Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Remember to log into the character in question for at least ten minutes.

Also move between zones and transmog back and forth once or twice.

All of these things can assist in updating a character.

And always try logging into and out of the forums.

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Honest to God, the devs deigning to portray the Orc as a rabid lunatic idiot just so Turalyon and Alleria could get away with the torture made my stomach turn. The woman isntead of getting portrayed as a scared civilian was portrayed spitting on “poor patient” Alleria so the last one could mess with her brain with total “moral highground” and impunity. Disgusting.


I don’t know, I saw Alleria as anything but patient. She was kind of a witch, plus that orc was protecting an ally.

On the topic of my previous long post a few posts back regarding the importance of distinction for the Void Elves.

This might’ve already come up I haven’t read every single idea in the thread. I was trying to think of something maybe simple to implement rather than say an entire void form or body. What about in the spot of body customization like tattoos and body paint the Void Elves could have something like a “void heart” or mark of the void where it signifies their heart is connected to the void or has a hold on their heart which makes their chest an ethereal swirling void of dark space.

The idea behind it would be that there’s this significant part of the character that separates them beneath the surface, this would allow them to look like other similar Elves but right beneath the surface there’s this bursting difference to them. Could maybe have an option for the arm or hand instead of the chest as well.

If an entire void body or outline of the body would be too hard to implement that might be something to consider. It would show with the chest only when exposed. If anything it would give the player a feeling of distinction with the character knowing it was there even if they didn’t always show it or didn’t want it to completely overwhelm the character.

That’s of course with the assumption that the starcursed hair effects and highlights are also implemented. Those would start to put together a nice distinct package. A full body form option would be cool also I’m just not sure how realistic that is.

As a side note: Something similar could be done with tentacles or adding tentacles to that where it’s kind of a hidden beneath the surface thing that only shows when exposed. Shameful in a way or freakish. Maybe coming out of the back part of the void chest like tentacle wings. This would replace the current implementation which the current tentacles are kind of lame I feel like the tentacles need to be reimplemented in some way.

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Perhaps it would help, if, say, you usually play Blood Elf females, try making your new Void a male?

I think even the stances of the Blood Elves are so iconic to them, it would help differentiate by giving the Void Elves their own idle animations.

Blizzard always seems to play the ’ it’s so much time and effort and coding nightmares’ cards. But if you have ever done any rigging of three d models- it’s a pain- but a big company like Blizzard should be able to easily pay someone to do it!!


Yeah. I agree with the different animations and differences like that. Anything that contributes to distinction.

That’s why I’m confused on what exactly is realistic and what isn’t in terms of implementation. It seems to take them forever just to put small additions, something like a full void form option I feel like might take three years or something like that or not even be considered as realistic that’s why I’m trying to think of something on a smaller scale but still significant.

Changing gender does help switch things up in certain situations but that’s not really the same as distinction. There would be something between the Blood Elf/Void Elf that is distinct and defining that separates them that becomes this distinction for example the Dark Iron Dwarf has that dark fiery thematic defining that gives them distinction from the regular Dwarf/now with the blonde and red hair copied over to the Void Elf with less “voidy” overall theme those lines of distinction is blurred even more so. I feel a “beneath the surface” theme works well in this context because players can still play with various visions they have for their character in terms of look but there would still be a distinction there beneath the surface. The more I think on it I feel this might be my most preferred theme for the Void Elf I can think of as a “beneath the surface” mysterious freakish theme which I feel connects well to the void itself. For me I just personally like the whole idea of it in addition to I think it fits well and could be implemented well and give the Void Elf proper distinction without overhauling too much of what’s currently in place.


It probably wouldn’t take them very long if they actually put a primary team dedicated to it, but I suspect they have most of their folk working towards 9.2 right now. Between everything that’s happened they’re just not equipped to do what should be easy.

Plus of course it has to go through committee I imagine.


I don’t know, other AR have unique animations and stances. I think with void elves it’s more needed to create some more distinction from the Blood Elves.


Oh I’m not at all against it. I’m just not gonna expect it.

You guys deserve more than the bare minimum, though.


I think most everyone does at this point… Even the best races have odd disparities.

Blizzard needs to get everyone to the same levels as they go.


ah i’m having alot of fun on retail atm. have a leveling friend and we are both brand new mages. elemental force enchant, arcane explosion and goooo! loll we play tbcc also. its an out of body experience to run outlands on chromie time versus tbcc outlands lol


hey fen, since you’re knowledgeable on odd game related issues, do you happen to know why my sandstone drake and mekengineer chopper and jade panther are not in my mounts tab ?

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I think this is what it should be about.


its been fun. we are both old females lol we make all kinds of dumb old lady mistakes and laugh. like wow’s version of golden girls tv show lol


I wanted to level with my relatives together but nobody has the time for it, unfortunately. But I already got four compliments for my transmog which is at least something.


I’m making new void elves everyday since the patch came out. Some are void, others are high elves. I’m having fun too, if wasn’t for void elves i would have stopped playing at this point, i think.


Thats an odd one…

You have more than one bnet account by chance?

EDIT: Check the drop-down at the top of your Mounts panel and look at the sources section. See if Professions is unchecked.

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that was it! fen for csm. hehe

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I would honestly enjoy that job. >.>