Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Love that! And the starry effect on the tentacles looks really great with the white hair my void Elf has.

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I mean, this has always been a thread for the stuff for people who want to dive into the void side of void elves, there are still high elf threads for that stuff. It’s kinda tacky when the side that’s been catered to crashes the other party and tries to make it all about them there too.


Listen. I haven’t really been hijacking anything. I am too busy showing my expressions about TBC/Classics lately. I only came to this thread to talk about Lore’s paladin topic and other person who got emotional and upset over people enjoying customizations.

I can’t speak for anyone else. Though I honestly give less care about if there are more glow tentacle hairstyles and more interesting eye colors related to Void Elves only because i’d be interested in seeing it (source: first post images), but definitely not that octopus face and claw face on the abdomen.


i’m not crashing the party lol
i mean if i’m crashing the party then so are the images of void elves with normal skin colors and hair colors but with starcursed hair or tats. neither of which we have right now so i cant very well use them lol


I think we can all agree that everyone feels treaded on at this point, truly.

There’s no reason to continue this type of bickering. Especially as people have given tons of tips and just bump the thread they support.


I honestly don’t mind going to different thread if this is how the OP wants to express their opinion lmao. It is their thread at the end of the day. The community had been split with different opinions and flavor of teas, and it had been getting worse lately anyways.

At the time before today, the thread name was vague enough to say Void Elf customization thread and a lot of people would not have read the first post to say “this is void aspect discussion only”


Not you, just felt weird that there were some people acting like something was off with the title change or bringing up non-void options here.

I’d say it’s probably best for each type of request (high and voidy) to stick to their own threads for the requests, just helps keep things clearer and easier to organize that way.

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I don’t mind about that. Probably best to keep unhealthy opinions and negative attitudes out anyways. :cocktail:


Personally I think the High Elf issue is “Done” for the most part and is a bit on the wind down. And we could save space by trimming those mentions out or compressing them to links.

People can make their own threads for specific stuff.

Not really anything that can be done that doesn’t fall in the “Works for both” category anyway.

Also I would like to suggest “Voidier Void Elf Customizations” for a potential thread name.


Honestly, I don’t really care what the thread title is. I am always up for more options for Void Elves, whether it is more Void options or more High Elf options, either way, I am up for anything, and nor am I against anything.

Just as long as we all can actually be civil about it and not troll Fens thread out between groups of people like what other threads have been. After all, we all pay the same amount for the subscription, we all play the same game, we’re all entitled to have our say on any topic at hand, and no troll these threads out to the point it turns into a ballroom blitz on who does the worse dance.


Nothing has changed. I just updated the name to match the Sub title I already had that Hyper made all pretty.

There is still plenty of cross over for High Elf and Void Elf options, though this thread is more devoted to the Void Aspect.

Most folk have been kind enough to keep it all separate.

I do, oddly, wish there was a dedicated high elf customization thread still being maintained for those options.

I kinda see it as a three way thing between Blood Elves, High Elves and Void Elves. The Blood Elf and the Void Elf thread are going well right now, but the purely high elf ones have split into multiple threads again, as they sometimes do.

Old Gods I can only hope.

This is not to exclude anything. Nothing has changed this thread was always focused on the Void Aspect, but you’re all welcome to talk here and share your views. Many of the remaining high elf options most seek make perfectly fine sense for Void Elves as they do High Elves.

I cannot stress enough that nothing has changed. Feel free to continue as you all have been. I just made the sub title and the main title match. This was not to exclude anyone.

(I apologize for not clearing that up sooner, I was playing Ark with some friends. >.<)


I know, and I hope there does come more customizations for those who want to go down towards the Void Aspect of Void Elves.



And this.

Hair/Tattoos/Entropic Embrace Customizations/Scars are all a split for both Void/Non-Void.

The rest is Void stuff.

Most people are satisfied or at least accept the compromise at this point.

The few people that are left where either hoping for something really specific or still want to argue or just don’t accept the compromise at all.


I agree, and thats not to say that those who wanted something specific are not valid.


I’d like to see this being the inspiration for a heavy armor melee void spell casting class that can change into an aberration.
Basically medieval fantasy Venom that can cast spells.
With the above image, just let the void side engulf the full form, it could be a toggle. Make the aberration form customizable. Various void and old god themed options.

Simaia and the Lost codex over on twitter put out some art and write ups for this recently. I thought they were fantastic, but Simaia said she’d thinking of not doing anymore since there was little reaction.
I’d have loved to have what they posted actually be part of the game. Just another great layer of customization for our characters.

There were even other void options for other classes as well they posted later.
Actual void class options would be great.


What I have been reading on the internet:

  • High Elf Race title
  • Hairstyles and the rest of the unreleased regular colors
  • Tattoos, Heritage Armor, weapons
  • EE-glyph, either removing or color change
  • Regular Blood Elf voices
  • High Elf skin colors (this is apparently a thing)
  • Updated Quel’dorei mounts
  • Paladin class

Looking at the list… it’s still a lot. People really want to have them as their own race, I guess.

Personally I agree with the EE glyph request, the rest will come along with the character creation updates on their own terms (or not).


I dunno if I’d even play one, but making them their own allied race would have been the right thing to do. Same for Wildhammer and anything else that was stuffed into an exist race just as customization options.
It’s all deserving of proper effort and attention.
It’s really beginning to become obvious how little we get added to the game over time.


i had a somewhat similar concept, though not as beautifully rendered

So more memes then?

& @Fallynn more void options? M o r e? If more Belves came to one of those parties you spoke of then we wouldn’t be here asking for more void elf options.

10.0 around the corner and there are already so many changes requested for other races so how about no more void elf options

/Seriously Riftblade? New Class?

More requests. As always.

(and the occasional meme…)

I know you directed this to Fallyn but…

Everyone should be allowed to ask for more.

That doesn’t mean void elves need that more any time soon.

Id personally like to see other races get more before void elves go again, but I will continue to express and record what I and others want to see for the void aspect of void elves.

Blood Elves should continue to request what they want to see in their thread and the threads where blizzard asks for requests. Now is the time for that, as blizzard takes time to do anything.

The sheer amount of requests of this extremely popular request (customizations in general) should tell blizzard that their “its an ongoing process where we give you a little bit but not a major effort” is the wrong way to be going.

They need to focus on customizations as an actual main feature of 10.0. One that is robust and equalizes all races do they can actually work on making unique ones without everyone feeling left out.

Riftblades are technically just our warriors…

While I’m not super into paladins for void elves reskinning the paladin class (and I assume some others) for different races could be very neat.