Voicing my opinion as an ally on Stallag

Coming to the forums to voice my opinion as that’s what it tells me to do in-game.

Due to Blizzard’s allowance of transfers in the first few weeks of Classic, Stallag saw a huge migration of Alliance elsewhere.

As tired as this sounds, and with how many threads are currently being generated, I fully expect about 200 horde to pop in and give the “shouldn’t have rolled pvp” response, but this is oppressive.

Since the launch of P2, there are absolutely no usable zones. BRM takes 20 deaths just to go into a instance due to the literally hundreds and hundreds of horde everywhere. You can’t even go in from the Burning Steppes because they have about 40-50 there as well.

Some guy in my group said, “if we had double the alliance, we would be fine”, but that’s not true. Even if we somehow managed to double the ally count on our server, we would still be at a 10-20% disadvantage player-wise. A 10-20% disparity is a normal disparity that is good for faction health.

Please. I’m really just considering raid logging, if not unsubbing, if there isn’t some real fix. And this comes from a self-proclaimed no-lifer.

I haven’t been able to “use” either my 60 paladin or my 60 warrior since P2 dropped.


Transfer, reroll, or quit.


Or: Blizzard needs to reduce server capacity to vanilla levels, that is reduce the number of players per server back to normal levels.

They removed layering and bumped the capacity to shorten queues. It is backfiring.

Looks like Horde won the war… of warcraft.


Hey Fight,

I actually made a level 1 Dwarf and corpse ran to Menethil yesterday to talk with some people on Stalagg and check out the situation.

It seems that the general feeling is that the free transfers really sucked for server balance, as a ton of Alliance left, but also that Alliance has some really good guilds on Stalagg and are starting to band together, so it is hopeful.

There are, and will continue to be players like me who have decided to abandon the Horde, and join the ranks of the underdog, to help in the longer term victory, for the Alliance!

Keep up the good fight, and don’t forget to party up, and farm some honor!

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It’s 10 vs 200 at BRM. There’s no chance.


If you give up, they have already won. Don’t be that guy.


0/10 troll, but good try. Polite troll is still troll.

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In my opinion, you are the one trolling. If you didn’t intend to, and do not intend to PVP on your server, and worse, you are encouraging others to give up, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM, and you are doing a disservice to everyone.

PVP is for PVP, so go PVP.

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It’s not oppressive to suggest rolling on a Gankfest server is always a terrible idea. Trying to keep you from getting frustrated with how the permanent flagging works.

He can’t transfer. Stalagg’s transfers are restricted to Horde only.

You know the faction imbalance is bad when even Blizzard is trying to keep the remaining Alliance from leaving the server.


Okay, but if they do that, where do rest of the players go?

Are they just locked out that realm if they don’t get the chance to log in before it’s full?

Are they given the option of a free transfer?

Are the realms split into smaller realms? If so, do they take guilds/alts into account and keep them together? That still won’t help guilds that work together and/or unguilded friends, though.

How would that work in practice?

All good my man, hang in there. Whenever I get down about horde ganking 20v1 on Stalagg I just go kill lowbies and make new horde wish they had not rolled on such an imbalanced server.

Then he ignored the warnings and multiple other opportunities. I provided 3 options, not 1. He can still reroll and quit.

There were no warning that this server would be an 80/20 split. You and the troll guy above are really failing at trolling…pretty hard.


Such helpful options…


Where’d you get that number?

I’m assuming not some baseless site who’s methods of ascertaining said information was broken just several weeks after launch?

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Come play an Ally on Stallag and tell me if you think it’s better or worse than the number I gave.

What are you doing?

You could become a Balance Movement Ambassador

Good! Do you have a recruitment thread you can point to? Are you willing to help new players level up? Maybe some 10 slot bags, a couple runs through Deadmines, etc… anything to sweeten the pot…

Oh, and don’t forget to mention, the almost UNLIMITED HONOR TO FARM.