Vision's of N'zoth Raid Ending Cinematic

Now I’m just thinking back to how this expansion was marketed with the three “Warbringers”… and that none of them had any major role in this patch.

Azshara just peaces out, and I guess Jaina gets to watch her brother go on a date?

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BfA stumbled big time out of the gate with Warfronts, Island Expeditions, and the Aerite gear, and other systems being underwhelming. Also, Kul Tirans took longer to get done than planned. Considering how the rest of the expansion has been them trying to abandon/revise itm introduce a new progression system, and it’s not surprising they’re behind schedule now.

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Since there’s already a thread about the cinematic, does anyone know if there was ever a reason given as to why Wrathion has Xalatath? Didn’t we last see Nathanos with it as he walked into the sea for his “secret mission”?

Also… isn’t it canon that, like, we can’t kill old gods because they’ll destroy Azeroth if they die? :thinking: That’s why the titans just… imprisoned them…

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He gets it from Azshara in the raid who just, like, shows up and says something about inheriting the throne and nobody comments on it and Wrathion doesn’t care because he’s a doofus

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huh. ok. seems blizzard-like

She’s being held prisoner by one of the bosses but it’s still extremely weird. Like she meant to be captured in order to fulfill some debt to Sylvanas or something.

wow I REALLY need to get raiding apparently. hopefully the boss fights are at least fun

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I mean, one positive that came out of this for me, well “positive” in air quotes, is that I now agree with Blizzard in that I don’t want them to do an Old God/Void expansion. I mean they came up with some dumbass idea that because it’s horror it wouldn’t work long term (forget the fact that games like Secret World exist and has nailed that pretty consistently). But they’ve shown they don’t have the talent or honestly even the courage to tackle something like that in even a simple patch. I shudder at the idea of having to slog through two years of it.

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Wait, Blizzard took it down from Youtube or the people who uploaded it did?

That’s the sad state of the setting right now.

I want to see what happens next with a peace treaty, with the reaction to such a huge and devastating war, and so on, but… now I’m more scared of how the story will ruin them than leaving obvious plot threads hanging.

Scoot over in the lore hole, I want to hide all my favorite stuff here for a while!

Blizzard took it down from their official channel because the like/dislike ratio was awful.

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Thoughts and prayers.

Well the good thing about that is, I doubt we’ll ever have to worry about something like a peace treaty because that would mean Blizzard would have to come up with something besides a faction war to add drama. And as we all know, the faction war is “such a core concept and mechanic to the Warcraft story” that they will never put themselves in a position where they can’t have the two sides start fighting again just to band together at the end of a future expansion to defeat the latest Big Bad with the power of friendship and continue to drive that tired, lazy story line as far into the ground as they can. So we never have to worry about peace treaties or faction barriers coming down or any real significant changes like that.

i figured a better ending for this would be finally revealing what the titan we live on looks like.

like imagine the final cutscene being a minute thirty longer, where we see the lore characters who went to ny’alotha get really excited when you shoot the friendship beam, get terrified when n’zoth starts actually pushing back on it. wrathion goes “our victory was among the fewest outcomes, im sorry” and then magni goes silent, before going “look up! ye want to see this!”

and you see the veil of reality ny’alotha festers within get pierced by a massive blade, similar to the ending cinematic of legion where gorribal fell through the sky. it turns out that it is also still gorribal, and that this fight in ny’alotha, this defeat of the infinite nightmares that are n’zoth’s visions, have finally awoken azeroth just enough for her to like… astral project her power to stomp n’zoth.

the blade obliterates ny’alotha, and we see a triumphant azeroth standing above its glowing remains. finally we see azeroth, and we see that she’s healing. we also see that she’s using sargeras’ sword, even if this isn’t the actual physical object. it’s kind of a passing of the torch, sargeras was the one to slay the void before, now azeroth carries that weight. she still wouldn’t be ready to fully awaken, not yet, but it’d be a sign that we’re moving towards the endgame.


I definitely agree – like, this entire expansion was the Battle for Azeroth, and we didn’t even get to see what she looked like? The whole expac was about her!

I was extremely excited when the patch dropped because the art team did an absolutely wonderful job, but the story immediately after was a really unfortunate letdown, which stings because I’ve been one of the people who has been urging everyone to stay positive about the story for the last year and a half. I held out hope, and… that didn’t really go anywhere.

Also not a huge fan of the character spotlighting. Where’s the rest of the raid?? I want this game to be about me and my friends growing strong enough to conquer threats, not one character getting spotlighted and suddenly becoming powerful enough to take on a god. I don’t want to be a championnnnn


I wanna take this and exemplify a peeve of mine. The whole expansion blows azeroth’s blood up your rear end but there’s absolutely nothing to justify making the player character a “champion” of anything.

And I know that one can argue, almost exclusively through the most needless of backward and regressive logic, that through numerous unspoken, almost exclusively gameplay mechanic conveniences that actually the player character has done all these superhuman things.

But like, we haven’t. We’ve never “powered up”, we’ve never improved, and we’ve certainly never actually expressed any characterization that we give two whits about morality or survival. The “Champion’s of Azeroth” are just murderhobos that suffer equally from plot armor and “stunned / frozen / incapacitated / blinded / you can’t act right now because the villain has to escape so you can kill them in the dungeon”.

Basically everone knows the plot is garbage based nonsense but the pedestal Blizzard keeps pretending to put you, the player, on is such a backhanded meta contrivance I’m not sure anyone understands.

I don’t know if “chosen one” is just in for media currently, I don’t know if it panders to a specific whale demographic, I don’t know if Blizzard just can’t figure out how to include the player character into qorld events. No matter what though, it makes less and less sense each expansion despite the fact that we are those people who do that thing. It keeps getting hoisted on us despite the fact that, seemingly, most players absolutely despise it.

And I can’t help feeling incredibly uncomfortable about how that seems to be Blizzard’s attitude at large lately.


This ending just feels like an even more disappointing version of Cataclysm, when Thrall and the Dragon Aspects used the Dragon Soul to turn Deathwing into sparkly confetti.

I really didn’t think it would get more disappointing than that.

Maybe it was N’zoth’s plan all along was to have us slay him for an unknown reason so he made it easy? Who am I kidding it is probably just the usual bad writing and wasted an area that could of easily been an whole expansion pack itself. Should of just went with my idea and have N’zoth destroy Stormwind and Orgrimmar while Alliance and Horde are busy fighting each other so they can both realize how stupid they are.