Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

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He was before Golden decided he was an adult… when he was written as a child he had depth from scars during his time with Katrana and used shadow magics a whole lot more… >.>

He was a shining golden boy on the outside but a darker terror on the inside… T_T

I can neither confirm nor deny that statement…

Did you know this guy is Italian by the way?


lol!! oh man.

Either she or Afriasiabi or whoever decided he had to become the poster child for Purity Sueness… nowadays I dread every time he appears on the screen cause that´s “character assassination time!!”… for the poor character near him ofc.

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I wish I was in charge of his character… I could do things with that…

Also Umbric. >.>


whobric? hehe

Aye. Umbric and the original Velf crowd deserved better than to get the plain stupid bat, regardless on how good that was for Rommath´s own portrayal.

I sustain they should NOT had been “Blood elves” but more members from the WC2 Outlands expedition and former comrades of Alleria.


he kinda painted himself into a corner with that, by repeatedly saying there werent enough high elves anywhere, particularly not a community big enough to sustain a population of alliance high elves. then he was basically forced to draw them from belfs because they are the largest source

Foolish choice by him… the only thing he needed to do was to said those “Helves” were -just like Alleria- “lost in space” a.k.a. they were busy trying to find her and follow in her steps.

Ion is a lawyer, i bet he could have totes pulled the “there aren´t enough high elves anywhere ON AZEROTH, particularly not a community big enough to sustain a population of alliance high elves”. Honest to God, i bet they didn´t even remember the Kirin Var nor the actual Allerian Expedition not anything else related to that story.


i tried to get them to go with half elves during the allied races intro, and allerian elves couldve fit that. how long had she been on argus?

Vladislav the Poker from the movie What we Do in the Shadows (very funny ‘mockumentary’ movie from New Zealand’s Taika Waititi (Guy best known here for directing Thor Ragnarok) about a group of vampires living together and the ensuing shenanigans. One of his best quotes “I go for a look which I call 'dead, but delicious”

As for Golden…before she got involved in WoW I DID enjoy her book vampire of the mists (not sure about the ‘I invented elf vampires’ claim, though Jander was the first elf vampire I remember coming across in a book).


Tbh, Stormwind could potentially be taken over. (I’m wondering about an impending war there considering Turalyon is in charge thanks to some snooty nobles.) The horde protag (player) along with Zandalari set it on fire in BFA, and there was this from SoO’s vision of stormwind with all faction leaders impaled.
Weren’t the Visions of SW/Org based on what would happen if N’zoth took over anyway? Umbric was out and about raising undead T-rexes into void beasts in BFA :eyes:

All these void-corrupted entities and Shadow form make me wonder about body horror customization.

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Ah, I have to see that movie still. I don’t find that fellow particularly attractive, but that quote is great.

Well that’s good that you enjoyed it. It bothers me then why she didn’t touch on the San’layn. Were the vampire elves all evil in that book, or was there nuance? I have issues with Calia and the whole lightforged undead thing, so I’m leaning to ‘glad she didn’t touch them if she’d just infuse them with light’ but also ‘if her book was good why did she forget about them here’ ><

There was only the one elf vampire in that one, the main character Jander Sunstar. He was very much a noble good guy (ironically a follower of the elven sun god in life) who was turned into a vampire. He was pitted against who is arguably THE vampire antagonist in D&D lore, Strahd Von Zarovich (so good vampire vs evil vampire…which was refreshing in itself since D&D vampires typically suffer from the chronic ‘all this race are chaotic evil syndrome’, so having one in that setting who was fundamentally still a good guy was refreshing.



Would have been the easiest thing in the world to make so many folk so much happier…

Also to make more sense…


That’s awesome and leads me to wonder why she didn’t do that with San’layn (though I’ll drop it given it’s not relevant with this thread. I might bring it up in the San’layn thread though.)


On another note, I think Christie Golden was implying that it was the first vampire elf in MTG? Or whichever series the character was killed off in? Based on the tweet, her explanation, and the adaptations of the character, I don’t think she was trying to set claim to any trope.

I took it as a claim but who knows, I didn’t read into it as much as just seeing the claim. Maybe she meant something differently. Regardless, given what Mardri said, if she did a good job with the story, I sort of wish she looked into adding stuff about my favorite race in WoW so long as ‘light’ would not be a requirement for good.

Which we see with void elves. I don’t and won’t ever see void elves as inherently evil anyhow. It all depends on how they use their magic. If they use it to protect the innocent, fight for their people, and protect Azeroth? They’re good folks in my eyes. All depends on the character specifically.


I don’t think it was good for Rommath’s portrayal too. Why he didn’t sent the void elves to study with the undead? If they were a threat to the sunwell than why not just find a new place instead of exile your own people again?

(Nuallah new alt :D)

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Pretty much my largest annoyance with their implementation. Especially when they emded up using HE NPCs anyways.