Void Elf Changes in 9.1.5

The internet must be a scary place for some though…

Also, thank you all the Anti’s for keeping our threads alive. if it wasn’t for you all, we would’ve never gotten these customisations. :heart: :hugs:

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At this point it doesn’t really matter is my point. They decided to give alliance high elf customization and advertised those customizations as fulfilling the high elf fantasy. Both sides have high elf stuff. Now we can agree to have more shared assets across races where that makes sense. Like nightborne getting night elf stuff, and forsaken getting human stuff.


Exactly, this here 100%.

Forsaken should even have a “Choose your race” option, considering any race can be Undead (except Worgen and apparently Night Elves?).


Just pointing out your disingenuous comparison on why people are still voicing there concerns. You can say it’s not a problem all you want, but giving Void Elves more options that are shared with Blood Elves can still be criticised and be valid.


This is so true but by now everyone knows how one sided that side is so.

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This is just silly.
You’re fully aware how sharing the same models and then doubling down on it is our problem.
No one cared about other races that LOOK completely different sharing hairstyles and colors.
Pretending you’re not aware of why Blood Elf players are upset about sharing our models with alliance isn’t a good look.


I never did such thing, I only corrected a user saying Blood Elf options were “taken” when they’re not. They’re being copied.

Indeed I can, especially when Blizzard is on my side

Agreed, never have I mentioned the contrary.


Because Blood Elf players are not entitled on ownership of the model or assets, just like the High Elf fans.

If Blizzard considered it a problem, then they wouldn’t off given the Void Elves these options.


How is this not mocking and belittling?


We had undead night elf dark rangers in the horde for the whole of bfa. Makes sense we get them as customization for either forsaken or nightborne.


I read this in Sheldon Coopers voice… It totally worked. LOL

You’re attacking the Blood Elf fanbase as having any control over what blizz chose to do?
How the heck have we ‘dangled’ Blood elves over your noses?
Who was stopping you from rolling a Blood Elf?!


Oh, contradicting much? You’ve been attacking the High Elf community for something on what Blizzard choses to do.


So every other race can go screw themselves if they want to play their fantasy in either faction, all because a group of people can’t stand the idea of being in the faction they don’t like?

I voted ‘no’ on blue eyes for either races. I knew that was gonna open up a can of worms. I wish they didn’t add them. I was quite happy with the green eyes and only reserved gold for light-wielders.

Not talking pure as in what their practices were. The only thing that changed was their name. In other words, they were the “original” high elves. They never biologically transformed like void elves did (void elves have purple blood now, for example).

Gonna need a source for that. How do I know they weren’t just talking about simply activating this “entropic embrace” form whenever while keeping their original blueberry looks?


This is also true. Nothing stopping people from playing blood elves. But it sucks that we have to choose friends or customization with the factions sometimes.


To be fair blood elf fans have been mocking people for years about wanting high elves. At this point the shoe is on the other foot and they are free to either let it go or continue to gnash their teeth over us getting high elven features.


If anyone else playing any other race outside of Blood Elves or Void Elves can do it so can they, for example I’d love to main a Dark Iron Dwarf but I refuse to play Alliance full time so I have one as an alt on Alliance.


Yeah so the things that were stopping people from rolling Blood elf is that those who mained Alliance would have to abandon their favourite faction and friends to gain access to the race. And ofc people wanted specifically High elves and their own version of High elf lore.

Don’t take me wrong I did play Blood elf across the years a little bit but I would never put a race in a faction I do not like over my friends and guildies.


It’s times like this I wish THREADS had a search option within them for specific replies… digs through hundred of posts

At announcement according to one thread I found so, 7.3? Digging through reddit apparently the Void Elf announcement at Blizzcon that year.

They’re probably just a little salty because the Alliance will now be able to play as High Elves.

Honestly, I am grateful to Blizzard for the Alliance finally having this option. It has been a long time in the making, and we know the path Blizzard is taking.