Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Drow don’t exist in WoW regardless of how you try to twist the language .-. And Drow in D&D were inherently evil, hence them being an example of a bad trope that really should have never existed. There should have been plenty of non-evil drow, but they had to go with a horrid trope. So no, that isn’t accurate.

Granted, my brother is playing a drow that ISN’T evil, and my DM is actually sane, so he doesn’t play by that pathetic ‘rule’.

REALLY wish void elves got random whispers like The Three Sisters showed Alleria gets. If Aluneth can comment on my actions on this character Blizz could make an assortment of whispers for playable velves.


i’m not twisting the language. here, i’ll show ya:
The word “drow” is from the Orcadian and Shetland dialects of Scots,[5] an alternative form of “trow”,[6] which is a cognate with “troll”.

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The drow (/draʊ/[1][2] or /droʊ/)[3] or dark elves are a generally evil, dark-skinned, and white-haired subrace of elves in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game.[4]

Drow are a bad trope that shouldn’t exist. Or rather, they should exist as mixed, not ‘gEnRaLlY EvIl’. The fact that they are ‘generally evil’ is utterly stupid. They do not exist in WoW. There’s no ‘inherently evil’ elves in WoW.

People praise their boring vanilla elves as being prim, mary-sue and perfect, but when I bring up Vareesa and her nonsense of trying to slaughter innocent blood elves during the purge of dalaran, nope it’s just fine because ‘blood elves deserve to die’.

There’s no inherently good or inherently evil elves in WoW. This includes void elves.

They also make no sense, underground you’d lose skin pigmentation, so these ‘evil’ elves should be pale. -.-

we’re like all variants of drizzt, who was a half way decent drow, like a chaotic good, let’s say. now i’m not saying the only kind of good is lawful good, but it would be nice if we had actual goodie two shoes elves, cause we dont yet

You have your boring vanilla high elves which should be good enough. :woman_shrugging: Having 0 nuance in a story and pure mary-sue makes for a bad story. Sorry. But it’s reality.

see what i mean. aint no ethical elves in wow.

That was aimed more at players who justify it. But I wouldn’t want a race of pure ‘good’ who can do no wrong. It’s already the reason why I find the alliance boring. Because it feels like people try to push that on the regular.

they try to push it, even though it isnt true, because there’s no alternative. anduin is the closest thing we have to an ethical elf and he ain’t an elf. who was throwing innocent sunreavers to the sharks? answer: alliance high elves. that ain’t no high elf, thats twisted evil stuff there.

Well, at least you acknowledge it where others can’t.

The thing is though, for your specific character, you can play lawful good and do no wrong. that’s fine and can be a good story. I’m aiming my barb at having an entire race that has no nuance, that extends beyond just individuals.

Golden is by far and away the most damaging person to the lore. Shes admitted she doesn’t know any of it and messed up so much of it.

I think just replacing it with some hair (maybe a braid or two for some of them) would be ideal.

I think a few stories of Gnomes Mechagnoems and Draenei and LFD combining their two tech types to amusing hijinks would be amazing.

They don’t show it.

Thats part of the problem they can say that we’re this thing but they keep not showing it and when they do they remove it later. Camp Taurajo, the Purge?

Both of those were horrible and both were retconned to be less bad.

That was the campaign and they also used void necromancy during a WQ.

But they dont show any of the going insane bits.

raises hand and opens mouth.

Puts hand down and closes mouth.

If there is a drow race in wow these days its Nightborne.




Thank GODS she hasn’t touched San’layn, but that’s prolly because she knows not a thing about them.

**Even though she claims to have invented vampire elves btw. :stuck_out_tongue:

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He isn´t a good character either though… and by this I mean a well written one.

He is -to put it nicely- your average “perfect shonen anime self insert”, a real Purity Sue to a T. The story does not become “better” with his presence, quite the contrary he basically ends up ruining characters left and right just because the writers have this creepy compulsion to make him “right” regardless on how naive or downright stupid his ideals and actions.

ah the mop complaint. yeah he was a teenager. he learned. idealism is tempered with wisdom or destroyed with bitterness. sylvannas had him darn close to the latter.

fer yew

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I dunno who that is but not my cup of tea, thanks anyway though :stuck_out_tongue:

i thought he looked like a vamp. i dunno who it is either lol i was looking for raised eyebrows gif

Gal, Saurfang got his portrayal destroyed just so Blanduin could play the “let me teach an Orc about Orcist Honor” part. Sorry not sorry, but characters in contact with him get legitimately dumbed down to make him and his BS “look coherent and sane”.

We´ll have to agree to disagree regarding him “learning anything” cause as far as I remember, his “forgive and forget and who cares over the dead family members, singing kumbaya is the only things that matters!!” motto is still pretty much getting applied over everything as far as the latest characterization of Tyrande is concerned.

wonder how he’ll evolve if he ever gets free of the jailer. /grimaces

That’s right. I know it was you!