishes and happy Thanksgiving!

I’m going to shadow what Bagzak said in his two threads, I want to give thanks to all those who support this thread, so… Uh… Thank you!

Whether you’re here to support, give criticism or just because I’m eternally grateful for that.

I’m also thankful that this thread has remained widely drama free over its existence and I thank everyone for helping to keep it that way.

I’m also thankful to Blizzard for putting in time for Void Elves and hope that when we come up again they take the suggestions and requests in this thread into consideration.

I’m going to continue to support Void options for Void Elves and hope to have many more wonderful conversations with all of you!

Happy Thanksgiving!

:octopus: :purple_heart:


Void Elf Demon Hunter (Hearthstone) :eyes:


Hearthstone has all the fun :frowning:


Ears suggest a Night Elf. There anything else to suggest its a Void Elf?

EDIT: I see it now. Nice.


He has void elf armor and tentacles. :purple_heart: :octopus:


Yeah missed them the first look. Phone screen smol. lol

Very neat.

I think Demon Hunters will be expanded to all races when they are added to anyone.


That is amazing! Now if we can just get them in WoW :laughing:


Anyways, I thought to pop into this thread to give my support for these customizations. They are amazing, and I hope Blizzard looks at some of these.


As it is Turkey Day in America I just wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! (If you do that sort of thing.)

As always I hope Blizzard will see this thread and all the contributions for what we want to see for Void Elves!

:octopus: :purple_heart:


I think Nightborne and Void Elf Demon Hunters would be a good addition to the game.

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I refuse! You’re a horrific Monster with a mouth stomach from slaanesh. :black_heart:

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Not sure how that would happen. Think there is an elven pre-requisite. Maybe Trolls could do it.

I guess Tauren? and Tauren demon hunters would be fun. They’re Balroggish. I’m just saying that because the Fel-totem tribe acts sort of like Elves.