Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Let’s not derail Fen’s thread.


I will say it does get really old with the Alliance time and again saying ‘Thalassian elves shouldn’t be on the Horde’. They got their vanilla elves and can keep asking for more, but it would be nice to drop that narrative for once.


God yes. I love elves but I’m tired of all the elf in-fighting. It’s become more than just stale at this point.


so much much yes for these

Blood elves belong with the Horde. Between them and the Nightborne, the Horde has most of the Highborne, so they can bond with the orcs over blowing up a planet they were trying to live on.

Ahem. Also, in a less silly factional trashtalking sense, they genuinely have some great parallels with the other members and their pragmatic outlook is a good fit. Besides, they’re interesting and with their backstory and location, it’s pretty natural to find 'em on redside.

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Agreed. Three cheers for more void options for the void elves. I’m hoping we see features like extra eyes and such like that:

(This is my favorite x3)

(Not my art by the way!)

San’layn and such should definitely go to blood elves or neutral (or AR), but I think giving void elves sharp teeth would be cool too. Everyone should have sharp teeth ^^


Those look wicked sick. <3 Love the ferocity in the last picture especially. Also, shark teeth for everyone.


I’d really like to see more of the partial transformations – the creeping skin tone changes, unnaturally colored veins, blotchy hair coloration, different lengths of tentacles…


I´m an actual lore junkie who DOES pay attention to it.

Believe me, I find supremely offensive how a legitimate innovative idea like the one Blizzard had back in WC3 (in the very era of LotR fan w@nk) is discarded without batting an eyelash because people find their cosmetics more important.

Kk, I said my part.

We can go back to suggest void stuff for the Fen!!

How about a mockup with voidberg using tentacle looking dreadlocks?!?

This is actually non ironically true. The fact the devs never collected in the amazing bonding potential Belves and Orcs had over getting pulled one over by Kil´jaeden thanks to his amazing skills to corrupt desperate leaders was a shame.

Both Thrall and lor´themar should get regularly drunk while they rant over Kael´thas / Doomhammer putting them in place to fix their messes.


If there is a big red button labeled “do not touch”, in this universe you can depend on an orc or an elf to poke that sucker immediately.

And I say that as a dwarf fan, the usual proud toucher of forbidden buttons in fantasy universes!


That’d be great. Too bad I’m no good with editing software or making mockups. :stuck_out_tongue:


Were you playing at the beginning of the game. World of Warcraft that is, because the “Elf identity” that I specifically talked about in game and community is about more than some bit of “lore” you interpreted. Does anyone even actually still believe Blizzard cares about lore and thinks that’s what drives the game. I mean, really. Cue the Pyro rage video.

Look, me and the other Blood Elf just had a productive civil conversation and I’m leaving it at that and apologize to the others for derailing the main topic of customization . How about we get back to talking Void Elf customization I’m sure the contentious Elf stuff will have plenty of opportunity to come up again elsewhere.

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I’m still hoping we’ve not seen the last of him.
We know he was stabbed with an item capable of containing the essence of a void creature…where did that item go? What was he testing us for?

Plus I tend to think back on this Lovecraft quote since they’re all inspired by it…
“That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die.”
I’m hoping he’s just biding his time while we eliminate a rival who happens to be, essentially, a death god.

I’m also right there with ya on the whole faction thing. I’m way past tired of it.
I wanna group up regardless of factions and have a storyline that focuses on more interesting things like the old gods and enemies we have a common interests in defeating. The faction divide feels so forced and old now.

I enjoyed quite a bit of BFA, but the parts I enjoyed the least were the forced faction conflict. I wish they’d have left Stormsong Valley alone and had the quillboar invading instead of the horde. Made more sense.

The whole expansion felt Lovecraft inspired but then had this stupid faction battle forced on top. I’d much rather have had more stuff like 8.3 throughout the whole thing.

Damn straight.

Stuff like that would be great.
I’d love to see a heavy armor void casting knight with an aberration void form class for me to play as a void elf (or whatever race). Basically medieval fantasy Venom with old god styled customization options. We already have Broken that were heading to that visual. Take it further and let us play it :stuck_out_tongue:
There’s so many awesome spell effects from 8.3 that would look great rolled into a class.


My oldest brother used to tell us every single time how stupid it was for the developers not to add a Legend of Korra storytelling. After the constant nagging I gave in and he was right. Leave the game as it is but build a faction-less city where everyone lives together and let them tackle social and generational issues. Legend of Korra used this for its bender- and non-bender storytelling in its first season and it was awesome. Hearthstone shows the way how the game is supposed to be with every race living together but you could still add some serious storytelling.

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Shattrath City
Dalaran City

What’s next after Oribos?

Considering Shattrath was a Draenei city and Dalaran a Human/High Elf city, how about this time we have a Horde city turn into a neutral sanctum next expansion?

my final thoughts on the debate you three just had:

blood elves for the most part, want to embrace the moral monster they started as. and in fact, many want flat out monster elves, no apologies. this frees up alliance elves to be something other than more monsters, which is why i am not a fan of depicting void elves as corrupt maniacs. the idea you cant be an elf of any kind unless you’re the epitome of evil dictator levels of bad, ruins elves for me.

and lets face it, in lore, night elves are consistently depicted as xenophobic and dictatorial, such as chasing arcane mages out of night elven lands, spying on high/blood elves while pretending to be their friends in wc3 (right when they were on the verge of extinction), verbally abusing the nightborne in their most dire hour, and so on. truth be told, blizzard treats elven lore like an opportunity to depict them all as a blight on azeroth, and the clincher is, people still want to play them - the more twisted and evil, the better. :woman_shrugging: i just want a decent elf lol we have one type of elf - we’re all morally and politically, drow, just different factions of drow.

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Yet Blood Elves were still kicked out of Dalaran.

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That’s exactly what I was thinking of!

Imagine a reconstructed Lordaeron, where the Undercity would be reserved for the Horde and the rebuilt external part for the Alliance.


They were allowed back in Legion :stuck_out_tongue:

Void elves need more hairstyles.

Push it, fam.