Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Thats always another route too.

I fear blizzard will be lazy on that end though. Its easier to do a color shift than it is to put in a new eye type.

That said…

Heres a few made by Lance and one by Somand. For Yogg and C’thun. (Somand did the Yogg’s Mouth Eyes one and Lance the other two.)

And of course this block has Aszhara and N’zoth eyes.

I know and I appreciate your view point there too. I’m still conflicted there a bit myself.

I’m a fair fan of it as well.

Feels right.

That is why I fear as well.


I think most can be easy to implement except for the jaw one honestly.

Yeah I see your point on this, if say give red to BE’s, if they do it wrong it can be viewed as undead dark rangers, which conflicts with paladins.

If they gave the wrong red to void elves, it would make dark rangers on alliance and anger forsaken players.

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The picture on the right looks more lime than green. Neon perhaps, then fashion sense to have Lime color hair.

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That lime green is really cool looking! All those eyes look great!

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I could never see giving my Belf pally red eyes. My Warrior, of course. Same with my Hunter. But I could see some people doing corrupted Paladins. Which, honestly I don’t care really. Do what they want with their characters. Our player characters as they are named, look, etc. aren’t in lore anyway. Just a hero.


The only reply I will give is that harms world building and immersion. It gets harder to take a game seriously when ppl is running around with charecters that breaks the world building rules all the time.

Everyone thinks everything is immersion breaking. But there are other immersion breaking things in game. It’s like when someone says something is ruining their childhood. It doesn’t really. That is still intact. And corrupted Paladins have existed. It’s not like it’s a yeti onesie. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you want to build a world to RP in, go to a roleplay realm, set up your own group. Establish your own rules.

Let others have fun.


I’ve thinking about three options that are open to Blizzard currently, based off of current events in-game.

Option 1. High Elves regain a foothold

Shadowlands winds down, and the forces for the Horde and the Alliance return to a poor welcome home. While in the Shadowlands, the Scourge and some escaped Maw forces have been whipping on the common folk, on each continent.

Luckily, the remaining High Elves are wanderers and rangers, who were often in the right place and time to defend the common people. They’ve achieved the status of ‘hometown heroes’. After one major skirmish and a win all their own, the High Elves earn the sympathy and favor of three old factions:

  • The Earthen Ring, who gives them raw resources for their part in the Firelands Campaign.
  • The Wildhammers gift them several stretches of land, and gryphon mounts.
  • The Lorekeepers employ archaeologists from all over Azeroth to reclaim uncorrupted High Elven history, nets about 35% of old lore, spells, heirlooms, etc.

With their newfound power, the High Elves declare themselves the defenders of the downtrodden, and they invite all races who are interested in the restoration of Azeroth to join them. They can’t promise total peace, but they can promise equality and support.

Since they openly allow everyone a place at their table, it would force the Horde to do the same, out of respect for personal individuality (and their unspoken exhaustion from the events of BfA). The Alliance would follow suit, if only to keep an eye on the Horde AND the new Faction (making them the ‘Karens’ of the game for a while, and keeping things feisty when they hilariously overreact to treaty signings and whatnot).

Option 2. War of Spirits

We return home, and find that a jailbreak took place from the Shadowlands. But, not JUST from the Maw: regular people who were cut down unfairly in life have a new chance to give it a go. Some didn’t like where they wound up (meta!!), so they want to try again.

To complicate matters, there are the crazy spirits who are back for vengeance, jealously, spite, or straight up malice. Worse, there are the WEIRD spirits: creatures from other worlds who don’t have a planet to return to, but Azeroth looks like a nice place to set up shop.

The political divide is: what to do with the renegade spirits? Yeah, you might banish a wicked one, but you could also banish someone’s sweet old grandma Bhe’tora, back to make the best blood pie ever. OR, you could banish an adorable little Draenei kid who lost her life before it even began.

The factions here would be divided between: those who revere the spirits (good or bad), those who want them gone entirely (good or bad), and those who don’t care ABOUT the spirits’ well being at all…but they may have their uses (for history lessons…or housekeeping…or combat…or spell components).

