Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)


Void Elves should’ve been Alleria and a group of Alliance High Elves that mastered the Void.

Oh well

:ship: :ocean:

PS: Love your new alt!


Tolkien is the father of modern fantasy tropes and DnD made it in playable form popular. Too influential to ignore both of them.

Everything is ignorable. We don’t need to follow the tropes set by a singular world, that completely defeats the purpose of fantasy. Breaking from the mold should be the thing we do, not following tropes every time. That makes for a boring story. They have their merits but rules are meant to be broken, especially in fantasy. Advancement in fantasy is completely halted by the rigid mentality that every race needs to act ‘this way or that way’.

That’s all I’ll say on it on this matter. Pulling the ‘agree to disagree’ card because I feel incredibly strongly on this subject, my mind will definitely not change, and I don’t feel like arguing further.


So long as they still ended up being changed by the void in a similar way to current void elves.

Though I would have preferred they retained the object that transformed them, so they could easily make more of themselves… and that it was explained how…


Indeed. Personally, I would have preferred they voluntarily infused themselves with the Void instead of being transformed “by accident”. Something like Alleria did with L’ura.

Show the world the Void is not to be feared, but to be controlled as a useful resource.


Because his obligation is NOT to babysit Magisters, is to guide them and make sure the policies and rules are followed. He never told them to NOT study void per se, he told them to NOT research void while living in Quel´thalas. The forbidden was to research that type of magic IN the nation, not somewhere else. It was umbric himself the one that -thanks to how the scenario had to go-, basically “forgot” shadow experts lived just around the corner.

“But Ariël, this still doesn´t explain hy didn´t they go to Undercity?!?”… easy: because the writers in their infinite dumbness basically created Umbric & Co NOT to act like a decade and counting Belves but to act like closeted Helfers (ergo, they as “actual real haters of the undead that protected their backyard since a decade ago /rofl”, wanted to force their research upon the rest of the elves or else regardless on the safety of the rest of the nation because “ewww, Horde”. Honest to God, they should had just self exile themselves to go hang with the Dark Irons or something if the issue was not wanting to share the research with the Horde races that already had expertise with the void and the shadow -I mean, the Forsaken had the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow already lululul-.

So nope. Rommath gets the best portrayal out of the whole deal, he´s the smart sensible nerd that let a group of dangerous and reckless individuals get scott free basically with a slap on the hand (in Kael´s times, Umbric et al would have gotten murdered and the issue closed. Don´t believe me? Go consult: Galell, in wowpedia if you are not familiar with “Blood of the Highborne”).


I’m less against the trap and forced bit (for the recruitment scenario anyways) but definitely want them to be choosing to make new ones and for those who are being transformed to be willing.

If they were willing in the first place I got no issue with that either though.

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Yup, Alleria tortured a starving, weak orc mother in front of her crying child. It’s likely that Alleria permanently damaged her psyche, traumatized a child for life, and bred more hatred from this heinous act. That’s not the actions of a paragon of what’s just and good. They should reflect this “grey” element of Alleria and the void elves in game. Let Alliance have people of questionable morals or outright radical groups. Give them inner-turmoil like the Horde has had.

She admitted to that? I guess that’s why Fable’s last ever novel was so poorly received by actual fans besides the fact it pretty much ruined the storyline and heralded in the worst released Fable game ever. So glad we’re getting a reboot.

This kind of thing, at least not to my knowledge, never happens on the Horde. If the Horde commits an atrocity, it’s never retconned (or it’s made even worse.) There’s the BS revenge or renewal crap between Elune and Tyrande which is as close to villain batted as the Alliance gets. Seriously, Tyrande has a right to be angry and vengeful. She should tell Elune to shove it.

Definitely would’ve been better for Void elves as a whole than what they got. Void elves have so much potential to be interesting and monstrous.


the game is full of monsters, so much so, that you’d think races who would know better also do monstrous things, like jaina, alleria and y’rel

That’s something Wizards is in the process of dumping.
No race is inherently good or evil anymore. It’s a nice change.
On the Forgotten Realms side of things, what were your typical Lolth worshipping drow are now in the minority. They’re expanding things. I’m curious to read more of it.

The recently introduced Aevendrow are also called the Starlight Elves. I kinda feel like they’d get along with the Nightborne pretty well.

They’ve done this now and I quite like it.
One character was even a drow paladin to a nature goddess.
One wiki made it sound like the new good aligned drow were the minority, but when the book came out, it specifically said the city housed twice the number of drow as the city housing the evil ones. There’s also another city of good drow (jungle dwellers) that’s yet to be featured.

