Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I mean that’s true in one sense, but at the same time, DH is only available to two elf races to change into them. I just feel like we’re at a point that it might be worth just throwing the doors open and letting people choose any race/class combo and not just have the devs pick and choose who gets what now and then.


fine with me. hehe


Are their any non Void related request left?

Maybe a High Elf race name, but that’s more of a separation connected to sub races idea.

Paladin? Though, that’s more toward a Void Paladin Class Skin now.

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hairstyles is my only request. i dont care about tats tho some helfers would like alleria tats. i dont care about the name or entropic embrace being a toggle though some helfers do. pretty easy to please.

lol although i did have a few things to say


Those all kind of fall under a “works for both” area IMO.

Only if you know how the lore in an mmo actually works, because the last time I checked, player characters are not lore characters.

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Did the topic title change?

Yes, I wanted to make the distinction. (Its technically the same as the old sub title I had at the beginning of the post I just made it the same as the Title now.)


Fen, you still up for supporting the HE community on some of the Void Options to also be non-void options too? :smiley:


Good call, seems like some bad parties are trying to hijack from time to time when they could very easily make their own non-void-related thread.

Well-wishes for void elves getting more void options, I particularly support the ‘starcursed stuff’. Maybe come 10.0 or something, given it’s unlikely to come in the next patch.


The lore in an MMO is ever changing, we as the player characters are literally creating lore. When you see a flashback to the Deadmines for example and it shows the adventurers taking out Van Cleef and then his daughter comes out after the adventurers leave. That is an example of coordinated creative lore with Blizzard/Player characters.

The community from a non player point of view also are involved as well though not just in game. Feedback/social media, etc.

It all plays a part in an MMO and/or games like it where things change and expand.

Some of you in this WoW community don’t don’t understand how frustratingly pointless it is to have people who constantly jump into posts from a constant of believing lore to be a constant. Like I stated, it’s the equivalent of trying to talk to people who are telling you Santa is real. How do you have a discussion like that.

i still use the void tentacle for the pony tail style. looks kinda cool with white hair

Yeah, I really dislike tentacles but it appeals to others at least. I would love if they leaned into the ‘starry’ aspect of the void more. Or multi-eyes.



Kind of late in changing thread names to exclude it as “void theme only”.

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Given the first post of the thread always made it a point that it was ‘void customization’, no, it really isn’t.


whats my race? hehe

Too late on that. I can’t wait for light customization on that void elf too with few light and void mixtures.


There is. Literally a thread linked in the OP. For High elves.

I’m not arguing with people over this, I don’t have the patience for it.

^ This is the last thing I’ll say in this thread for a long while, given I don’t have the patience to argue with high elf fans who would like to hijack every thread. Rooting for void elf void customization. Vanilla elves I couldn’t care less about.


Then don’t? You do you.

I mean, you kind of roam around threads about how you are upset that nothing goes your way that you aren’t getting red eyes. I’ve shown my support about it, but it takes so far to support such cynical and narcissistic person who do nothing but be pessimistic about it. Talking about red eyes is fine, but complaining is equally the same as hijacking some other threads.

Despite that it’s High elf or no High elf, it’s still void elf customizations and it is part of entropic embrace ability.

You don’t have to argue about it if you don’t want. But being passive aggressive can only take you so far. :woman_shrugging: