Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Woudn’t you agree though that it starts to become tiresome to constantly be asking for more just for the one race?

Like how can anyone take it seriously when just 22 hours ago we see a picture of santa shaking his finger NO! on the thread? Like where we going with this thread?

Hanging a stocking on the mantle and hoping it will be filled with new hairstyes?

It’s not tiresome because this is the exact purpose of the thread.
It’s not trying to stop other races from getting things along side them.

This thread is for Void Elf stuff, and other threads are for other race requests.

Everyone has the right to request for more, within reason of course.
My personal rule is that anything is allowed as long as lore and logic allow it to be so.


This particular thread is specifically for asking and requesting for Void Elves. Would be odd for it to just not do that.

That said I do request for a wide variety of races, though my focus is often here because its my thread.

I want things for a whole bunch of races Blood Elves being one of the others I’ve very often requested for. (I use Kyuu for that mostly.)

I understand that some folk are annoyed by the actions of some spreading tons of the same thread around, but I’m not the one who did that and this thread had a partial purpose to lower the effects of that.

Its why both a Blood Elf and a High Elf thread are noted in the OP directly at the end of the introduction of it.

The idea is to keep those requests to the three threads to keep such things from being overburdened. But I and others can only reign folk in so much.

Not gonna lie I’m not sure the occasional gif is really that big an issue.

I’m hoping mine will be filled with legos… Cause I’m a child inside…


Spreading void corruption across Azeroth holds no logic and asking for what other races already have or had shows no respect for the lore. Sure lore can be changed like void elves being able to control the whispers of the void long enough to keep their former high elf appearance. Yet it wasn’t told like that, it was just given because of the amount of requests being asked. No logic other than “let’s hope this settles the whole Alliance getting High Elves”

It don’t settle anything other than a void elf being given something they walked away from. High Elves inside the rift don’t create high elves they create void corruption elves.

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If you find these threads about Void Elves being asked for customization options pretty tiresome, there is always the options of muting the thread or not entering the thread. As lore stated, as Fen stated, even as I have mentioned, we all have the right to request for more.

How does skin colours or hair colours have no respect for the lore? :thinking:

Ok, first of all, who is transforming the High Elf Wayfarers and Silvermoon Scholars inside Telogrus Rift? Because the last time I checked, the only Void Elves that were transformed were Umbric and his followers after being kidnapped by Nether-Prince Durzaan, and transformed by his Void Etherals, but that transformation was interrupted when Alleria saved them. So, who is transforming the future Void Elves.

And second of all, the Void Elves are not corrupted. They are infused with the Void. It is basically apart of their DNA now.

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Ah, a child at heart. I think we all can relate Fen :smiley:


Lol, you should post more in the Blood Elf thread, San’layn thread and Dark Ranger thread because most of the people in those threads don’t want more stuff for Void Elves and most of the ideas posted by people there are focused on Blood Elves.


Im just here to fight with void elves.

most games have tons of hair/skin colors and hairstyles they share amongst all characters… like ff14. all races have access to the same hairstyles (and there are alot) based on gender and the same color options, which are vast. the only thing they dont have is two factions - all playable characters are of the same main faction, they can group together, raid together, visit each other’s cities and understand each other’s language.

i understand that having the exact same model is less than ideal, but many of us asked that the animations and idling be different, and i personally advocated for half elves instead but blizz didnt want to spare the data for it. allied races were supposed to be reskins of already playable races so they didnt have to do alot of work on them.


I see, I was thinking you might fit in better in those threads but since I tend to try to defuse arguments lately I guess I’ll leave you to it and chat with you in those threads when you post again.


Anyways, back to getting the thread on topic.

I just rather it be customizable through the barber shop, with few options to pick on with option 1 to being somewhere like you don’t change at all to option 5 maybe say, you are a giant eye ball with tentitcles.


One customization I did like however from above is perhaps their eyeballs stick out when replaced with Eyes of Go’rath’s dangling down.


And I am Iron Man.

Done, and done! I have a few more sections to add, it just felt massive in the intro.


Hiss, see what I am wearing Hunter of the Void!

I am now a San’layn.

(scratch that… bam Im wonderwoman)

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I really didn’t like the tentacles until they got the white hair. They look great together.


I don’t see anyone seriously planning to spread void corruption across Azeroth?

We did briefly discuss a desire to see void elves journey to Void afflicted areas to study the void there…

Does it?

So no one is allowed to ask for scars because humans, worgen, night elves and Orcs have some?

Plenty of things cross over or are standard to people in general.

And to be fair, high elf folk preferred their own model with its own assets.

Void Elf folk mostly just want more of the void elf stuff…

This is why I added a section to the main post seeking an explanation for where our new members come from.

Showing the wayfarer and scholar going through a process to learn to use and control void magic then a ritual that randomly gives them void options as much as regular ones. Ties it all together, shows that Void Elves are mastering it bit by bit.

I also want them to show more of the struggle of controlling the whispers and losing that control from time to time.

It would lay many questions to rest as well as still allow folk to enjoy their rp.

As above, we don’t have any information on that process and know nothing of it.

Well that’s unfortunate.

Though I do enjoy our talks.


Nevermind. Sounds good. Lol

Excellent! I will look for it and get it linked here soon as I can!


Void Elves want to set up some form of embassy building on existing void corrupted land.

I just threw that out there, paper thin at best.

We had seen dangerous monsters or entities come out of it like from past expanions. This is what is known about the void. Nothing good ever comes out of it except evil. Void is evil and why was Alleria banished from Silvermoon then?
Alleria is controlling the void whispers only because she is no longer believing in it as why stop the ritual?

/Is there a story that teaches us that the void is not evil and corrupt?

We already have members hanging out around the Stormwind Embassy. We wont need a new one. Making homes throughout Azeroth, our actual homeland, isn’t going to spread the void on its own. Void Elves don’t show any sign that they’d likely be trying to bring the Void to Azeroth beyond short controlled bursts. (Such as when they used the Void to necro-void some raptors and devilsaurs.)

I think this thread can attest to the options that can easily represent the Void and shows that they are more than paper thin.

Our entire schtick is proving that notion wrong. We can use that power to protect Azeroth.

There was a time fel was only thought to be useful for harm. Yet Warlocks serve in both the Horde and Alliance to protect Azeroth. As do the Demon Hunters.

Alleria and Umbric were banished because their use of the Void threatens to cause harm to the Sunwell, something I’d expect the Blood Elves to be a little touchy about given their past.

Alleria touched it for all of a second and opened a rift to the Void lands.

They were not banished because the Void is evil. They were banished because its definitely a threat to the Blood Elves.

I’m a little unsure what you mean here.

Alleria hears the whispers of the void which is a constant and potentially maddening thing. Shes teaching the other Void Elves to retain their sanity and keep the whispers at bay (along with Locus-Walker)

I’m not sure bout what ritual you’re referring to?

Thats the entire point of Alleria’s and the Void Elves story…


The priest talent Insanity and Void Eruption, Void Bolt etc. Do those abilities have anything to do with the Telogrus Rift?

How is the Insanty that a priest gains to be able to release or use such void ability no different than the whispers that void elves are trying to control?

/Also Voidform for a priest seems the same as a Void Elf form