Voice chat feedback

Because when it was first introduced it was terrible and there were other better free alternatives. Now it’s too late, I don’t know if it works well or not, but Discord has beat the crap out of it, allowing free voice + messaging + message archives/channels. In-game voice chat is a solution for a non-existent problem at this time. If it had worked well when it was introduced, it may have caught on. It’s just too little too late. The ship has sailed.


Agreed. And now they’ve integrated it into everything with this new Bnet update, forcing it on us even more.

How DARE Blizzard make comnunication across Blizzard games convenient and easy!


Hi, I asked the question that inspired this post. The question was inquiring if there were any steps being taken to make M+ more pug friendly.

I think Ion missed my point, unfortunately. It’s not a communication problem, it’s an overtuning of M+ problem. I pugged probably 80% of my m+ runs in Legion. I looked forward to running every day. In BfA pugging is NOT fun and is a crap-shoot. This isn’t do to communication tools or lack there-of.

The problem stems from extremely over-engineered trash with too many punishing mechanics. Add in tyrannical and fort now at 2 and the experience is not friendly for casual players at all. Yes, ofcourse +10 is simple with your buddies all in discord and being able to coordinate… but a +10 with a pug is an entire different story… Add in infested where virtually one failed cc or cc break and boom, your pull is delayed/possibly wiped.

I’m all for a good challenge, and I think groups looking to push higher keys should be challenged, but the level of difficulty in M+ right now opposed to the other types of end game content is a joke.

Tyran/fort needs to go back to +10, and the season affix (infested) needs to be 5 level higher and have some sort of incentive. That would make 1-9 much easier for new people/casuals, +10 a challenge, and then +15 a bigger challenge for groups that want are up for it. Add in some sort of incentive and boom, there you go.


Way to actually read the posts. :roll_eyes:

When it breaks the game for some people and is forced on people who don’t want it running because they won’t use it, that has zero to do with “convenience” and everything to do with “have an option to toggle it off.”

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Because I refuse to connect to a voice chat where the possibility of a screaming child exists. No squeakers for me, also because I’m already on discord with my guild.


The most obvious is that it lacks the quality and features of even the most minimal external voice chat programs. It’s better than nothing in a crunch but frankly anybody willing to use voice chat will hop on Discord at this point.

You’re not forced in the Blizzard sense to use voice chat – Blizzard won’t be the one booting you from a current content raid because you refuse to listen to the instructions given in voice chat.

I’m not sure about recently but you used to be able to rename the file so that it couldn’t launch along with the game and this was allowable at the time because it could cause problems for some people.

My previous guild used the battle-net chat system, Easy to use, (but the config was a bit hard to find) but the quality was excellent.
Unfortunately, due to something said over VC during a raid, I decided to quit the guild and raiding. Not sure I’ll ever use it again.

Maybe simmer down on the defense there Lancelot.

Ion asked the question, I’m answering with my opinion. I’m not calling for the total removal of the feature, it’s probably great for the few people who use it and like it. It just ain’t for me.

What the OP said. I have a hard enough time with people on discord or whatever. I really don’t need to listen to random people in the game because I know exactly how that is going to end.

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I think I fall in the category of…

I use voice chat to chat with friends, not strangers. And since I am in a guild, I don’t pug a lot of content.

If, however, I was an chaotic scheduled player that pugged all the time, I can see it being more useful, but I probably would only listen and never talk… so the purpose would be different.

It will recreate the file upon launch was my understanding from others who tried to outright delete it. Renaming would essentially be the same thing as the proper file would not be there when starting the client.

I used to use the in-game voice chat about 10 years ago when questing with friends. I actually made a lot of new friends by grouping up with another person that was on the same quest. But voice was just for conversation purposes, rather than strategy.

I don’t want to use voice chat in a M+ because I don’t need some elitist twerp cursing at me because I accidentally pulled something.


Please let us turn it off; it keeps lagging my game.

I’ve tried using it a few times, but NOBODY ELSE EVER DOES.

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If you read my previous I agreed with you. You responded to my reply to someone complaining about bnet being forced on us.

Sorry about that. I really hate these new forums.

Every PuG I have been in since BfA has continued to use Discord. I’m not sure why exactly, but I have a few thoughts from me personally.

I’m not going to talk to people in WoW that I wouldn’t already talk to in Discord. That means my friends, the occasional PuG, raid teams and guilds. I’m not going to talk to people in my random BG or my +2 dungeon. I wouldn’t even talk to PuGs in my +10. Even the occasional PuG that I have to join a new discord for I will always stay muted. That’s the biggest reason for me not to use it.

I don’t use the game voice chat because it’s always a risk when you learn a new system that there will be issues. Did I set my PTT correctly? Will there ever be an issue where suddenly I have an open mic? I’ve almost had a heart attack the few times these have been issues in discord, but now they have worked the kinks out and I am more savvy when it comes to discord. I don’t feel like learning all over again.

There’s probably more, but those are the big highlights from me personally as a fairly shy person.

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my feelings exactly, in addition to what Atroxx said, I dont want to open up my voice chat for people who have their mics set to autokey so I get to hear all their background noise all the time.

Just being lazy, and quoting you as that is the truth.

I think some players just don’t want to use voice chat with complete strangers, because it might lead to negative stuff that they don’t want to deal with, such as toxicity or harassment.