Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I was going to let my sub lapse- but then made this Void Warlock- and my BF wants to level and just take our time… go to weird places like Vash’jir- and we’re actually having a lot of fun!


Very true. There should be baseline categories shared across all races.



Scars: head and body
Ears: If Applicable.
Tattoos: Head and Body.
War Paint: Head and Body.
Jewelry and color options across the board.

Things like that should be fairly equally spread across the board.

Also new faces and hairstyles, and hair colors where applicable.


I’ve recently discovered that finding unique scars and war paint for non-human characters is a little more difficult than I’d expected. With respect to artist renditions and the race in question, that is.

Elven characters, and female elven characters in particular, are beginning to receive A LOT of attention in the artistic world. Orcs and dwarves, oddly enough, are following pretty strongly behind. Gnome concepts, both story and art, seem to have kind of stagnated. Halfing character concepts are growing stronger it seems.

Having said that, I have a few new hair and customization suggestions to submit / share. With respect to WoW Elves, these may be more along the lines of Half Elves, but still. My little one and my nieces have had some input that have guided my writings and creative juices a bit recently, so I thought I’d have a look around.

(All credit to the original artists)


i like the pantheon halflings


Seeing such pictures made me realize how low fantasy those are. This isn’t really interesting fantasy, it’s just a human with spiky ears.

That’s mostly on me, I rather like low fantasy with the base races. Which is why I said, in that same post, “With respect to WoW Elves, these may be more along the lines of Half Elves”

If there’s one thing I’ve always been lukewarm on with WoW, it’s that literally everything around the character race (and most times adorning them) is going to be big, sparkly, shiny and most likely moving, if not outright doing tricks. It gets pretty garish.

Probably why I like playing humans more than anything else (and why I’m working on their customization thread as we speak). With Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei (and the Nightborne to an extent), some recent gear allows the races to stand out and breathe on their own, with tattoos and Entropic Embrace being their “ooooh” factor. I dig that, and I hope the trend continues.


That’s perfectly fine though. But after being spoiled from other games I can even see The Lord of the Rings as a very basic human party with smaller humans and one who has small spiky ears. Doesn’t mean I don’t like it but after playing WoW for longer I look at other media and compare it how diverse the races are.

I think that’s also a problem with the Alliance in our game. Should have gotten way more different races at this point. If it’s up to me, I would have given the Draenei even a horse face to make them not so human-like.


No doubt, my friend. Alliance is way too human adjacent, which is why I’ve always hated the fact that the only two playable factions in the game, are divided racially. That is stupid. At this point in the story, the Horde and Alliance need a stronger reason to be opposed politically, so that players can choose whatever race they wish.

WoW has enough races to open a third faction, and dissolve the racial divides. A third faction needs to be highly polarizing enough to set the other two factions against it, non-threatening enough to keep from being ‘the new threat’, and attractive enough to pull players and various city states to its cause. There are a few philosophical standpoints in game already that would work, without jumping any sharks.

@Hyperspace: You beat me to the punch: I was going to say that no fantasy game could hope to match playable space games like Star Wars and Star Trek.

Truth be told, D&D has a good number of races at their beck and call as well. I’ve been saying for years: if Wizards of the Coast ever gets themselves together and drop a triple A MMO set in Planescape or Ravenloft, they would rule the market.


I agree. It would greatly diminish the idiocy of rehashing the same faction war every few years too…

Give it more depth.

How would you set that up? Out of curiosity?

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A part of me hopes we’ll see Voidy customizations for Void Elves announced tomorrow…

Am I way too optimistic?



hahahahaha #giveMeGreenEyesI’mLiterallyABloodElf LOL laughing.

I’m going to be honest. One of the characters I’m having the most fun leveling right now is a normal looking human hunter with a reasonable haircut and a dog pet.

The juxtaposition of high fantasy elements with “a girl, her shotgun, and her dog” is entertaining to me.

Also hunters are completely ridiculous in low level BGs, so there’s that.


I think so. >.>

I mean I wouldn’t mind, but I’d say temper your expectations.

I’m betting they’ll show us where the next zone is, and tell us a bit bout the Jailers plans and the story going forward and little else.

Green eyes, while technically viable lorewise, is something I’ll not ask for. I feel like thats a Blood Elf thing so solidly at this point, along with gold, I’m not interested for it for us.

Red Eyes I’m more mutable on though especially if its got a difference from Dark Ranger eyes… (Also only so long as Blood Elves do get the red eyes for Dark Rangers.)

Sometimes its just good to be an average joe taking out the big threats despite those other fantastical things.

Old Gods they are.


Yes good, I just wanted to bring that quote here as this is the main Void Elf thread.
I agree and would much rather green eyes be kept with the Blood Elf.
The red eyes Dark Ranger could infact suit Undead. Forsaken red eyes is something worth supporting.


Yeah its good to have the little side threads main points brought over here if only for posterity… lol

At least we can all talk about it with less aggressive issues that always comes with a newer thread.

I do want to see more eye colors for Blood Elves and for Void Elves, but I also am a fan of some differentiation even on things that are shared a bit.

Green eyes seems unnecessary to share for either High or Void elves as its not really their point.

Red eyes is definitely something that Blood Elves should get (or wherever we find Dark Rangers) but the void uses red colors here and there as well, and so long as Blood Elves get red eyes either for Dark Rangers or Blood Animus reasons, I’d be happy to have red eyes on Void Elves.

Now as for green and red eyes I am ok more or less with this setup.

Hope that comes through all right… (Those are by Ace)

The two eyes there the red and the green are, as Ariel put it, somewhat star like and I think with that difference compared to Blood Elf green and Dark Ranger red it would be different enough but close enough that no one would really be unhappy.



Like, I’m not expecting it… but I’m hoping they show something about it…

You cannot kill hope :sob:

They should be different if we adhere to lore in strict terms. I think “Undeath red” and “Void red” are usually different, the former being darker red and the latter being a brighter one. Might be just me being colorblind as usual xD


I’ll only agree with that if that includes old god looking eyes as graphics :stuck_out_tongue:

I still like the ones that was shown to me a while ago.

No comment.

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Honestly I think “Starcursed” Eyes would be the way to go, as they tie the current Void Elf stuff together and express the more “Cosmic” side of the Void we don’t see a lot of.

They are also something that would stand out as uniquely “Void Elf” and be a good counterpart to the Golden Sunwell Eyes of Blood Elves.

The red eye concept has too many complexities for Blizzard to get and they might take the lazy route as they usually do.