My understanding is it’s from “What we do in the shadows” I plan to watch it at some point, but have yet to do so, it is vampire related too, but I thinkit’s more on the silly side…I mean Taika Waititi is in it, it’s probably silly.


So, a weird I guess kind of funny thing happened to me depending how you look at it.

I had been waiting on the recent update to Void Elves for a planned new Warrior that I was going to slowly take my time going back through some of the older content/mainly Warrior because they can use the most gear and I as going to collect various gear along the way that I find that I could use
in building various styles and looks for my character.

Anyway, my favorite race is Night Elf but I have a Night Elf Druid and so I planned to go High Elf themed after the update after many attempts at Human it just ends up too basic as Human and leaves me wanting more, as a big Night Elf fan excited to get some more Elf connection back to the Alliance after sadly watching High Elf/Nightborne go to Horde, not gonna lie the British accent being a major selling point, I got a major thing for UK culture and accents, watch a lot of TV and movies from there and listen to a lot of British/Scottish indie bands, etc.

It finally arrives, I’ve been working on the character for a few days just to make sure it was right because I had to send tons of stuff over by mail after and so I wanted to make sure and commit. After a number of attempts on creating the new character then it HITS me. It’s just too “samey” with Blood Elf even with the accent because the character voice doesn’t come into play nearly enough. At this point there’s been too much established with that particular representation on the Horde for there to be much of a current distinction between the Void Elf/Blood Elf after the update with my envisioned character switching between blonde/redhead. I had a hard time finding an established individual path for my Void Elf because of how connected it was to the Blood Elf. Too make a longer story short, this reignited my passion for Night Elf and I ended up with a Night Elf Warrior after all that time and plans and everything. So, I could’ve just been playing a Night Elf that whole time which I can only laugh at how that turned out, Changed my Druid to male and started up that Warrior female NE.

The main point in this long tale is that I think after this experience, the number one priority should definitely be in my opinion and view to find individual distinction with both the Void Elf and Blood Elf from this point going forward to where each one has their own thing that defines Blood Elf and Void Elf separate from each other. They start from here after this update and then split off down their own different path and become distinct to Blood Elf or to Void Elf. I now fully support this vision of customization going forward. I’m still okay with the whole blonde/red hair thing for Void Elf but it just now needs to go in a different path than where Blood Elf goes. I see why Blood Elf players were mad about losing some of that distinction in the reverse way that I had trouble finding it. Theoretically it could make sense if that is the defined “look” of the High Elf that there would be some of them Alliance but there’s now been so much already established on horde for them while not much at all established for the Alliance during that time that there needs more individual distinction.

So… in conclusion no matter how things got here to this point and if I agree or don’t agree with anything in the past, moving forward anything that helps further this goal and vision in terms of distinct customization I support on both Void Elf/Blood Elf. I feel to not give to Blood Elf only hurts Void Elf and vice versa at this point in time.

(Someone else mentioned somewhere that Blizzard could’ve just given Alliance Nighborne and that might’ve solved a lot of the underlying issues people might’ve had/I 'm thinking they were probably on to something with that take. I could’ve made that work I think in linking it with the Night Elf having enough distinction between them in hindsight especially after their new updates. As long as they had posh or a type of royal British accent of course. Now I’m kind of sad I won’t get to try that out.)

EDIT/PS: I’m still making a Void Elf character maybe a Priest/Lock not sure, it just didn’t fit the main character I was trying to create and had previously envisioned and was excited for which was a bit of a letdown. I’m not going to pass up the opportunity for another Elf character though and still interested in it’s customization going forward.

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So far its quite amusing to me. >.>


off topic but maybe someone here can figure this out:
i made a new character last night. she’s in the forum armory but not on the list to post with. like the drop down where you select your character to post with, she’s not there. here she is on armory. anybody else have this problem?

An odd occurrence.

Have you tried logging out and back into the forums yet?

Could also just take awhile to update. Forums and armory sometimes have odd interactions.

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oh that did the trick! i had logged out and in of armory, not forums lol ty!!

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Excellent! Happy I could help!

i feel kinda dumb. hehe
for the record this mog is … from the back it looks like a huge antique lamp is walking down the street lol strangest mog ever

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You shouldn’t feel dumb, I think we’ve all had that issue here and there.

That mog is amazing. Fenelon used to wear a mog not unlike that. Walking around like a piece of furniture.

lol! you know what i mean then.

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When will my pfp update :weary: I swear the forums hate me

It feels like eeryone else has updated