Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

ugh lol
i want virtuous elves, so i can pretend i’m eternally young, beautiful and a decent person, at the same time. hehe

i’ll settle for slender halflings though, as long as they arent also turned into an evil caricature of themselves

I’m not really a fan of braids either so I’d say fill out the hairstyle with hair like other races hairstyles for example on the one I mentioned where the tentacles are add hair to be the length of the tentacles and fill it in so it actually looks good instead of well bad.

I would like them to be like the Peach actors from Mystical Ninja.

Absolutely ridiculous with exaggerated laughs. I can’t find a video of them laughing and this makes me sad, they’re so goofy.

yeah the hairstyle would have to be designed for a braid, like this

or this


Good luck with that, maybe with the new executive team the Alliance indeed may escape the “lawful but idiotically good” chains they have been dragging around since TBC times.

I just know that in faction conflicts, the Horde has ALWAYS carried the burden of getting thge villain bat regardless on how incoherent, humiliating and/or stupid their portrayal ends up looking.

I suppose ONE braid / ponytal could work, but indeed in the haircuts with several tiny tentacles missing, just pieces of regular hair would look better.


its not true. void elves are half crazy and on the verge of going completely nuts. night elves are vengeful. blood elves are bitter. nightborne are snobs. we are a sorry lot of elvenkind

And their “crazyness” is absolutely NOT aknowledged in the game whatsoever unless we speak of “nightmare scenarios that won´t ever happen” like the N´zoth one.

Believe me, the way Alleria got whitewashed of indeed torturing people in the novel is a good indication the Velves won´t ever get actually villain batted in the story. And the less we speak about the apalling portrayal of Tyrande in SL regarding her “revenge”, the better (for one, that woman DESERVED to get repaid for her hurt. The Elune stuff in Ardenweald was despicable with capital D).

didnt some velfs throw people into the twisting nether in island adventures or some such and were basically wacked in the head

The Island scenarios were basically done mocking all the races… no race gets lorewise “canon” portrrayal, all got ridiculed.

just saying, in novels, in lore and in game, void elves are not even remotely elf-like, except in the case of drow, then we are, along with our kin, in character.

can we please have good elves? like not drow spawn ?

Legolas was the exception in Tolkien novels, not the rule.

Just sayin´. Elves in this game are perfectly IC regarding their issues whyen you take into account the inspiration for the pop culture trope.


They toss Horde emissaries into the Void to slowly wither and die. Pretty metal.

I have a new headcanon that VEs are litter bugs and toss their trash into the Void as well. So evil.


Why do we have to have a cookie-cutter idea of every single fantasy race? That’s the problem nowadays. Saying something isn’t ‘elf like’ is ridiculous, in my personal opinion. Why does one set of rules dictate what something can be?

This is Fantasy, it requires creativity, not some vanilla cookie-cutter ideology of everything based off of one franchise.


yikes lol
and werent they muttering the whole time, like some psycho killers?

That I don’t know.

we are all cookie cutter drow.

Except they’re not drow. I don’t even care about that fantasy race, nor do I know much about it. I know about void elves, I know about San’layn, I know about Blood Elves. Which are in the World of Warcraft universe.

Far as I’m concerned, ‘drow’ don’t exist in WoW at all. This isn’t D&D.

I’m okay with D&D aside from the stupid alignment nonsense, putting EVERY fantasy race into a ‘good and evil’ box, and just…yeah. I’d prefer if everyone didn’t insist on ‘this race is inherently evil’ nonsense because it’s a horrible trope.


drow comes from trow which comes from the word troll. all wow elves are descended from dark trolls. the og devs were D&D players. you can see hints of it all over the place, like the elven city, silverymoon and the fact another word for drow is night elf. i’m not kidding.

And? That still doesn’t mean it follows D&D rules nor that being one race inherently makes you evil. That attitude is toxic in the RP community in particular. WoW is it’s own thing regardless of what it takes after, and we’ve seen in game that using [x] magic type or being [x] doesn’t matter, it depends on what you do with it.

this is the problem: there are several types of elves, some who branch off others but wow elves are all branched off drow.