Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

History might repeat it self only this time Stormwind is left devided and Humans are sent scurrying across the map to Kul Tiras.

Or perhaps Lordaeron wll be forever in ruins such as Theramore

Let the void consume Stormwind.

That’s just the void whispers you heard that gave you that idea.

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80% of the player base play them because they are beautiful looking hourglass women or slander male-like human character models.


i was just discussing the lore, how elves are depicted in lore. we’re drow. the blood elves and night elves are like drizzt (famous D&D drow) but with drow tendencies. and the lore of the elves is that we all came from dark trolls, who were an unpopular, antisocial sect of trolls.

I did, and in Vanilla you guys had the people that willingly and by their own choice left the Kingdom of Quel´thalas behind to stay as the Human´s pets. Not the Kingdom of Quel´thalas per se, as far as canon lore is concerned that one was rolling Illidari on that particular moment in time, NOT Alliance, period.

The cosmetic preferences of players that try to get championed as “arguments” related to the story (which is, trying to add apples to oranges), are not of my concern. You guys had holdouts; however the actual canon lore source of those holdouts had left your faction since the previous game, regardless of how bitter this fact make you people feel.

The “identity” is a mix made by aesthetics AND story a.k.a., the lore. Ignore one and you get a biased and false image of such “identity”. And I don´t care over the false “identity” people tries to champion when they deliberately remove the parts of it that do NOT work in favor of their agendas, no more and no less.

We´ll leave it at this, but don´t make the mistake in believing YOUR stance (that rando NPCs that have NO story with the race per se or have one completely removed from it) give you the “high ground” to issue such bold statements as “Horde stole the identity of the Alliance”. Sorry not sorry, but that´s just your biased opinion dude, not our fault we actually take into account the whole package and not only the part you conveniently like.

Funny, I´m actually the opposite as far as writting style and portrayal is concerned. The very reason I can´t stand the Alliance races is because the devs try so hard at portraying them as perfectly goodie two shoes heroes who can do no wrong I simply can´t relate to such inhumane standards. We irl humans beings are faulty people carrying with us tons of mistakes and sins, so don´t ask me to feel bad nor empathize with characters that simply put it, are basically aliens / robots with a coat of “human aesthetics”.

I like the Horde races cause they aren´t inherently perfectly good nor inherently perfectly evil… this gives more complexity to their characterization and this is more interesting for me.


the only one who matches that description is anduin. everybody else is either morally grey or mostly good with moments of evil. jaina, for example. i’m a fan of the good guys trope, as a result, i’m a fan of thrall, lorthemar and anduin. you’ll never convince me now that i know the lore, that either side is evil, just their elves are wacked, with lorthemar being the exception

oh and baine. such a nice person. cant address alleria cause she’s rather non existent in-game lore. but didnt she do some bad stuff with turalyon? like torture people?

drow, we’re all drow.

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Those moment should have been in the game and not in a novel.

When you go and check, the “moments of evil” Alliance side get either ignored by the grand narrative (the Stonespire tribe incidents in Vanilla… basically genocided but did Anduin or ANYONE not Horde aknowledge that happened? Nope) or retroactively justified (in-game, Theramore attacked the Barrens first, causing the Taurajo -a population center with women and children- incident, but here comes “Tides of War” retroactively saying Orcs attacked first and that the Alliance just “scared the Tauren”, not their fault the idiots ran in the middle of the night into the clutches of hostile quillboard).

The Alleria incident was whitewashed in despicable ways… the Orc mom gets portrayed not sympathetically but as a hostile moron who refused to give in to Turalyon´s PLEAS, ergo “forcing” Alleria to try her methods. In short: they were the poor wtittle heroes that had to resort to extreme measures in their persecution of “true justice” cause Orcs are idiots, period.

Tl;dr: 404 morally grey Alliance not found.



Blizzard. No.

That was very clearly the Alliance doing a horrible horrendous thing. The hell…

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I know I don’t usually request things to Void Elf threads anymore but Blizzard really needs to fix the hairstyles that had/have tentacles when they don’t because I myself would have liked and would still like to use the wicked hairstyle on my Void Elf without tentacles but without them it looks bad, way shorter and uneven and I hate it.

Also still wanting pink hair for Void Elves and every other race that doesn’t have it as well. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


good with moments of evil, like i said. and elves are mostly evil at the end of the day, and thats my complaint. we dont have goodie two shoe elves, heck it doesnt even try to make elves seem good. we’re either bonkers or bitter and vengeful.

That’s what I said!

Also tentacles being available on the hairstyles that don’t have em.

Finish the job Blizzard! Finish it!


while i was doing my comparative analysis between wow elves and D&D drow, it dawned on me that D&D creators got Lolth as the spider queen, from the same source as wow got n’zoth - lovecraft’s cthulu mythos. little wonder then, that your mind went to a cthulu appearance when thinking of void elf customization. the theme is so dark, its textbook drow. lol


think of n’zoth’s multiple eyes. he’s like a lovecraftian spider king, et. al, if Lolth were a guy, he’d be N’zoth.

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It’ll probably come when they decided to add actual new hairstyles and what not to Void Elves.

This recent pass it didn’t necessarily seem like they were a focus - they were simply lucky to get additions of colors and tentacle toggle. Originally it was just going to be ear sizes like from Blood Elves.


yeah the original list of customizations for this pass only mentioned ear size for void elves. they added hair color and tentacle toggle cause they were inundated with requests, not just in the US, where horde is the loudest voice, but also Oceanic, where alliance is.

I’m laughing, not because I think this is a bad idea. I’m laughing because I know how many times I’d get my butt killed by trying to enter the old way out of habit.


I wandered into Southshore out of habit on my Horde characters a lot in ye olde days.

And now I occasionally wander into Southshore on my Alliance characters.


Baine literally aknowledged Taurajo as a “valid military target” in Tides of War. We Hordies didn´t simply decide to hate on that particularly useless POS Tauren for the lols, Fen.

It also made me permanently dislike Golden´s stories, cause after that one it has been pandering and moar pandering to her pet characters / self inserts. And no Horde racial leader is free from getting the “he/she suddenly worhips Jaina / Blanduin´s Human Potential” on her stories.

Fair enough, any idea in particular?

I just know that the mockup replacing all and every tentacle with a braid made the hairstyles worse for me (it looked even weirder in those haircuts with several tiny tentacles).

As I said: we are the opposite. I´d absolutely dread to get my fav races protrayed as the one dimensional cartoon heroes tbqh.

But have faith!!! In Wow as long as the narrative doesn´t aknowledge stuff, then it´s practically in the middle road to retconn out of existence!!! Your vanilla elves and blueberry ones will probably reach the level of perfection you want sooner rather than later.

My lock buddy literally forgot he 3was questing on the worgen and decided to visit crossroads on his lowbie alt… we all had a good laugh when he got powned by the guards (force of habit indeed).


I just want to see campy nonsense evil with LFD and VEs. They seem perfect for it.

I’ll take Draenei doing questionable things in collaboration with Gnomes as well (just nothing aligned with the usage of the Light). They’re still Eredar at heart and they’re not immune to being corrupted by power wants.

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