This one wouldn’t have as much freedom as the first option, BUT, I think it would draw some really interesting lines in the sands.

I have a third one, but I have to go to store, boo :stuck_out_tongue:


I love this idea, but old gods corruption can have many different colors. Purple is my favorite color, but i don’t want void elves to be limited to purple or blue eye color forever. Orange, red, saronite green, black and white, dark purple all these colors should be available for void elves.


I think eye and hair color should be the two things every race should be able to pick from a color wheel.


I agree, within reason of course.


Pretty much this.

I really love that concept for starry eyes of various colors as they have a more distinct Void Elf style.

Ariel and I have had a couple great conversations regarding red eyes for each respective race, with Void Elves having that full red color, similar to this;

While the Dark Ranger color would be more narrowed like this;

I also really still like the Azshara style eyes for Void Elves and maybe a Blood anima for fiery red for Blood Elves.


I keep hearing this again and again. Having fun is great, but not at the cost of other peoples fun, when it comes to that, it’s just plain wrong dude.

There is evil paladins that exist, but currupted? Not really. There is also paladin undead that has 0 control of their own bodies, but none that has control of their own bodies.

I’m not sure why others rp harms the game immersion or other people?

That’s not a game issue for one, it has no bearing on the lore or story. But for two you just don’t play with those people if it really does bother you.

And I mean… You’re effectively doing this thing you’ve said to people yourself…

Let folk be and if you don’t want to be a part of their rp, don’t be.

Whats a little neon between void addled friends?

I really do like them. I need to see if I can get a better image of it… Comes out small and grainy whenever I try to show just the eyes.

(Those eyes and the original pictures are by Ace on Twitter.)

I could see giving red to my mage, but only for blood animus reasons from MoP.

It would be nice for a warlock perhaps too.

And of course I’d have my Dark Ranger character.

I do hope blood elves get that color.

This. So much this.

And pink!

I’m not entirely against that… But some races do have limitations on eye color… So I’d be a little unsure on that part.


It’s different enough to not step on toes but also close enough to what most people requesting those colors can use for their intended purpose!

Win win.

Works for me, though I’d bet the Dark Ranger one will just be the current dark ranger eyes unlocked for Belf.

That would be amazing!


(in yoda voice) yes, to obi wan you listen!

and also pink hair for naughtymoon’s blood elf. hehe


Void Elves did not get a long to strengthen their core concepts, even at their launch. There should defiantly be a focus to work on those.

Not to mention there are some disingenuous people trying to troll Blood Elf players or keep Blood Elves from getting them. We don’t want to play along with them in any fashion.

We should probably never directly ask for “Red Eyes” but the more Old god concept if at all, which leads me to…

Void Elves are not Old god Corrupted. They are infused with Void. They actually have very little to do with old gods and are more “Cosmic Abyss” focused.

The Old god eyes are a cool concept, but they are not really connected to current Void Elf lore.

Not to mention it would be weird getting say, N’Zoth Eyes, with no lore or explanation as to why. Something like that would need a Night Warrior type explanation.

I also do not think we are going to get a wide range of Old god eyes with unique art for each, just a general concept one if anything.

Just my opinion based off likely scenarios. Which is why I think the “Starcursed” look is the best thing to push for when it comes to “Void Eyes”. Especially when you can combine it with “Starcursed” Tattoos/Jewelry/Hair/Tentacles.

There is still potential for Old god type eyes, but I do not think it is nearly as strong or as thematic to Void Elves.

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They have tentacles xD

So it’s ok to have tentacles, like old gods, but for old gods eyes we need a lore explanation?

It would be nice if my hands and feet were the same color as my chest and face. Not 5 shades darker.

That would be my vote for a customization option.

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From being infused with Void Energy from a Void Artifact/Ethereal Void Prince.

No old gods involved.

Yes, because there’s no specific connection to each of them.

If it was a generic old god type eye along that concept it would not need as much, but asking for specific old god eyes needs an explanation as to how they are connected.

I know, but void energy shouldn’t make them have tentacles, but they have. Alleria is infused with void energy, she don’t have tentacles.