Visions feel frustrating not rewarding/fun

They were thinking they’d do the same thing as the Chromie scenarios, and give us content where it’s quite hard or difficult for most to excel and get “all the rewards” on every attempt before the research is done.

Personally, I understood the concept before, and I understand it now. No one is meant to be successful on every run - getting every piece of gear, bonus and cloak upgrade - from day one. If someone did, kudos to them, but a glance at peoples’ complaints here and elsewhere prove that many people are enduring failures.

Failures that are built into the system. You are literally expected to fail on some objectives. What they then expect you to do is look at the research tiers and realize that in a few days, or next week, you’ll have new research completed that will make the task easier.

And also, I must state again, as I have been in every “Visions” thread - there is no race. You’re not “behind” because you didn’t get your upgrades this week. If you’re a normal or heroic raider, or you do Mythic plus, there will be groups for you to conquer content if and when you get your cloak maxed out.

I stand corrected if you’re a “race to world first” Mythic raider. Then, my bad, you are completely screwed. But being part of the “race to world first,” of course you understand the implications of failing to keep up with “your team.”

WoW isn’t supposed to be fun.

I bet fun isn’t even mentioned at Blizzard meetings.

More like “user engagement”.

They don’t care if it’s fun. Just making sure it keeps you logging in.

I do them with my friends but I can see why people wouldn’t group up with randoms. Too many chances to blow your key.

Risk/reward. I don’t ever intend to risk my Vessel, which is worth quite a bit of my time to even enter, on strangers, since none of my friends even play WoW anymore, and it’s not a good environment to find such friends.

Also, it’s been easy to solo so far. I will only considering to get a group for later stages, but even then I’m not comfortable with risking my vessel on others.

I advise against pugging, I encourage people to group up. The two are not the same thing. :smile:

Everything I do in this game is solo at this point. My friends have all quit and as someone said earlier, this game is pretty bad for making new friends lol. I pug lots of things and still get plenty of content done. Visions so far have been difficult to find people for, especially being a healer. They do not require a healer and thus bringing one is a hindrance rather than a boon.

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I have plenty of in-game friends, all of whom I met through playing. The only thing that stops people from making friends in-game is if they decide to treat it as a solo experience instead.

We make sure that all of our healers have all the help they need to do visions.

I group up for raids. Outside that it’s tough to schedule stuff with a consistent group, cause the time window when people are available is when we are running raid.

It would be better if Visions had a group finder to make it easier to find a group. But they don’t, and i’m not gonna go back the bad old days of hanging out trade chat begging people to run a vision with me. Frankly, if WoW was still like that, I’d have stopped playing years ago.

Lesser visions are a joke. Walk in do the daily in 2 min leave.

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I agree, that’s why I wrote


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I’d suggest one of the following:

  1. Do it 10 minutes before raid.
  2. Do it right after raid.
  3. Do it during raid times but not during raid nights, since that’s the most likely time to find other people online.

Yes, I’m aware that there are things i could do to group for it. I’m not going to do them because i don’t care enough to and it’s not worth the hassle. At all.

Hopping into a vision real quick for a solo run is fun. Trying to round up people for group content, yes even just 3-5 people, is not. Never was, never has been, never will be. I don’t even do that for mythic+ (praise be to the premade group finder for eliminating that hassle from my life), much less throwaway content like visions.

I failed once, on one character, did it and finished it on another, haven’t even bothered with rank 2 'cause if the only reason is to wear more corrupted gear than I’ll pass.

End-game content like Raiding would make me feel like it mattered but yeah - the acquisition sucks - the event itself (HV’s) are I guess a nice bit of SIDE content. That’s what it feels like.

Mage Tower’s challenged someone, ticked them off, and didn’t try again (jokingly what happened to my noob self)

Withered Training felt bland and meaningless.

This feels like if you aren’t making it fun for yourself, putting that challenge onto yourself, then it just feels … oddly unsatisfying. FOR ME at least.

I’m doing it mainly for the cloak appearance lol.
Everything else is gone with the next xpac anyways so…

They didn’t try them it wasn’t the first timer but it was the last time.

You get roughly 4 chances a week missing one sucks but there are always more chances. Its not a big deal really you will be able to do them more than needed.

I guess with that goal in mind it’ll make the acquisition and Horrific Visions themselves feel more tolerable… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, appearances are the only thing that “stick” in WoW, so they are the only goal worth pursuing long term IMO.

All your gear will be gone/replaced by the next patch/xpac, so it’s worthless to try and keep up. It’s painful in PvP, but it is what it is.

I hope in shadowlands they don’t limit us this sever or at all.

I’ll just say this, IF this is a test on their part to decide how the Tower will work next expac and it does work anything like Horrific visions do, Even though they got my money already for Shadowlands, I’ll only be doing the main quests until the point the tower is the main content and then I’m going to FFXIV.

So was Chromie. Do them -> do more research -> do better in them. Unless you’re in Method or something you don’t need a rank 6 cloak this week.

Even if you don’t kill Alleria you still get SOME research tokens, and you can gear up through other content too. Your next run will go better.