Visions feel frustrating not rewarding/fun

I am glad they are difficult to solo and exploring and figuring out content is part of the point of games. That said there should be no penalty for failing outside of having to try the content again. They tried the limited pull attempts of heroic bosses back in Throne of Thunder (Ra-den) and ultimately felt like that was not a good concept. Why did they reinvent that concept again with Horrific Visions. You should be able to upgrade your item to a certain cap each week (no need to get items to enter) and once you reach that cap you can practice all you want for no reward OR you can just wait until next week. This entire design feels punishing instead of fun. Blizzard what were you thinking?

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I think you’re taking it too hard. I do not feel I am owed some kind of reward simply because I had to spend 15-30 minutes doing a set of dailies and then another 15-30 minutes doing another set of dailies to enter a horrific vision.

If we approach things with punishment / victim mentality, then nothing will be fun because it’ll just feel like everything’s some kind of wonky punishment. I get that people feel like they should be able to do visions whenever they want, and I wouldn’t mind it myself, but I don’t think it’s punishing (Especially when they bumped the amount we can do in a week) that we have to do some outdoor world content to get in them.

Consider this, if we do a little math, every day comes with seven dailies. Three in one zone, and four in another one. At 250 coalescing visions a pop, that’s 1750, not counting your daily mini-vision, which is another 1500. So every day, you can earn 3250.

Now, 3250x7=22,750.
Now also we do 5500x3 because of the main assault, and two mini-assaults. That’s 16,500 visions from those three separate quests.

22,750 + 16,500 = 39,250. Add in chests, random rares, possible bonus quests, etc, you can easily do four visions a week for an hour a day.

That’s…a lot of opportunities to get done what you want to get done. I don’t feel that’s punishing at all. And all of that math is not including warmode, which is a 10% bonus to all quest rewards, visions included.


Its really not worth the effort… Did 2 zones with a full group and got lousy 430 ilevel piece of gear that was no better than what I already had… No corruption… Nothing. 8.3 sucks and is a let down…


To me, they are merely for cloak upgrades and for those who will, in the future, go and try to solo upgrade their character.

To get gear, you have unlimited, easier retries and rewards from M+.


This is correct. This is why I say approaching horrific visions with the punishment mentality, to me, doesn’t make sense. They’re just primarily for cloak upgrades, and some cosmetic things. Gear is infinitely more attainable from sources like M+.

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In my opinion the design is about getting people to go do the zones instead of just doing the visions and logging out. Which, lets be honest, is what most people would do. The zones don’t really feel that enjoyable and farming rares is kinda blah. If we had the option to skip the zones while still being able to level up or cloaks we would do that. While a number of people hated Suramar it would have been fun to have a set up like that along with the zones.

Blizzard could have added something different but instead gave us more of the same, this time more boring and grindy.

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I think in theory the lesser visions are supposed to be the practice zone for the greater visions… but they’re not robust enough to accomplish that task.

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i like the design, but i wont ever push them because i don’t want to be punished with chores (daily quests). either lower the essence cost or i’m just going to stop doing them when they actually get hard.

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If it wasn’t for lesser visions I prob would never do the horrific version. Assaults and lesser visions are where its at… dailies are boring and lame…


I think that if you are hoping that Visions are a gearing avenue, then for sure you’re in for a bad time. Clearing all 5, with 5 masks, giving 470 is sick until you realize you’re probably going to need to be at least that, and higher, to try solo and even then only a couple specs will be able to do that.

If you’re trying to do it as a healing spec it’s going to be way tougher solo. Doable but harder. But if you even snag 1 dps friend it’ll be a much more enjoyable experience.

Generally i’m treating them as Cloak upgrades. To get rank 6 you just have to do 1 of the side areas. Rank 7 is 1 side area 2 times. You get 3 runs a week with absolute minimum outside effort, and a 4th or maybe a 5th if you really max out on world stuff. That should give more than enough tries to get those single areas done.

If you’re struggling to go for higher than level 6 then i would treat current runs as practice as you get more gear, then try in a couple weeks. Outside of Mythic raiding it looks like the cloak doesn’t even have to be higher than rank 1 to be effective in the raid (it’s almost exclusively for doing vision and being a high ilevel piece)


I mean. I kiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda like the whole “You’re going to get your butt kicked at first as you get used to the corruption” angle they’re going for here. But it’s far too punishing early on.

Cool story idea. Wonky execution


agreed… I’m basically doing them for the backpack mog anything else isn’t worth it for me.

A few weeks from now we will have a much easier time in visions. At that point it will feel rewarding. But for now we are time gated to upgrade our cloaks and research.

Oh man that backpack mog is BIS that’s honestly the endgame of BFA to me lol


I heard that it barely got tested.

Unsure where you heard that as it was one of the biggest pieces that was tested. Outside of when raid bosses were available that’s pretty much the only thing i saw people testing and giving feedback about.

Way too many people insist on doing this solo, and then come and complaining about how hard they are.

Group up.

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Insist on doing it solo, or doing it in a healer/tank spec when there is a dps spec available.

Confusing times we live in in this MMORPG

There’s even a half of the tech tree DESIGNED for doing it in a group. It’s right there in front of everyone’s face that this can be done in a group.

Why don’t people group up? I just don’t get it.

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