Vision's of N'zoth Raid Ending Cinematic

Anyone else feel like the developers just watched Return Of The King and just copied Sauron’s death for the ending? all it was missing was Khadgar flying in on a Griffin to save your character.


Yeah, I mean, taken with the rest of the Expansion and what we’ve seen N’Zoth trying to do, the thing we’ve done is very disturbing.

But taken as the supposed capstone cinematic for an expansion? I feel like it was a spiteful “… I guess?” moment from Blizzard after the fans have rioted over a horrible expansion plagued with dysfunction, scandal, PR nightmares that would have killed a more self-aware company and horrific amounts of self-insertion and awful decisions.


Too dramatic, didn’t read.

It seems short, but there’s more after you beat him on Mythic — he gives you a final montage of nightmare visions.

It’s character pairs and as it cuts to each, they say “I can’t believe we just had sex!”

  • Lor’themar and Thalyssra
  • Calia and Derek
  • Sylvanas and Genn
  • Goth Tyrande and Thrall
  • Corrupted Raden and Mother

Isn’t there a whole part where the shadows of all the major characters come in? Just before the beam. It’s made using the weird style they went with for BfA, but it is there before the ending cutscene.

Paired together, they’re not the worst. At least we don’t hold hands and scream “The Battle of Azeroth (shameless name plug)… is OVER!”

Ny’alotha is free.


It feels somewhat phoned in, as if there wasn’t a real end-game plan for how to end the expansion, so they went for the DBZ/LOTR hybrid ending.

Its certainly not how I’d have wanted the Old Gods’ storyline to end, particularly N’Zoth’s. I have the suspicion that they essentially threw away N’Zoth and Azshara on BFA because they’re going to go full tilt in trying to make the Void Lords into the new big bads, like the Legion used to be, and the Old Gods are ultimately going to be as much their pawns as the Horde was the Legion’s.

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I simultaneously love and hate you for that post.

Do it again…

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this forum is now extremely cursed because you put these words together

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Remember how Wrath ended? Despite the Scourge’s aesthetic being ripped 100% from LotR, the story concluded with just people talking. And because we knew those people and had grown with them, it felt good.

We know nothing about N’Zoth and we don’t care. He didn’t show up until the end and he’s not even our best Old God. So why would we care that we ended a threat that we’ve only met for ten minutes?

Very glad I’m not the only one who noticed that we Spirit Bomb an Old God.


I really have to suspect that there’s something weird about this patch being so unrelated to anything that might lead into Shadowlands and the fact that it doesn’t have any flashy cinematics.

The ones like Old Soldier, Safe Haven, and Reckoning take way too long for Blizzard to make where they could adapt to some big change in direction halfway through BfA. They didn’t suddenly decide to make Sylvanas evil in reaction to how people felt about Teldrassil, because those trailers would’ve already needed to be pretty deep in the production pipeline by that point.

But there is nothing like that in 8.3, we just have a pretty polished in-engine cinematic of Wrathion talking to Anduin (which is shared between both Alliance and Horde), a ~30 second clip of him stabbing N’Zoth with Knaifu… and another garbage in-game puppet show of our character blasting N’Zoth with a laser beam that looks nearly as bad as Tyrande’s Night Warrior transformation sequence.

It makes me think that something collapsed behind the scenes.


I think that BfA was supposed to be longer but the Powers That Write Checks realized how much it was killing their free money machine and so they told the team to tank it despite having a bigger plan in store.

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That’s not so surprising, is it? We’ve seen in both Cataclysm and WoD that Blizzard isn’t above just chucking out the rest of their expac in a haphazard mess so they can move on to the next.

Saw it in cata, in WoD…legion went ok… and again in bfa

I think they want to move on from the old gods as the go-to agent/expression of the void and into showing other aspects of the void.

It is very clumsy and you can tell what the devs and Danuser care about vs what they just want to shove aside .

I’m still thinking there’s a good chance that Sylvanas has an awkward “redemption” and remains a “morally grey” NPC — perhaps the new Jailer — and Shadowlands is partly about “mastering death” to fight the Void.

“You torment the dead? That sounds evil.”

“It’s my job though.”

“Oh… how morally grey.”


Well it was so bad they took it down from youtube because as many pointed out… it’s a direct ripoff of the return of the king ending.

Actually the first two notes in the music are directly from return of the king when sauron is destroyed. This ending cinematic is really ridiculous. It’s hard to believe a faction war expansion exists in the same expansion as Nazjatar/Azshara and the Black empire. They just threw away two expansions worth of content for 2 patches and wasted both of them.

Norman Boutin could tell what Danuser cares about. That’s how bad of a writer Danuser is.

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This is just about the most real thing I’ve read about Battle for Azeroth. Really just feels like a mishmash, grab-bag of stuff that not only doesn’t work together thematically, but undermines other, interesting things they could have instead explored later.


This exactly. It’s been kind of wild watching from the sidelines (I unsubbed in Jan 2019) and thematically this expansion is all over the place.

Disappointing ending imo. It felt more like a death animation.