I’m not healing top rated DKs tho am I?
No need to fear a class. Maybe you should learn to heal them… I remember when Monk tanks handled the same way. You know our best performance is at 30% hp and we basically can’t die at 35% hp ?
I would recommend trying to build a “holy damage set” if you are dead set against doing it as disc or shadow. By this I mean change your essences to Crucible of flames main, then anything that gives damage stats like int/vers/crit/haste as minor essences (from what you said in the start i’d assume you had formless void, conflict and strife, and either lucid dreams or worldvane. Build an azerite set with generic traits and that dumb sacred flame trait, ilvl shouldn’t be a huge factor unless you plan to do full mask runs with holy so just get that wq azerite for your back up “dps” set. Get 2 damage trinkets preferably one of them being the mechagon beam for priority damage. Optionally build a set of gear that has little to no mastery, and enchant and gem your stuff! Last but not least use any damage corruptions you can use since it’ll do the same damage for a healer and will probably be enough to carry you through.
Note this is only if you insist on doing this as holy, because you could do something similar with disc, and it wouldn’t be a massive challenge. Not that its impossible as holy either.
Learning Shadows your only real solution here. I main Disc but by the time Nazjatar came out I had to get some off spec gear if I wanted to solo any wq content in a timely fashion.
It’s not too hard. Vampiric Embrace and Shadow Word Pain everything you want to kill. Use Mind Flay or Sear in between Mind Blasts until you’ve enough Insanity to use Void Eruption. Then continue doing that but with Void Bolt in the rotation.
There’s more to it obviously but that’s the basic idea. You could always talk to a Priest trainer and try out the spec in the training zones if you want a low intensity way to learn it.
That’s your only real solution here. Soloing anything in a heal spec takes forever so obviously a timed one is doomed. It’ll be a pain in the bum but in the end you’ll know how to play your DPS spec. Which lets you have a whole other gameplay option available to you should you want. I jump between Disc and Shadow all the time now and honestly I’m having more fun.
- Respec your azerite to the traits that do flat damage, i.e, Rezan’s Fury, Dagger in the Back, etc.
- Use dps trinkets that do damage, not stat buffs, your base damage is too low for stat buffs to be useful.
- As stated earlier, switch esences to CoF major, Formless Void, C&S, and Worldvein. This will give you a significant damage boost. these essences are all in the realm of what a holy priest should have.
- Make sure to use pots, scrolls, flasks, etc. This includes the food for the run that provides a 20% speed boost.
- Stack haste to shorten gcd’s and smite faster. Use Apotheosis for more chastises, and Divine Star on cd.
- Use corruption that does flat damage, i.e, TD, EV, or IS. Again, stat buffs wont help you much.
I just did this on my priest out of curiosity and easily cleared a side area and the main boss in SW, with one orb and the on death proc still left when I finished, and the cloak at rank 6 when i started, which means I could have easily cleared another side area. Given that hes only 450 or so equipped and bad corruption, this should be easily cleared by a geared hpriest who puts some effort into the character. Honestly, if you can’t manage that, then its a skill issue, not a spec/class problem.
Also, I can’t imagine what it would be like to have you as a co-worker if you put up this much of a fight when you’re asked to step a little out of your comfort zone. I mean seriously, learn something new, it’ll be good for you.
Edit: also, fix your enchants. You have no weapon enchant, and a Deadly or Quick Navigation would help a lot. Your ring enchants are only the +30’s, so your giving up 40 more secondary stats there. You also have an empty socket. I don’t think you’re even really trying tbh.
DK tanks according to Swalsh: Perfect. Wonderful. Plays itself. Best stats. So popular. No chance of ever failing. Never the tanks fault, always blame the healer for failures. Always take 100% of credit for success. Cannot possibly be bad, no matter who is behind the keyboard.
My DK tank alt: burbles in a puddle of it’s own gore. Swalsh, god of DK tanks, why have you forsaken meeeee?
Can’t emphasize this enough. The cyclotronic beam does insane damage to the bosses and will melt them. It will pretty much be up for every miniboss you face.
BDKs are perfect.
Even this one? Behold the garbage DK!
I watched a resto shaman last night out dps a destro warlock in 3s with mf, this game is truely a game of skill
Well why don’t you run me through my visions then and a few 15s and you can convince me
Sorry. Already using my keys and time to help guildies/Method gear up. Got Mes his 465 corrupted KR 2H last night
No response from my benevolent deity about my garbo DK. It must have horrified him. I truly have been forsaken.
It’ll be perfect when it’s grown up
But if the OP goes shadow, a spec they haven’t mastered and the the health pools of the trash and elites go back up, how does it help the OP? Isn’t there some kind of holy dps that might be better than smite? Forgive my ignorance but I don’t play healers.
Pvp has no bearing whatsoever on pve content. And you’re assuming equivalent skill, when in all likelihood the lock knows nothing about pvp and is just there to trying to rack up some wins to cap for the week and get another shot at corrupted gear. If you dont have good corruption, just run keys as holy until you get some. Otherwise you’re just making excuses. Also, this thread is good popcorn fodder.
I mean. I play Unholy 1% of the time and I still hold my own in +15s and Heroic raiding, as a UDK. This game is simple as hell now. Hopefully they take us back to MoP days with more skills than we “need.”
UHDK is the only DK I do. Sadly, tomorrow the heals are going to get more tricky in the BGs w/ the DS nerf.
Why try to do solo content that’s designed for dps as a healer that barely does dps. Just join a group, will avoid pain.
and even then holy is probably not a good spec to do groups in. Visions barely requires healing if you manage groups correctly. And the mobs health will be higher with you being there than the damage you can deal and the rest of the group will have to pick up the slack with low benefit as healing is not required.
I tried praying to the light for better DPS but that didn’t work
lol, guy - it’s literally universally acknowledged that corruption gear is broken in arena, let’s not kid ourselves.
lol ok, get nuked by passives doing 2/3rds of a dhs dmg and you’re bad. lmfo
it was well deserved
Man I’ve never seen so many people tapping out replies at once.